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2024 Week 3 Liberty Flames Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
BUSean 11
TadKosciuszko 11
PlactusTX 12 (17) W New Mexico State
jimbobbypaul 13
manbeardawg 15
practicallybert 18
ColombianInIowa24 20 Still hate JMU.
Maladroit44 20
ruwisc 22

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
RealignmentJunkie 11
wittingtarsier 16
ChBass 19
mathmanhale 21
BoukenGreen 22
yesiambear 23
BertGallagher 24
Chipsahoy523 24
Protoco2 24
cfbpeoplespoll 25 40 pts. Tied for 25: Pitt, Virginia, SJSU, Oregon St
Milflover69cbb 25 Fun little team
Tornadohunter24 25 [NEW/HONORABLE MENTION] [2-0]
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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