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2024 Week 15 Boise State Broncos Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
ColombianInIowa24 2 They barely lost to that undefeated team. Nice! On to the MWC against #3 UNLV!
dabul-master 2
NotSoSuperNerd 2 10.973 (11-1)
TadKosciuszko 2
ToeInDigDeep 2
cvsprinter1 3
digdat0 3
Drexlore 3
LiptonCB 3
manbeardawg 3
Ch-i-ef 4 There's not a single ranked team I feel this year where if you removed a single player, their W-L ratio could be halved, or hell even flipped!...well, probably not flipped because this Boise State team still flashes talent in skill position groups outside of the Heisman finalist wrecking ball known as Ashton Jeanty. What a player he is. He just stands upright in the backfield and a few seconds later has shed 3 tackles and burrowing his way for another long run, regardless of how many opposing players stack the box. It's obvious Boise State's entire offense revolves around him, but how much production can they get out of their other positions, namely QB in Maddux Madsen? I don't doubt that Ashton Jeanty can produce similar results against the top end P4 teams in the playoffs (Please see Oregon vs Boise State Week 1), but can it hold up? Whether or not it can, Broncos fans can look back on this season as a tremendous success and a great season watching one of the best to wear blue and orange.'re gonna take care of business against UNLV and not miss the playoffs, right?
Due_Connection179 4 MW Championship vs #24 UNLV // This is the first Conference Championship Game that is "Win and In" or "Lose and Go Home". With Army's blow out loss vs Notre Dame, I believe UNLV has passed them, so either the Broncos will enter at #4 or UNLV will steal their spot at #12.
nin478 4
nw____ 4
olmsted 4
owlalwaysloveyew 4
spsellers 4
tks231 4
BananaBouquet 5
bannista7 5
Colton3690 5
DampFrijoles 5
EpicSchwinn 5
Knightro2011 5
placid_salad 5
ReallyCreative 5
RegionalBias 5
ShogunAshoka 5
tdeff19 5
TimeBroken 5 Rank: #6
Zloggt 5
Acm0028 6
BallSoHerd 6
BenchRickyAguayo 6
BlueFalcon89 6
BosskOnASegway 6
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 6 (+2)
corundum9 6
cyclonepsycho 6
deadtofall12 6
DisraeliEers 6
Dropbackandpunt 6
G-Aardvark 6
GenialGiant 6
halldaylong 6
Hugefootballfan44 6 LW: 10
MemeLovingLoser 6
Muffinnnnnnn 6
NyquillusDillwad20 6
SpadeRyker 6
Staind075 6
T-nawtical 6
TDenverFan 6
TheZachster 6
VerySeriousBanana 6
WarEagle9 6
woakley 6
A_Rolling_Baneling 7
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 7
AlphaH4wk 7
boxbeat 7
BUSean 7
CambodianDrywall 7
Cassiyus 7
ch1l1_ch33s3 7
ChickenTaco 7
Chris-P-Creme 7
CPiGuy2728 7
diehardcubforever 7
Extra_Excrement 7
fadingthought 7
fo13 7
fredmerc111 7
goodnames679 7
grjohnst 7
HarbingerOfFun 7
hascogrande 7
Helifino 7
IceColdDrPepper_Here 7
KJdkaslknv 7
Klaassy23 7 (LW Change: -2)
lillipup03 7
Noy_Telinu 7 Win and in
OKgolfer 7
owl_man 7
Pikachu1989 7
PlactusTX 7 (9) W Oregon State
plannedsickdays 7
Rakarei 7
rocco2246 7
Ruhrgebietheld 7
spasm01 7
strikersteve60 7
TaylorLeprechaun 7 +2
texas2089 7
thomasosu 7
wameron 7
BabyBladder 8
bernkastel87 8
Blazeth 8
chweris 8
CptCheese 8
Doogitywoogity 8
frone 8
galacticdude7 8
GoBlueScrewOSU7 8
HelioOne 8
JamoRedhead 8
jaybigs 8
jeedf 8
Joester09 8
kflinderman 8
luckroy 8 Pot 4
MahjongDaily 8
MarlinsGuy 8
PumpSmash 8
RiffRamBahZoo 8
scronko 8
T-Thugs 8
trumpet_23 8
UMeister 8
UNC_Samurai 8
w8w8 8
washington_jefferson 8
YellowSkarmory 8
zenverak 8
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 9
ALStark69 9 0
Bill3ffinMurray 9
cfbguy 9
ChaseTheFalcon 9
ChemicalOle 9
cinciforthewin 9
conchobor 9
Corgi_Koala 9
cyberchaox 9
dasani3x 9
DavoinShower-handle 9
e8odie 9
fourpinz8 9
GeauxTri 9
