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2021 Week 14 Cincinnati Bearcats Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
CambodianDrywall 1
cms186 1
dabul-master 1
Daigotsu 1
Harmbert_ 1
nburt13 1
spsellers 1
Stoneador 1
113milesprower 2
ACCBiggz 2
Acm0028 2
admiraltarkin 2
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 2
AlphaH4wk 2
ALStark69 2 0
arrow_dynamics 2
BallSoHerd 2
bernkastel87 2
BigBoutros 2
Blazeth 2
bobsled_time 2
BorisNumber1 2
BosskOnASegway 2
boxbeat 2
Branzilla91 2
brobroma 2
bties 2
BUSean 2
cfbguy 2
chweris 2
cinciforthewin 2
Colton3690 2
d_mcc_x 2
DafoeFoSho 2
DampFrijoles 2
deadtofall12 2
Fmeson 2
fo13 2
Foxmcbowser42 2
Frognosticator 2
GatorRich 2
GeauxTri 2
GenialGiant 2
Hobbes_121 2
I_am_bot_beep_boop 2
IAmAChemicalEngineer 2
infinitempg 2
ItsZizk 2
Jakesnake42 2 Big test for Cincinnati next week as they take on Houston.Last Week: 2
JaxofAllTrades13 2
jchall3 2
jeedf 2
jjjoebox 2
jlh2b 2
jmac_21 2
jnoobs13 2
JonesUCF34 2
Knightro2011 2
Laschoni 2
LeinadSpoon 2
lillipup03 2
LiptonCB 2
Longvols 2
malowry0124 2
MarlinsGuy 2
mellolizard 2
MoneyManeVick 2
MrTheSpork 2
Nathanael-Greene 2
nbingham196 2
noodlethebear 2
NotSoSuperNerd 2 29.17
notyogrannysgrandkid 2
Noy_Telinu 2
NyquillusDillwad20 2
OKgolfer 2
one98d 2
orboth 2
owlalwaysloveyew 2 A solid win over ECU, who is historically a stronger team at home. If Cincinnati beats Houston, they will (most likely) be the first G5 team in the CFP
peachios 2
Pikachu1989 2
pileatedloon 2
puffadda 2
qacha 2
RagingWombats 2
Red261 2
RollWarTideEagle 2
SantiagoRamon 2
sasmith2015 2
SCRx 2
SCsprinter13 2
ShamusJohnson13 2
ShogunAshoka 2
Shrektastic28 2
SlaminSammons 2
Spalliston 2
spasm01 2
Sproded 2
srs_house 2
Staind075 2
stesser 2
strikersteve60 2
T-Thugs 2 12-0. Best win is over Notre Dame (11-1). Also have a decent win over SMU. 
tallg8tor 2
TDenverFan 2
TehAlpacalypse 2
thomasosu 2
tks231 2
ToeInDigDeep 2
TossedRightOut 2
ucfskuba 2
UNC_Samurai 2
vanburen1845 2
VerySeriousBanana 2
WarEagle9 2
Wescat 2
woakley 2
Xtremeloco 2
YellowSkarmory 2 Cincinnati got some much needed depth to their resume with wins at home against SMU (which is actually looking worse) and on the road against a 7-5 East Carolina. Obviously, the key part is their road win against Notre Dame, and they also have a home win against UCF in there, but the depth is very helpful, and they have not lost yet. With UTSA losing (F), the final two undefeated teams are my top two.
311polo 3
A-Stu-Ute 3
arrowfan624 3
BabyBladder 3
badgers4194 3
bakonydraco 3 84.10
BamaPride95 3
bgr308 3
Bill3ffinMurray 3
Blooblod 3
BlueFalcon89 3
boxman151515 3
bretticus33 3 Cincinnati won a tricky road bout against ECU and now gets to play their 2nd biggest test of the season in Houston.  Should Cincinnati win, they should be in the CFP but will still be massive UGA and BU fans this weekend.
buckeyegold 3
buckeyes75 3
captain_sasquatch 3
Cecil_Hardboner 3
CFBHurts 3
Ch-i-ef 3 One final opponent, one final ranked opponent. Deep breaths, Bearcats...ALTHOUGH... there could be a scenario where Bama beats Georgia, Michigan wins against Iowa, Oklahoma State wins dominantly against Baylor, you play poorly in a win against Houston, and the Committee just might toss you aside at 5.
