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2024 Week 7 SMU Mustangs Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
cyberchaox 8
D1N2Y 8
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 11
RJEP22 11
srs_house 11 Close loss to BYU but keeps winning
70stang 12 SMU is 5-1 with 3 P5 wins, including one away, as well as 1 G5 win away, 1 FCS win, and a home loss to BYU. They take this spot over Texas Tech due to playing a G5 game away.
cvsprinter1 12 Only loss to current Top 5 Team
infinitempg 12 0.860
JaxofAllTrades13 12
JustAManAndHisLaptop 12
nburt13 12
spasm01 12
spsellers 12
arrowfan624 13
MarlinsGuy 13
NotSoSuperNerd 13 0.995 (9.4-2.6)
ScarletFever333 13
AlexanderComet 14
LiptonCB 14
Maladroit44 14
MemeLovingLoser 14
ryseing 14
ShogunAshoka 14
Striker743 14 Up 5
aggiebruin27 15
ChemicalOle 15
DarthYoda2594 15
Fmeson 15
Muffinnnnnnn 15
sirgippy 15
TadKosciuszko 15
udubdavid 15
wameron 15
Bank_Gothic 16
Blazeth 16
CommodoreN7 16
G-Aardvark 16
HHcougar 16
KJdkaslknv 16 5-1
Meany_Vizzini 16 15.2, +4, +2.0
MoneyManeVick 16
Rakarei 16
strikersteve60 16
The-Gothic-Castle 16
visor841 16
dabul-master 17
digdat0 17
HarbingerOfFun 17
No11223456 17
NyquillusDillwad20 17
posiitively 17
practicallybert 17
stew_pac 17 +9
tallg8tor 17
TaylorLeprechaun 17 NR
tdoger 17
TimeBroken 17 Rank: #14
Blooblod 18
Branzilla91 18
Drexlore 18
Dropbackandpunt 18
Hackasizlak 18
lookglen 18
Mr_Brews 18
Player_1_has_Joined 18
r0sco 18
The_Good_Constable 18
velociraptorfarmer 18
52hoova 19
Cars-and-Coffee 19
Conglossian 19 +6
cota1212 19
Due_Connection179 19 Last Week NR at Louisville / Won 34 - 27 / I didn't rank Louisville last week because I thought SMU would beat them this week, and the Mustangs did not disappoint. Honestly a little closer than I thought, but now SMU gets a bye week before to road games on both coasts of the country (at Stanford then at Duke).
fshi 19
halldaylong 19
Harpua99 19
HieloLuz 19 Points: 43.5 | Wins: 1 T4, 3 T6, 1 T7 | Losses: 1 T1 | 2 WP | 1 LB |
hythloday1 19
IceColdDrPepper_Here 19
JeromesNiece 19
justsaynotoreddit 19 0.874
Lex_Ludorum 19
nbingham196 19
nw____ 19 Offense! Did not expect them to have a relatively easy time against Louisville.
plannedsickdays 19
PumpSmash 19
Pyroblockx 19
Red261 19
ruwisc 19 #24
SearonTrejorek 19 0.74089
SlaminSammons 19
SwissArmyScythe 19 NR
TheZachster 19
A_Rolling_Baneling 20
BallSoHerd 20
BlueSCar 20
bretticus33 20
Chris-P-Creme 20
Corporal_Hicks 20
deadtofall12 20
Doogitywoogity 20 Nice win! Another team I’ve left unranked for too long
frone 20
goodnames679 20 Their loss to BYU doesn't look too bad in my eyes, and they have some other decent-but-not-exceptional wins. They may find their way to the ACC championship game this year, though.
Inkblot9 20
Jakesnake42 20 67.93 Last Week: NR
JBonkies 20 (NEW)
realclean 20 Previously Unranked
sasmith2015 20
Stoneador 20
studio_sally 20
the_lost_carrot 20
AlphaH4wk 21
CFBHurts 21
Ch-i-ef 21
DarkLegend64 21
DisraeliEers 21
eclectic_tastes 21
fourpinz8 21
frumious88 21
hypercube42342 21
joebob431 21
jrichardh 21
MADBuc49 21
noahthearc 21
Noelthemexican 21
Polarbear1914 21
SharkMovies 21
Shootit_Rockets 21
skuhlke 21
T-Thugs 21 SMU is 5-1. They have a close loss to BYU and have a decent win over Louisville (3-2)
tmothy07 21
Casaiir 22
CPiGuy2728 22
CptCheese 22
esoterik 22
falconlover79 22
fo13 22
GatorBolt 22 Only loss being a close game to a highly ranked BYU team? Yeah that'll be a top 25 resume. Pony Excess is back on the menu folks.
