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2024 Week 15 Missouri Tigers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
djowen68 16
BlueFalcon89 17
kflinderman 17
UNC_Samurai 17
w8w8 17
BlueSCar 18
Charlemagne42 18 110.04
fourpinz8 18
jaybigs 18
titansfan174 18
Acm0028 19
dasani3x 19
e8odie 19
frone 19
nburt13 19
Noelthemexican 19
Player_1_has_Joined 19
r0sco 19
TouchdownHeroes 19
washington_jefferson 19
aggiebruin27 20
Blooblod 20
Casaiir 20
chweris 20
colton_97 20
dan4223 20
DarthYoda2594 20
jeedf 20
Keener1899 20
luckroy 20 Pot 6
Maladroit44 20
Pollaski 20
RegionalBias 20
ryseing 20
SearonTrejorek 20 0.73305
velociraptorfarmer 20
wameron 20
Wescat 20
ya111101 20
BabyBladder 21
ChemicalOle 21
creative_penguin 21
ehoefler 21 74.02 | +4
galacticdude7 21
GeauxTri 21
grtgbln 21
Helifino 21
hypercube42342 21
IAmAChemicalEngineer 21
icklebush 21
JBonkies 21
jthomas694 21
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 21
Pablo49 21 1712
practicallybert 21
Pure_Protein_Machine 21
rain_parkour 21
RJEP22 21
spmartin1993 21
strikersteve60 21
the_neverdoctor 21
TimeBroken 21 Rank: #19
Tman450x 21
TossedRightOut 21
vanburen1845 21
WillWorkForSugar 21
Xtremeloco 21
70stang 22
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 22
BorisNumber1 22
Cars-and-Coffee 22
d_mcc_x 22
darkra01 22
DavoinShower-handle 22
diehardcubforever 22
DrKennethJNoisewater 22
Due_Connection179 22 0% chance for CFP
GoBlueScrewOSU7 22
JustinMSU21 22
Knightro2011 22
manbeardawg 22
mellolizard 22
nin478 22
one98d 22
PalmettoFace 22
Pikachu1989 22
pileatedloon 22
puffadda 22
PumpSmash 22
RegulatorRWF 22
Ruhrgebietheld 22
scronko 22
ShogunAshoka 22
SteemieRayVaughn 22
stripes361 22
tdoger 22
Texasagsman 22
TheNSAAgent777 22
VerySeriousBanana 22
Zloggt 22
A_Rolling_Baneling 23
BananaBouquet 23
BearsAreGreat1 23
bretticus33 23 Missouri doesn't feel like a 9-3 team, yet here they are at 9-3. Don't know how to feel about the Tigers
bwburke94 23
CambodianDrywall 23
captain_sasquatch 23
CFBHurts 23
ChickenTaco 23
Conglossian 23 -1
Corgi_Koala 23
cvsprinter1 23
cyclonepsycho 23
Daigotsu 23
digdat0 23
dogwoodmaple 23
fadingthought 23
Feral_Squirrel 23
GatorBolt 23 Didn't meet their expectations but still a solid season in Columbia for the Tigers
HarbingerOfFun 23
Harpua99 23
Hugefootballfan44 23 LW: 24
hythloday1 23
LiptonCB 23
nemoran 23
No11223456 23
noahthearc 23
noodlethebear 23
Our-Gardian-Angel 23
outthawazoo 23
Pyroblockx 23
Red261 23
romulusjsp 23
sirgippy 23
SlaminSammons 23
spsellers 23
T-nawtical 23
TaylorLeprechaun 23 NR
ThaCarter 23
The-Gothic-Castle 23
the_lost_carrot 23
theb52 23 38.542
UMeister 23
Bill3ffinMurray 24
blahblehblahwhoru 24
Chris-P-Creme 24
cinciforthewin 24
coletheredditer 24 Missouri isn't with the other 9-3 SEC teams because the SEC poll bump still hasn't kicked in yet, keep waiting and it will one day