jimbobbypaul 9
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 9
Longvols 9
MoneyManeVick 9
monkeymatt1836 9
nburt13 9
nemoran 9
outthawazoo 9
Polarbear1914 9
retnuh101 9
royrules22 9
SlaminSammons 9
teddythe3rd 9
tjstanley 9
TopGoose 9
TossedRightOut 9
ucieaters33 9
vanburen1845 9
visor841 9
Wescat 9
10catsinspace 10
aggiebruin27 10
AlexanderComet 10
Apep86 10
BearsAreGreat1 10
blahblehblahwhoru 10
Blooblod 10
BorisNumber1 10
bretticus33 10 Ashton Jeanty for Hei2man
captain_sasquatch 10
Cars-and-Coffee 10
Casaiir 10
Cecil_Hardboner 10
Charlemagne42 10 263
coletheredditer 10 #4
creative_penguin 10
d_mcc_x 10
darkra01 10
DarthYoda2594 10
djowen68 10
dogwoodmaple 10
DrKennethJNoisewater 10
ewolfy13 10
Feral_Squirrel 10
GatorBolt 10 Can't wait for the UNLV game on the blue turf next weekend.
grtgbln 10
Hey_Its_Roomie 10
HieloLuz 10
Hobbes_121 10
huskerfan4life520 10
icklebush 10
infinitempg 10 0.853, +1
JBonkies 10
joebob431 10
jthomas694 10
mellolizard 10
MrTheSpork 10
nbingham196 10
noahthearc 10
noodlethebear 10
OldCoaly 10
one98d 10
Our-Gardian-Angel 10
PalmettoFace 10
pileatedloon 10
practicallybert 10 #4 Seed - First Round Bye
puffadda 10
Pure_Protein_Machine 10
Pyroblockx 10
redrumsoxLoL 10
RegulatorRWF 10
RheagarTargaryen 10
RollWarTideEagle 10
romulusjsp 10
ryseing 10
ScarletFever333 10
seaotter2 10
skuhlke 10
Sometimeswelose 10
SteemieRayVaughn 10
Striker743 10 Up 2
stripes361 10
SwissArmyScythe 10 +1
tdoger 10
the_neverdoctor 10
titansfan174 10
Tman450x 10
WillWorkForSugar 10
ya111101 10
Daigotsu 11
dan4223 11
Darth_Ra 11
fshi 11
GilBrandt 11
goblue10 11
JustinMSU21 11
KirbyDumber88 11
Lex_Ludorum 11
MemeofMemeJTG999999 11 (11-1) (up 1) W: 34-18 vs Oregon State (5-7) Next Week: vs #18 UNLV (10-2) (MW Champ) (JTGOTW) Projected Bowl: Playoff R1 @ Penn State
Pollaski 11
SCsprinter13 11
tallg8tor 11
Texasagsman 11
TheNSAAgent777 11
DarkLegend64 12
Hackasizlak 12
hypercube42342 12
jjjoebox 12
Keener1899 12
Maladroit44 12
ndbroski 12
Player_1_has_Joined 12
rain_parkour 12
Red261 12
SearonTrejorek 12 0.79122
bwburke94 13
CFBHurts 13
colton_97 13
Harpua99 13
Inkblot9 13
Pablo49 13 2457
shadowwingnut 13
spmartin1993 13
stew_pac 13 -
studio_sally 13
Techwid 13
udubdavid 13
70stang 14
Bank_Gothic 14
IAmAChemicalEngineer 14
MADBuc49 14 +1. Deservedness blocking highly-rated 3+ loss teams with no loss allowances over Boise State such as Alabama from being ranked ahead of Boise State. Would be the #12 playoff seed in this scenario, playing at #5 Ohio State in the first round
Meany_Vizzini 14 15.2, -2, -0.6; SOR: 18.1 (9th), MOV: 12.4 (17th)
Noelthemexican 14
posiitively 14
velociraptorfarmer 14
12panther 15
eSpiritCorpse 15 0.9013
hythloday1 15
Jakesnake42 15 73.63 (T-15 Boise has better record) Last Week: #16
justsaynotoreddit 15
sirgippy 15
The-Gothic-Castle 15
Xtremeloco 15
CockADoodleBOOM 16
ehoefler 16 81.15 | -1
RJEP22 16
BlueSCar 17
the_lost_carrot 17
TouchdownHeroes 17
arrowfan624 18
bakonydraco 18 76.556
ruwisc 18
The_Good_Constable 18
Conglossian 19 -1
No11223456 20
ThaCarter 21
r0sco 24

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
bryophyta_insolitam 2 W 34-18 vs. Oregon State
CallMeTheKing 2 132-1-0
Mynameisdiehard 2 Watched this team numerous times. They look like one of the best teams in the country and I expect them to be a dark horse in the playoff. The 3 point loss to Oregon does not seem like a fluke. Highly underrate nationally just do to the name. Hopefully they get over the dreaded rematch hump this week in the CCG. Honestly for me, even barring the results this weekend I think they deserve a spot. Unfortunately, I do not see the committee adding an extra G5 team over an SEC team, even if they are an undeserving 3 loss team.