JamoRedhead 22
jaybigs 22
jimbobbypaul 22
jthomas694 22
kflinderman 22
KirbyDumber88 22
Knightro2011 22
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 22
malowry0124 22
Pollaski 22
RegulatorRWF 22
retnuh101 22
SteemieRayVaughn 22
Techwid 22
TheNSAAgent777 22
thomasosu 22
titansfan174 22
UMeister 22
VerySeriousBanana 22
WillWorkForSugar 22
Xtremeloco 22
AudiieVerbum 23
BananaBouquet 23
BUSean 23
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 23 (NR)
ChaseTheFalcon 23 NR
Colton3690 23
cornholesurfer 23
corundum9 23
DampFrijoles 23
djowen68 23
DrKennethJNoisewater 23
ewolfy13 23
ExternalTangents 23 Net Rating: 28.47; O: 19.13, O Rank: 10; D: -9.33, D Rank: 58
fadingthought 23
GeauxTri 23
hascogrande 23
HelioOne 23
Hey_Its_Roomie 23
jeedf 23
magnumweiner 23
monkeymatt1836 23
myghtymouse 23
OldCoaly 23
olmsted 23
Our-Gardian-Angel 23
PalmettoFace 23
pileatedloon 23
Pure_Protein_Machine 23
Sometimeswelose 23
soonerfreak 23
TDenverFan 23
texas2089 23
tjstanley 23
tks231 23
TopGoose 23
WarEagle9 23
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 24
Acm0028 24
bernkastel87 24
Bill3ffinMurray 24
BosskOnASegway 24
boxbeat 24
bties 24
Buckeyes2010 24
captain_sasquatch 24
CockADoodleBOOM 24
creative_penguin 24
d_mcc_x 24
diehardcubforever 24
EpicSchwinn 24
GenialGiant 24
GoBlueScrewOSU7 24
grtgbln 24
icklebush 24
JustinMSU21 24
Klaassy23 24 (LW Change: NR)
MahjongDaily 24
Megalomanizac 24
PHubbs 24
Pikachu1989 24
puffadda 24
rocco2246 24
romulusjsp 24
seaotter2 24
SpadeRyker 24
theb52 24 35.000
ucieaters33 24
Wescat 24
zenverak 24
Zloggt 24
10catsinspace 25
_fastball 25
bakonydraco 25 78.595
bannista7 25
BearsAreGreat1 25
blahblehblahwhoru 25
cfbguy 25
ChickenTaco 25
Darth_Ra 25
Feral_Squirrel 25
Helifino 25
jjjoebox 25
kamiller2020 25
MemeofMemeJTG999999 25 (5-1) (was unranked) W: 34-27 @ #18 Louisville (3-2) Next Week: Bye Projected Bowl: Mayo vs Michigan Next 5: 26. USC (3-2) (down 13) 27. Nebraska (5-1) (was unranked) 28. Vanderbilt (3-2) (was unranked) 29. Navy (5-0) (was unranked) 30. Arkansas (4-2) (was unranked) Fell out of T30: Louisville (3-2) (was 18) UNLV (4-1) (was 22) Arizona (3-2) (was 24) Rutgers (4-1) (was 28) James Madison (4-1) (was 29)
nemoran 25
nin478 25
noodlethebear 25
one98d 25
outthawazoo 25
placid_salad 25 LW: #31
scronko 25
spmartin1993 25
tdeff19 25
Texasagsman 25
UNC_Samurai 25
vanburen1845 25
WolverineDDS 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
GenuineBoss 8
Bereft13 12 Power: 14, SoR: 13; LW: 16
Crelc3 12
carsonivey72 13
drewscottt 13 +4
grahamca 13 T13ᵗʰ W/L, T5ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 31ˢᵗ Team Strength, 19ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
ianmcmoney 13
ALToidzz 14
big_thunder_man 14 5-1. HUGE jump up into the rankings for our pony boys. Why? Because their only loss was against BYU. At the time, we assumed they both sucked. Now, we realize they were both pretty good. Nobody left on their schedule should beat them.
doctrhouse 14
johnjones55 14
josh55134 14
mthompson2320 14 LW: 20
Rcfan0902 14 831.33
BG-WestyC 15
penix4heisman 15
samspopguy 15
aredna 16
cirtnecoileh 16
dterp13 16
Living_Human 16
Mynameisdiehard 16 BYUs rocketing up my polls also brings SMU into the fray like a rocket. They have looked great and have a solid SOR. Looking to be a sneaky dark-horse in the SEC title race, especially if Miami or Clemson stumble.
scsd4222 16
STL_12 16 Points: 11.001 LW: 28
swdanley17 16
133112 17 See above.
asbestosman2 17
CakeEaters 17
dr_funk_13 17
FlashSpider-man 17
loganisfresh 17
RadiationRichard 17 LW - Not Ranked (NR)
RealignmentJunkie 17
throwaway_6786 17 Don't look now, but the ponies are 5-1 and they've looked pretty good doing it. Beating the Cardinals in Louisville helps the cause and makes an ACC Championship appearance look like more than a pipe dream (and if SMU can beat Pitt at home, they would have the inside track to get to Charlotte). And speaking of Pitt...