fo13 24
Hey_Its_Roomie 24
IceColdDrPepper_Here 24
jimbobbypaul 24
jjjoebox 24
KirbyDumber88 24
KJdkaslknv 24
Longvols 24
MahjongDaily 24
nbingham196 24
NotSoSuperNerd 24 1.089 (9-3)
PlactusTX 24 (—) W Arkansas | Dropped out: 17 Tulane, 18 Kansas State
plannedsickdays 24
posiitively 24
redrumsoxLoL 24
RheagarTargaryen 24
spasm01 24
SwissArmyScythe 24 NR
TadKosciuszko 24
tallg8tor 24
tjstanley 24
tks231 24
TopGoose 24
BosskOnASegway 25
boxbeat 25
cfbguy 25
ChaseTheFalcon 25
CockADoodleBOOM 25
conchobor 25
corundum9 25
cyberchaox 25 Next ten: Baylor, Duke, Kansas State, LSU, TCU, Texas Tech, Louisville, Clemson, Tulane, Louisiana
EpicSchwinn 25
goodnames679 25
grjohnst 25
hascogrande 25
HelioOne 25
JamoRedhead 25
JeromesNiece 25
joebob431 25
Lex_Ludorum 25
MemeofMemeJTG999999 25 (9-3) (up 2) W: 28-21 vs Arkansas (6-6) Next Week: Bye Projected Bowl: ReliaQuest vs Iowa Next 5: #26: Texas A&M (8-4) (down 6) #27: Tulane (9-3) (down 8) #28: LSU (8-4) (up 1) #29: Louisiana (10-2) (was unranked) #30: Duke (9-3) (was unranked) Fell out of T30: Kansas State (8-4) (was 28) Georgia Tech (7-5) (was 30) Biggest Riser: Syracuse (26->19) Biggest Fallers: Miami (FL) (6->15), Clemson (13->22)
MoneyManeVick 25
monkeymatt1836 25
olmsted 25
Polarbear1914 25
rocco2246 25
RollWarTideEagle 25
stew_pac 25 -1
tdeff19 25
teddythe3rd 25
udubdavid 25
YellowSkarmory 25 also close: Colorado, Texas Tech, Memphis, Tulane, Army, Illinois | also ranked by my computer: Clemson, Michigan

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
CallMeTheKing 10 114-19-0
EBuckhouse 13
Chipsahoy523 14
SomerandomIDFBfan 17 LW 18
_Junk_Rat_ 18
donbagert 18
Kirkwood641 18
MajikSix 18
timpredmore 18 74.9
androonfl 19
BoilerUp28 19
buzzingoffthetuffy 19
divey043 19
Holyachilles04 19
RadiationRichard 19
WBLwiffleball 19
Yelich04 19 ^3
ab317 20
CallingUagoatUgoat 20 1 Tier 1 loss (Alabama). 2 Tier 2 losses (Texas A&M, South Carolina).
HouseShowTights 20
RedBarracuda25 20 Honestly it's a mediocre 9-3 but I think the Tigahs take it
redleg86 20 wins [Murray State: 0, Buffalo: 0.591, Boston College: 0.626, Vanderbilt: 0.541, Massachusetts: 0.189, Auburn: 0.434, Oklahoma: 0.601, Mississippi State: 0.292, Arkansas: 0.502] losses [Texas A&M: -0.281, Alabama: -0.153, South Carolina: -0.206]
True_Ad5324 20
1Subject 21
drneilpretenamen 21
Electronic_Nail 21
fellohuman77 21
Jay_Dubbbs 21
jwrtf 21
Kareem89086 21
kevinsdomain 21
leadbymight 21
maxwell6233 21
Noahsince2002 21
PSUMediaPA 21
Repulsive_Rub6443 21
SaguaroCactus19 21
Salmon-Dude 21
scrambolambo 21
Sp1cyRice 21 +3
spencej98 21
TheSleaze22 21
bruhstevenson 22
chillmagic420 22
iamaustincince 22
LoCh0_xX 22
LonghornInNebraska 22
Midnight-Mustang 22
Milflover69cbb 22
Mynameisdiehard 22 Just one of those teams that won the games they should have and got blown out in the games they had a chance to prove.
