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2024 Week 2 TCU Horned Frogs Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
T-Thugs 7 TCU is 1-0 with a road win over Stanford.
70stang 8 TCU won away against Stanford
Bank_Gothic 9
jalexjsmithj 10 P5 road victory.
tallg8tor 11
Noelthemexican 15 tie ^
Darth_Ra 17
A_Rolling_Baneling 18
tks231 18
DisraeliEers 19
Doogitywoogity 22 I thought this was the week of the nerds, but TCU went and beat Stanford, so… clearly Stanford aren’t nerds?
fadingthought 22
lookglen 23
RobertNeyland 23
UNC_Samurai 23
the_lost_carrot 24
udubdavid 24
Conglossian 25
RJEP22 25 (1-0) - 51.304 pts

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Jacob_Sumner 8
cfbpeoplespoll 10 35 pts
big_thunder_man 11 Hard to judge quality of Stanford.
BeyondLiesTheWub 17
Middle_Wheel_5959 17
Sp1cyRice 17 (+24) Stanford's preseason ranking was abysmal for a P4 team (84), which stops TCU from climbing even more
CallingUagoatUgoat 21
STL_12 21
samtaylor92 22
ftskeebo 24 Newly ranked thanks to a big road Power 4 win against Stanford to open the season
LongjumpingState9635 24 -2
RadiationRichard 24
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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