Yelich04 2 ^1
1Subject 3
cfbpeoplespoll 3 439 points. LW 4
cirtnecoileh 3
sirvalkyerie 3
Versigot 3
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 3 Boise State being this high should really win Ashton Jeanty the Heisman alone
133112 4
CakeEaters 4
Jeff_Banks_Monkey 4
NA_Faker 4
Spazzatack 4
The_Good_General 4 11–1; W vs Oregon State
ArlyntheAwesome 5 +1
Arvandu 5
Chipsahoy523 5
dukemetoo 5
JackWK_Gaming 5
kevinsdomain 5
stealingchairs 5
SufferingfOrLife 5
throwaway_6786 5
ActuallyJasonPrice 6
dawgfan24348 6
EmpressElaina024 6 227.7
geordieColt88 6
GeyWeyner12 6
loganisfresh 6
luciusetrur 6 LW: #8 Change: +2
mccainjames11 6
sportstrap 6
sroach91 6
thealbinotitan1 6 Boise State is underrated Jeanty should win the Heisman, however Colorado did clinch it for Travis Hunter with that game but if you’re asking who’s the best player in college football this year it’s clearly him because of how good he is despite being visibly injured and his offensive line being in the hospital
Tornadohunter24 6
DeerPrison 7
drneilpretenamen 7
energydan 7
Euphoric_Relative_13 7
g_trechel 7
LonghornInNebraska 7
RedBarracuda25 7 The Broncos roll on on and finish their regular season. One more win and they can cap off a very impressive campaign into the playoffs with a bye
samtaylor92 7
SNjr 7
soonertiger 7
SpeddyDawg 7
STL_12 7 Points: 29.552 LW: 8
tcomn 7
Tylex123 7
beaulnej 8
ChBass 8 Losing to Oregon hurt as much as beating UNLV (their best win; #25) helped.
chillmagic420 8
JazzYotesRSL 8
josh55134 8
journey1986 8
jwrtf 8
KansasChaser2021 8
mountain_troop86 8
nebsA1 8
Rcfan0902 8 2235.64
RealignmentJunkie 8
redleg86 8 wins [Georgia Southern: 0.665, Portland State: 0, Washington State: 0.601, Utah State: 0.302, Hawai'i: 0.356, UNLV: 0.758, San Diego State: 0.196, Nevada: 0.28, San José State: 0.523, Wyoming: 0.306, Oregon State: 0.423] losses [Oregon: 0]
RevoRebel 8
saquad69 8
SaveTheCombees10 8
Shion314 8
silfarion10 8
smartkeg 8
SpursUpSoundsGudToMe 8
StFuzzySlippers 8
twr96 8
wittingtarsier 8
zmp1924 8 This is Jentrys chance to win the Heisman (+1)
AdministrativeAnt683 9
bolts_win_again 9
carsonivey72 9
dubscurry30 9
fellohuman77 9 Ashton Jeanty is insane. However, they have a weak SOS; ahead of Indiana based on win over UNLV+ strength of loss
FlashSpider-man 9
funt9rtle 9
gonshpreds1 9
Hastronaut 9
HHunko13 9
IT_JUST_MEANS_JORT 9 🏆 Playoff Contender 🌹 Conference Auto Bid #4 🌹
JamesDontPlayNoGames 9
Jay_Dubbbs 9
johnjones55 9
JustAGuy7915 9
No_Particular_746 9
RipRaycom 9
samspopguy 9
scrambolambo 9
Sp1cyRice 9 +1
Tortillero96 9
70277027 10
ab317 10
ALToidzz 10
big_thunder_man 10 [11-1] Beat Oregon State. In dropped them relative to other teams. We've perhaps over-rewarded them for playing Oregon close a week after Oregon barely escaped Idaho. Oregon's not the same team. And this is a team that BARELY escaped UNLV, Nevada, Wyoming, and was (temporarily) in the mud vs Oregon State. This is a sell, and they are on upset alert in the MW title vs UNLV.