ntny 22
owl-bears 22
Piptit 22
PsychologicalFox8660 22
saquad69 22
SignificanceFirm2398 22
silfarion10 22
spaceblev11 22
SpeddyDawg 22
stealingchairs 22
tcomn 22
TheQuakinator 22
asbestosman2 23
buccaneerboy22 23
Burns2211 23
ChBass 23 The Tigers got their best win this week against Arkansas in the snow, but the loss to A&M hurts them the most.
cookie__monster___ 23
Crelc3 23
Effective-Lead-6657 23
GenuineBoss 23
geordieColt88 23
hurricaneatx 23 (9-3) - Missouri is kind of here by default. They have a good strength of record that keeps them ahead of other teams that could be in this position, but their resume doesn't really stand out anywhere. It's a bit disappointing for a team that entered the season with playoff aspirations, but that's how the cookie crumbles sometimes. Quality wins: N/A
ianmcmoney 23
jonstark19 23
JoshuaMan024 23 211.56
journey1986 23
Luigiatl 23
Middle_Wheel_5959 23
mthompson2320 23 LW: 24
nebsA1 23
No_Particular_746 23
Omegaus492 23
PeteyNice 23
quantum_jedi 23 (+2) Weird season with lots of ups and downs for the Tigers, but a chance for a 10-win season is never a bad thing.
requiemsux 23
scsd4222 23
Shion314 23
sirvalkyerie 23
throwaway_6786 23
TolkienFan71 23
TommyWiseau22 23
Tortillero96 23 NEW
Tylex123 23
0010MK 24
70277027 24
big_thunder_man 24 [9-3] Beat Arkansas. Hard to impressed with their schedule and wins, but they, like Illinois got 9 of them. Nice.
Blazemaster77 24 LW: UR. I dreaded this day, but Midzou has looked competent recently. They also have 5 wins over bowl eligible teams. Uninspiring but sure, it won't kill me to. have them at 24.
daredassdude 24
dubscurry30 24
dukemetoo 24
Euphoric_Relative_13 24
FlashSpider-man 24
g_trechel 24
gonshpreds1 24
HHunko13 24
IT_JUST_MEANS_JORT 24 🎳 Gone Bowlin'
jackmc04 24 (NR)
JamesDontPlayNoGames 24
JazzYotesRSL 24
Josh_historybuff 24 28-21 vs Arkansas
JRam01 24
mill1634 24
RealignmentJunkie 24
RipRaycom 24
RJTrey 24
samtaylor92 24
SpursUpSoundsGudToMe 24
The_Good_General 24 9–3; W vs Arkansas
thealbinotitan1 24 Missouri is fraudulent, but towards the end of this list, you’re really struggling to figure out who should be in and as much as I hate to admit it, the SEC is one of the best conferences, if not the best conference in the country and only having three losses
TheReformedBadger 24
ThompsonCreekTiger 24
Versigot 24
ActuallyJasonPrice 25
beaulnej 25
Bereft13 25 Power: 30, SoR: 25; LW: NR (28) | Next 5: UNLV, Louisville, Kansas State, Oklahoma, Syracuse | Dropped: Kansas State, Iowa
BlackGoose_13 25 40.30 LW: NR
BuckeyeForLife95 25
Burnsite 25
cfbpeoplespoll 25 151 points. LW 25 Next 5: Kansas St, Baylor, Louisville, Texas A&M, Duke Bottom 5: Kennesaw St, FAU, UMASS, Southern Miss, Kent St
dawgfan24348 25
DillyDillySzn 25
DownshiftGD 25
fm22fnam 25 +UNR
johnjones55 25
josh55134 25
NA_Faker 25
PattyKane16 25
PioneerBrah 25
Rcfan0902 25 1836.73
RevoRebel 25
samspopguy 25
SaveTheCombees10 25
smartkeg 25
SNjr 25
soonertiger 25
sroach91 25
StFuzzySlippers 25
Underground_Bread 25
wittingtarsier 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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