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2012 Week 3 South Carolina Gamecocks Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
kflinderman 5
pascha 5
snwidget 5
super-rad 5
walterwizzight 5
1darkadonis 6
boxbeat 6
brtucker 6
buckeyewx 6
BUSean 6
DHerpster 6
Dukes1320 6
eHawleywood 6
iusethistosavelinks 6
jwstark 6
Khavanon 6
the_chandler 6
theonetheonly55 6
Zeitskeet 6
acquiescing 7
bobosaurs 7
ctblues24 7
dacracot 7
felatiodeltoro 7
GhostdadUC 7
GNicholson25 7
ItzATarp 7
Jakegarr 7
jva12696 7
Rapsca 7
Shitrus 7
slntkilla 7
stat-quo 7
StinsonBeach 7
Texasagsman 7
TheRammaJamma 7
andhelostthem 8
apfpilot 8
bigbays 8
billybobskcor 8
DelphicLike 8
DisgruntledElf 8
DuckDuckMooose 8
FAderp91 8
finallycreatedaname 8
fshi 8
grjohnst 8
ixcuincle 8
jkeena88 8
jlh2b 8
jormson 8
khalorei 8
KommanderKeen-a42 8
marcellnation 8
njm1314 8
Orikfricai 8
patsyanks06 8
peteisneat 8
Phantom_Absolute 8
Race_banyon 8
ribread3 8
RomanCandle332 8
RudolphRed 8
scronko 8
sinurgy 8
sirgippy 8
Squishy33 8
taloncarde 8
tayloraugustus 8
thrav 8
ToxicSteve13 8
trav17 8
Wiremonkey 8
152515 9
a_haar 9
aaaangiemarie 9
Ad_Vance 9
Addyct 9
Anaharat 9
bharmon 9
Bobtheweedbunny 9
bofa-on-the-sofa 9
Branzilla91 9
burn_all_the_things 9
cataphoresis 9
cblaines 9
chaaarles 9
dahvdahv 9
dances_with_ibprofen 9
Darth_Sensitive 9
digdat0 9
discobreakin 9
donvito7335 9
dybuell 9
epicschwinn 9
Hestkuk 9
ikariwarrior 9
imsoupercereal 9
incandescence14 9
itstractor 9
jam3p 9
jeffgoodt 9
K_U 9
kama_river 9
kohltrain917 9
kturner24 9
life_is_okay 9
Mhurley187 9
mmmtoastmmm 9
modestcuntdestroyer 9
moose512 9
mthompson720 9
myghtymouse 9
Nixon_Corral 9
nolez 9
oest 9
OhSoMexicellent 9
peterrabbit2010 9
Polarbear1914 9
ScorpionsSpear 9
shryne 9
Skylink 9
SmokingCricket 9
SpecialAgentScrotes 9
SPRX97 9
stewyg27 9
studio_sally 9
sychosomat 9
tallg8tor 9
Techwid 9
ThaCarter 9
thatguy2014 9
trickdiesel 9
UpsideButNotDown 9
WaffleIron278 9
wambotron 9
warox13 9
WharFalcon 9
wvucoop2134 9
zomglolreddit 9
abcruz52 10
abdalfarn 10
Acm0028 10
aewilliam 10
ApplejackOfMyEye 10
bugsy33 10
cfbguy 10
cometparty 10
darth_turtle 10
DoomCrew 10
efilon 10
ehlu15 10
FellKnight 10
gbuntin 10
hardaysknight 10
huskerfan4life520 10
IAmLyingRightNow 10
indexspartan 10
kgriffin44 10
Kunt_Vonnegut 10
kylethemachine 10
mcclapyourhands 10
mikejarrell 10
mildlypeeved 10
Munger88 10
MustangDude69 10
PapaMauMau 10
plurge 10
Provid3nce 10
RagingWombats 10
RealMikeDiesel 10
rooge77 10
SailorBexar 10
spsellers 10
tflordmalakt 10
thatonepianoguy 10
toocoofoschool 10
TossedRightOut 10
trauma_alert 10
trolledbytech 10
Upgrayedd08 10
WeenisWrinkle 10
wick36 10
wild9 10
Xtremeloco 10
blackeagle613 11
cliffhanger407 11
dabul-master 11
darkknight4686 11
Dawgclaw 11
ElMatadorBorracho 11
foretopsail 11
geauxtothetop 11
Harry_B_C_Dresden 11
hurgh55 11
jacketit 11
jallen3 11
jcbeam 11
jrhaberman 11
jv27071 11
mcraft07 11
mnyquist 11
nakedkpax 11
NatecUDF 11
NeededLogic 11
One_Quick_Question 11
pbjork 11
Penny_Henny 11
ronpaul012 11
rossbk 11
saladbar 11
SCsprinter13 11
senorthunder 11
sev09 11
theCANCERbat 11
UNC_Samurai 11
Wescat 11
xavierwest 11
ac1colossus 12
Apep86 12
azwethinkweizm 12
buttlordZ 12
cowme 12
DarthYoda2594 12
delsol5117 12
DisraeliEers 12
flipadelphia17 12
jbolling 12
jdoublee5000 12
Kickit2Peterson7 12
kojak2091 12
laminak 12
MC_Grandesize 12
night4runner 12
november5th 12
nuxenolith 12
patlanips11 12
plannedsickdays 12
redbenn 12
SouthlandScion 12
turkishguy 12
vtgorilla 12
Balrog_of_Morgoth 13
jeedf 13
luis1972 13
mikelj 13
PalmettoFace 13
Red261 13
why_so_sirius 13
ahincks 14
bissimo 14
Bum_bacon 14
FataOne 14
mellolizard 14
piccolo1228 14
bobwoodshed 15
gms212 15
theaustinkid 15
TheCid 15
AlexFromOmaha 16
motbob 16
uwbjb 16
ttsci 17
WuTangConnor 17
Arronwy 18
joejoe1717 19
burgler 20
dannylandulf 22
gaybachelor 24

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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