ChickenTaco 3
chrisb19 3
CockADoodleBOOM 3
Conglossian 3 -1
corundum9 3
creative_penguin 3
crownebeach 3
DarkLegend64 3 A Tier
DarthYoda2594 3
dasani3x 3
DavoinShower-handle 3
dogwoodmaple 3
Drexlore 3
DrKennethJNoisewater 3
esoterik 3
fadingthought 3
Feral_Squirrel 3
fourpinz8 3 One more game for history
fshi 3
GilBrandt 3
goblue10 3
GoBlueScrewOSU7 3
Greflingorax 3
Hackasizlak 3
HarbingerOfFun 3
hascogrande 3
Helifino 3
HelioOne 3
huskerfan4life520 3
hypercube42342 3
icklebush 3
JCiLee 3
Johnnycockseed 3
kdcoltred 3
Keener1899 3
King-Clover 3
LEGEN--wait_for_it 3
LeWoofle 3
Maladroit44 3
mjacksongt 3
mnmmatt 3
moistats_ 3
monkeymatt1836 3
Mr_Brews 3
myghtymouse 3
nemoran 3
nin478 3
noahthearc 3
not_folie 3
Our-Gardian-Angel 3
outthawazoo 3
owl_man 3
PalmettoFace 3
pascha 3
PHubbs 3
physedka 3
plannedsickdays 3
practicallybert 3
ProbablyRickSantorum 3
PumpSmash 3
Rakarei 3
RavenclawWiz816 3
ReallyCreative 3
RegulatorRWF 3
relax_on_the_mat 3
RiffRamBahZoo 3
roaddogg 3
royrules22 3
ryseing 3
ryumast3r 3
ScarletFever333 3
scotsworth 3
scrotes_magotes 3
seaotter2 3
sirgippy 3
Sometimeswelose 3
soonerfreak 3
Sophocles5 3
tabelz 3
tauzeta 3
TaylorLeprechaun 3 +1
Techwid 3
teddythe3rd 3
ThaCarter 3
THECrew42 3
thegreendalegelf 3
TheReformedBadger 3
thexraptor 3
TheZachster 3
TimeBroken 3
tjstanley 3
tmothy07 3
ToLongDR 3
transferStudent2018 3
ttsci 3
turkishguy 3
typicaliconoclast 3
ucieaters33 3
wameron 3
Zloggt 3
12panther 4
52hoova 4
Apep86 4
Bank_Gothic 4
Buckeyes2010 4
cajunaggie08 4
Cars-and-Coffee 4
ChemicalOle 4
conchobor 4
Disregardskarma 4
doggo816 4
Dropbackandpunt 4
Ersatzself 4
G-manP 4
galacticdude7 4
justsaynotoreddit 4
Lex_Ludorum 4
Omegaus492 4
Polarbear1914 4
Pollaski 4
scronko 4
soonersthebetter 4
StevvieV 4
stripes361 4
tdeff19 4
Texasagsman 4
TheJeemTeam 4
Ticklebump 4
TopGoose 4
TopheryG8er 4
TouchdownHeroes 4 LW: 4
trumpet_23 4
velociraptorfarmer 4
wesman212 4
andrewthestudent 5
BlueSCar 5
Charlemagne42 5 545
cmdrcaboose2 5
coogs35 5
Darth_Ra 5
dicky_________seamus 5
djowen68 5
e8odie 5
GoBeaversOSU 5
Hey_Its_Roomie 5
JeromesNiece 5
kflinderman 5
No11223456 5
studio_sally 5
ya111101 5
blahblehblahwhoru 6
confirmd_am_engineer 6
dan4223 6
eSpiritCorpse 6 0.9577
frumious88 6
jrichardh 6
luckroy 6 Pot 3
ndbroski 6
RMathis13 6 881
Striker743 6 Down 1 - Notre Dame is blowing out bad P5 teams, Cincy recent "good" win in SMU has collapsed to end the season
The-Gothic-Castle 6
boonamobile 7
bwburke94 7
hythloday1 7
JamesBCrazy 7
ruwisc 7
Inkblot9 8
r0sco 8
ndhuskerpower 9
owl-bears 12
theb52 13 46.750

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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