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2024 Week 4 Michigan State Spartans Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Stoneador 3 ['Florida Atlantic', 'Maryland', 'FIU', 'UConn', 'Virginia', 'Central Michigan', 'Wake Forest']
PlactusTX 7 (20) W Prairie View A&M
DisraeliEers 8
A_Rolling_Baneling 9
luckroy 10
skuhlke 10
Noy_Telinu 13
TadKosciuszko 13
HieloLuz 14 Points: 30 | Wins: 1 T4, 1 T6, 1 T7 | 2 WP |
ShogunAshoka 14
velociraptorfarmer 15
70stang 16 Michigan State is 3-0 with 1 P5 win away, 1 G5 win, 1 FCS win, and a strength of played schedule of 60
CPiGuy2728 16
Apep86 17
jrichardh 17
hythloday1 18
jalexjsmithj 18
cota1212 19
Hey_Its_Roomie 19
T-Thugs 19 Michigan State is 3-0 with a nice win over Maryland (2-1)
BabyBladder 20
infinitempg 20 0.699
The_Good_Constable 20
Jakesnake42 21 73.21 Last Week: #21
blahblehblahwhoru 22
CambodianDrywall 22
nin478 23
OKgolfer 23
RheagarTargaryen 23
ehoefler 24 73.94 | NEW +7
spasm01 24
eSpiritCorpse 25 0.8911
Noelthemexican 25
Striker743 25 NR

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
CallMeTheKing 3 8-0-125
cbusalex 5
1Subject 9
boomersooner222 9
doctrhouse 11
Effective-Lead-6657 12
Sp1cyRice 16
Jacob_Sumner 17
cfbpeoplespoll 18 65 pts. Prev. 12
inconvenientpoop 19
owl-bears 19
jwrtf 20 (New) (damn is sparty legit again)
Rcfan0902 20 441.69
STL_12 20
DeerPrison 22
Sebene 22
CallingUagoatUgoat 23 T-14.
cnpeters 23 78.64 Points. Best Win vs #58 Maryland (55.16)
133112 24 Maryland and FAU aren't FCS, and they've had some blowouts, so the Spartans land in my top 25.
WRSpill 25 (NR) Dropped: Washington 19, Arizona 22, Boston College 24
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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