CallingUagoatUgoat 18 1 SP+ T25 win (Louisville). 1 SP+ T50 loss (BYU).
cartierboy25 18
geauxsaints777 18
kevinsdomain 18
mr_longfellow_deeds 18
Protoco2 18
PsychologicalFox8660 18
boomersooner222 19
CallMeTheKing 19 93-1-39
daredassdude 19
jibberishdhyukl 19
mcdsmaster8824 19
Middle_Wheel_5959 19
Minnesnowtaaa 19
thatoneguyD13 19 Tier 4. One loss to a top ten team and a few solid wins.
Underground_Bread 19
HideNZeke 20
JoshuaMan024 20 214.8
Laschoni 20
pianoprofiteer 20
spencej98 20
wittingtarsier 20
BuckeyeForLife95 21
Dan20698 21
Fghjkdid911 21
FoRtNiteizBAD 21
hoovereatscowpoop 21
JackWK_Gaming 21
kcvtdc 21
LonghornInNebraska 21
MajikSix 21
Mossed26 21
newSomberMan 21
silfarion10 21
SomerandomIDFBfan 21
spaceblev11 21
TheQuakinator 21
WasianB0y42 21
WBLwiffleball 21
ziggysaysnada 21
Arvandu 22
Astone1996 22
brihimia 22
cbusalex 22
DaewooLanosMFerr 22
Effective-Lead-6657 22 (NR)
gonshpreds1 22
jwrtf 22 NEW (smu's single loss on the season was a close one to an apparently legit byu team. they've put in good work every week apart from that one and i think they deserve to be a little ranked)
MainPeanut25 22 NR, solid minus the week 1 scare vs. Nevada
mill1634 22
nebsA1 22
patriots230 22
Salmon-Dude 22
Serenityy8 22
SortaDecent 22
Sp1cyRice 22 (+9)
Spazzatack 22
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 22 Might actually be good, considering that their only loss is to BYU and they are also good. That game looking back is going to have a lot of consequences. Would be really funny if they won the ACC.
0010MK 23
1Subject 23
70277027 23
_Junk_Rat_ 23
_JustinTheGreat_ 23
bruhstevenson 23
bryophyta_insolitam 23 W 34-27 @ Louisville
corona779 23
drneilpretenamen 23
dubscurry30 23
ESPbeN 23
FsuNolezz 23
Jay_Dubbbs 23
JordanDean04 23
Milflover69cbb 23 They’re in a groove now and will likely be contending in the acc
mountain_troop86 23
mport97 23
ntny 23
quadnips 23
SNjr 23
soonertiger 23
sroach91 23
supercon21 23
thehornedlamb 23
Tylex123 23
WebfootTroll 23
ab317 24
dheck2016 24
DownshiftGD 24
EBuckhouse 24
ElyxUW 24
Hastronaut 24 SMU with the win against Louisville moves them into the top 25
HopefulReb76 24 That early loss to BYU got this team right. They seem to be performing well as a team and starting to look like some of the preseason hype.
jackmc04 24
KCSportsFan7 24
kcspot 24
OSUfan88 24
PersianGuitarist 24
SaguaroCactus19 24
Sauronslefteye 24 (NR) Great win, Louisville turning into a spring board for ranked teams
Somali-Pirate-Lvl100 24
tbutrie1916 24
thejus10 24
WRSpill 24 (NR) DROPPED: Duke #23, JMU #19, USC #17, Michigan #16, Rutgers #13
Airweldon 25
arrchar 25 Win over Louisville, close loss to undefeated BYU. Worry about their defense
BertGallagher 25
BoilerUp28 25
brucewaynewins 25
Burnsite 25
chillmagic420 25
cookie__monster___ 25
CriterionCrypt 25
journey1986 25
Kirkwood641 25
leadbymight 25
Mayonezee 25
NA_Faker 25
quantum_jedi 25
TheReformedBadger 25
trust_the_process__ 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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