bigred91224 10
Blazemaster77 10 LW: 11. Ashton Jeanty. Gameday should've be at BSU next week (even though it's on friday) because it's on campus and for a playoff spot. If they lose they're out, but Ashton Jeanty
BoilerUp28 10
brucewaynewins 10
bruhstevenson 10
buccaneerboy22 10
BuckeyeForLife95 10
Burns2211 10
Burnsite 10
Bushken 10 65.37
camus69x 10
ConstantPause1239 10 LW: 11
cookie__monster___ 10
Crelc3 10
daredassdude 10
dee3Poh 10
DownshiftGD 10
dterp13 10
Electronic_Nail 10
Fantastic-Calendar-9 10 LW: 10
Fghjkdid911 10
fm22fnam 10 +1 Beat Oregon State. Miami lost.
gavinw24 10
geauxsaints777 10
Holyachilles04 10
hurricaneatx 10 (11-1) - 🔓 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗼𝗳𝗳 𝗣𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗲 - Boise State has managed to, at least so far, avoid the random loss to a middling opponent that has so often eliminated them from contention in years past. Beating UNLV for a second time this season will punch their ticket into the playoffs where they have an opportunity to showcase Ashton Jeanty to a nationwide audience. Quality wins: @UNLV
iamaustincince 10
JJones927 10
jonstark19 10 +2
JRam01 10
Kareem89086 10
leadbymight 10
Life-Veterinarian699 10
Logamer1012 10
Luigiatl 10
MainPeanut25 10
ManiacalBlazer 10
mcdsmaster8824 10
Midnight-Mustang 10
newSomberMan 10
ntny 10
Omegaus492 10
PattyKane16 10
PersianGuitarist 10
PeteyNice 10
PioneerBrah 10
PSUMediaPA 10
PsychologicalFox8660 10
Real_TSwany 10
Repulsive_Rub6443 10
requiemsux 10
RJTrey 10
SaguaroCactus19 10
Salmon-Dude 10
sconbon 10
Sflabuckeye13 10
SignificanceFirm2398 10
spaceblev11 10
TheQuakinator 10
ThompsonCreekTiger 10
TommyWiseau22 10
True_Ad5324 10
Underground_Bread 10
WBLwiffleball 10
WebfootTroll 10
androonfl 11
BertGallagher 11
BlackGoose_13 11 46.17 LW: 12
DillyDillySzn 11
Dravens19 11
jackmc04 11 (+1)
Josh_historybuff 11 34-18 vs Oregon State
Lefunnymaymays4lief 11
MajikSix 11
Middle_Wheel_5959 11
mill1634 11
mthompson2320 11 LW: 12
SpeedShark327 11
TheBeekman8 11
TheReformedBadger 11
_Junk_Rat_ 12
Effective-Lead-6657 12
grahamca 12 T2ⁿᵈ W/L, T4ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 20ᵗʰ Team Strength, 26ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
ilacwamh 12
Kirkwood641 12
maxwell6233 12
Noahsince2002 12
Piptit 12
donbagert 13
headyhawk 13
HopefulReb76 13
ianmcmoney 13
Milflover69cbb 13
SomerandomIDFBfan 13 LW 12
0010MK 14
buzzingoffthetuffy 14
divey043 14
HouseShowTights 14
quantum_jedi 14 (+2) Boise State jumped out to a quick lead against the Beavs and held on to secure an 11-1 season. Jeanty rolled to another 200+ rushing yards and the Broncos are off to the MW Championship against UNLV. Right now it's Boise's playoff spot to lose.
RadiationRichard 14
FrontRunner51 15
LoCh0_xX 15
timpredmore 15 78.5
CallingUagoatUgoat 16 1 Tier 1 loss (Oregon). Best win - SP+ #30 UNLV.
GenuineBoss 16
scsd4222 16
TolkienFan71 16
asbestosman2 17
Bereft13 17 Power: 16, SoR: 18; LW: 18
EBuckhouse 17
swdanley17 17
owl-bears 18
TheSleaze22 18
drewscottt 20 -1
BeyondLiesTheWub 21 no change
JoshuaMan024 25 209.54
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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