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2021 Final Cincinnati Bearcats Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
nburt13 2
113milesprower 3
311polo 3
ACCBiggz 3
Acm0028 3
BallSoHerd 3
bgr308 3
Blazeth 3
BlueFalcon89 3
bretticus33 3 Cincinnati did what I thought would be impossible and made the CFP.  It helped that a ton of circumstances went their way like Notre Dame having just one loss to UC and 3 of the P5 champions being 2-loss teams,  so we'll probably have to wait until expansion to see a G5 team in the playoff again.  Regardless, despite a really tough matchup Cincinnati held their own for much of the semi-final against Alabama, but they just didn't have the skill in the WR group and the physicality in the trenches to match with Bama.
BugsSuck 3
CambodianDrywall 3
Cars-and-Coffee 3
cinciforthewin 3
creative_penguin 3
crownebeach 3
d_mcc_x 3
dabul-master 3
Drexlore 3
DrKennethJNoisewater 3
fo13 3
Frognosticator 3
Greflingorax 3
Hobbes_121 3
IAmAChemicalEngineer 3
ItsZizk 3
jnoobs13 3
joebob431 3
Joester09 3
JoshDaws 3
Knightro2011 3
lillipup03 3
malowry0124 3
MrTheSpork 3
ndbroski 3
nin478 3
noodlethebear 3
NotSoSuperNerd 3 25.71
Noy_Telinu 3
NyquillusDillwad20 3
orboth 3
owlalwaysloveyew 3
PumpSmash 3
RagingWombats 3
SCRx 3
SlaminSammons 3
Staind075 3
stesser 3
strikersteve60 3
T-nawtical 3
T-Thugs 3
tallg8tor 3
TaylorLeprechaun 3 +0
TDenverFan 3
Techwid 3
teddythe3rd 3
thexraptor 3
thomasosu 3
tks231 3
tmothy07 3
ToeInDigDeep 3
TouchdownHeroes 3 LW: 4
ttsci 3
UNC_Samurai 3
vanburen1845 3
VerySeriousBanana 3
wameron 3
WarEagle9 3
Wescat 3
12panther 4
_fastball 4
admiraltarkin 4
ALStark69 4 -1
Apep86 4
arrowfan624 4
Blooblod 4
bobsled_time 4
BorisNumber1 4
boxman151515 4
bties 4
buckeyegold 4
Buckeyes2010 4
CFBHurts 4
Ch-i-ef 4 Your defense help up amazingly well against a good Bama team. Your offense (Desmond Ridder) did not get the memo.
ChemicalOle 4
cmdrcaboose2 4
cms186 4
CockADoodleBOOM 4
corundum9 4
DafoeFoSho 4
DampFrijoles 4
DarkLegend64 4 A Tier
DarthYoda2594 4
dasani3x 4
DavoinShower-handle 4
deadtofall12 4
digdat0 4
djowen68 4
doggo816 4
drgnlis 4
Dropbackandpunt 4
emueagles 4
Ersatzself 4
Extra_Excrement 4
fadingthought 4
Fmeson 4
fourpinz8 4
fshi 4
G-Aardvark 4
G-manP 4
galacticdude7 4
GeauxTri 4
GilBrandt 4
GoBlueScrewOSU7 4
HarbingerOfFun 4
Helifino 4
HelioOne 4
icklebush 4
JaxofAllTrades13 4
JCiLee 4
jeedf 4
jjjoebox 4
JustAManAndHisLaptop 4
Laschoni 4
LEGEN--wait_for_it 4
LiptonCB 4
Maladroit44 4
mellolizard 4
mjacksongt 4
moistats_ 4
monkeymatt1836 4
Mr_Brews 4
Nathanael-Greene 4
nbingham196 4
nemoran 4
not_folie 4
olmsted 4
Omegaus492 4
Our-Gardian-Angel 4
peachios 4
PHubbs 4
Pikachu1989 4
plannedsickdays 4
Polarbear1914 4
Pollaski 4
practicallybert 4
Rakarei 4
RatherBeYachting 4
relax_on_the_mat 4
RiffRamBahZoo 4
RollWarTideEagle 4
royrules22 4
ryseing 4
SantiagoRamon 4
ScarletFever333 4
seaotter2 4
ShogunAshoka 4
Sophocles5 4
srs_house 4
SSJRoshi 4
StevvieV 4
stripes361 4
tabelz 4
tdeff19 4
TehAlpacalypse 4
thegreendalegelf 4
TheZachster 4
tjstanley 4
toocleverbyhalf 4
TopGoose 4
TossedRightOut 4
typicaliconoclast 4
wesman212 4
Zloggt 4
52hoova 5
A-Stu-Ute 5
AlphaH4wk 5
andrewthestudent 5
arrow_dynamics 5
BamaPride95 5
BigBoutros 5
Bill3ffinMurray 5
BlueSCar 5
conchobor 5
eclectic_tastes 5
frumious88 5
GatorRich 5
huskerfan4life520 5
infinitempg 5
kflinderman 5
mnmmatt 5
physedka 5
RavenclawWiz816 5
roaddogg 5
RobertNeyland 5
scronko 5
Striker743 5 Down 1 - more about Baylor dominating Ole Miss than Cincy losing
tauzeta 5
The-Gothic-Castle 5
bakonydraco 6 83.81
DataDrivenPirate 6
Disregardskarma 6
eSpiritCorpse 6 0.9464
Hackasizlak 6
halldaylong 6
Hey_Its_Roomie 6
I_am_bot_beep_boop 6
jmac_21 6
Johnnycockseed 6
No11223456 6
qacha 6
RMathis13 6 619
Stoneador 6
tdoger 6
TimeBroken 6
ya111101 6
YellowSkarmory 6
blahblehblahwhoru 7
boonamobile 7
Corporal_Hicks 7
Inkblot9 7
Jakesnake42 7 82.23
JeromesNiece 7
jputna 7
justsaynotoreddit 7
ruwisc 7
velociraptorfarmer 7
BabyBladder 8
bwburke94 8
Charlemagne42 8 372
luckroy 8 Pot 3
r0sco 9
dicky_________seamus 10
theb52 10 49.071
owl-bears 11
ThaCarter 16

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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