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2012 Preseason South Carolina Gamecocks Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
eHawleywood 3
jcornelius84 3
Khavanon 3
vtgorilla 3
Emit_Remmus_ 4
pascha 4
sirgippy 4
Anaharat 5
boxbeat 5
dacracot 5
kflinderman 5
khalorei 5
Nelson_Mandela_Jr 5
nolez 5
shoopderp 5
simpletrouserbeacon 5
wellski 5
whjofan93 5
acquiescing 6
ahincks 6
amazedandconfused 6
B0yWonder 6
billybobskcor 6
buckeyewx 6
BUSean 6
ExternalTangents 6
felatiodeltoro 6
jdoublee5000 6
jormson 6
jva12696 6
Kunt_Vonnegut 6
laminak 6
mikelj 6
MustangDude69 6
Ozymandias_13 6
Penny_Henny 6
peterrabbit2010 6
SnrNC 6
snwidget 6
THEgrape 6
theonetheonly55 6
thrav 6
Upgrayedd08 6
warox13 6
87broseidon 7
apfpilot 7
bissimo 7
bobosaurs 7
brayzers 7
bugsy33 7
cblaines 7
cougar618 7
ctblues24 7
DisgruntledElf 7
DoomCrew 7
dvdov 7
geauxtothetop 7
hehateme29 7
huskerfan4life520 7
jdhall010 7
jlh2b 7
jrhaberman 7
life_is_okay 7
lsm23 7
madviking 7
Man1ak 7
mcclapyourhands 7
mikejarrell 7
mildlypeeved 7
mmmtoastmmm 7
monkberrymoondelight 7
moose512 7
Nixon_Corral 7
ohnosono 7
pl02pl 7
plannedsickdays 7
Rapsca 7
RealMikeDiesel 7
scronko 7
skankedout 7
slntkilla 7
ss33o23 7
Sstewa2 7
stat-quo 7
Texasagsman 7
thatwasntveryraven 7
trauma_alert 7
trolledbytech 7
abcruz52 8
abdalfarn 8
aewilliam 8
autumnklnss 8
bigbays 8
blackeagle613 8
burgler 8
CC440 8
cfbguy 8
dabul-master 8
donvito7335 8
efilon 8
ElMatadorBorracho 8
FAderp91 8
FellKnight 8
FinancialAdvisorKid 8
fshi 8
gaybachelor 8
GhostdadUC 8
GNicholson25 8
hardaysknight 8
ikariwarrior 8
indexspartan 8
itstractor 8
Jakegarr 8
jam3p 8
jeffgoodt 8
jkeena88 8
jv27071 8
Kickit2Peterson7 8
kohltrain917 8
MidwestDrummer 8
njm1314 8
nyrfan317 8
oest 8
OhGeorgia 8
Phantom_Absolute 8
Polarbear1914 8
profhoogs 8
Provid3nce 8
ribread3 8
RomanCandle332 8
ronpaul012 8
rooge77 8
RudolphRed 8
s0nopritch 8
SailorBexar 8
ScorpionsSpear 8
Shitrus 8
shwilson24 8
SPRX97 8
spsellers 8
Steamster 8
studio_sally 8
tallg8tor 8
TheCid 8
TrailerTrashBandit 8
trickdiesel 8
TwoAngryFigs 8
UpsideButNotDown 8
wafflesnsyrup 8
wambotron 8
wick36 8
WuTangConnor 8
xavierwest 8
Xtremeloco 8
a_haar 9
aaaangiemarie 9
Addyct 9
ApplejackOfMyEye 9
asullivanmusic 9
bharmon 9
Bobtheweedbunny 9
cataphoresis 9
cons 9
Corporal_Hicks 9
CowOfSteel 9
Cozyheartache 9
cquinnc 9
darkknight4686 9
Derek2k3 9
DHerpster 9
EagleBurn 9
grjohnst 9
imsoupercereal 9
iPhoneGerudo 9
ItzATarp 9
iusethistosavelinks 9
ixcuincle 9
jeedf 9
jwstark 9
KHartos 9
kip256 9
kturner24 9
marcellnation 9
motbob 9
night4runner 9
november5th 9
Orikfricai 9
patlanips11 9
pbjork 9
peteisneat 9
RagingWombats 9
red_firetruck 9
RSR390 9
shryne 9
Squishy33 9
tcurox112 9
Techwid 9
thatguy2014 9
ttsci 9
UNC_Samurai 9
wcalvert 9
Wescat 9
Zeitskeet 9
152515 10
andthatswhyyoudont 10
bofa-on-the-sofa 10
bulldawghomer 10
Bum_bacon 10
dances_with_ibprofen 10
delsol5117 10
discobreakin 10
gbuntin 10
gmnitsua 10
Hestkuk 10
jallen3 10
keeleyaurora 10
mellolizard 10
meristematic 10
patsyanks06 10
Red261 10
sev09 10
SmokingCricket 10
sychosomat 10
taloncarde 10
TheBrocean 10
therealdudditz 10
uwbjb 10
walterwizzight 10
WeenisWrinkle 10
Apep86 11
azwethinkweizm 11
buttlordZ 11
chaaarles 11
ChickenTaco 11
dannypkeeper 11
Dawgclaw 11
dothemath 11
fatmaninalittlesuit 11
HeWhoLurksALot 11
hurgh55 11
hyp3rfastrxn 11
I_Want_to_Film_This 11
jbolling 11
kama_river 11
kojak2091 11
MC_Grandesize 11
mcraft07 11
NeededLogic 11
Nostroloppoccus 11
nuxenolith 11
Rebel-Yell 11
redbenn 11
rossbk 11
stewyg27 11
tehjarvis 11
toocoofoschool 11
Weagle 11
Acm0028 12
Blindward 12
cometparty 12
dannylandulf 12
DarthYoda2594 12
FataOne 12
finallycreatedaname 12
gms212 12
hondaaccord 12
jerry8135 12
senorthunder 12
sep86 12
snappyj 12
ThaCarter 12
theaustinkid 12
zomglolreddit 12
cliffhanger407 13
foretopsail 13
Harry_B_C_Dresden 13
IAmLyingRightNow 13
nakedkpax 13
tflordmalakt 13
theCANCERbat 13
andhelostthem 14
Arronwy 14
bobwoodshed 14
cowme 14
Darth_Sensitive 14
luis1972 14
why_so_sirius 14
PalmettoFace 15
piccolo1228 15
sahilamin 17

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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