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Player_1_has_Joined Ballot for 2024 Week 15

Ballot Type: Computer

Submitted: Dec. 2, 2024, 8:44 a.m.

Overall Rationale: My computer ballot begins the year as a strict power rating and over the course of the season weights resume more and more. As we are at the end of the season, resume is taking up a big portion of the weighting in the ranking of teams. However, I still keep a small amount of the power ratings in my final rankings because I believe there exists a bias towards picking teams with higher power ratings that have similar records (SEC teams generally skew higher in my power ratings based off historical success of the conference, not to mention they have overwhelming performed better this year against the other power 4 conferences). Because of this Texas now has the ever so slightest advantage over Oregon in my rankings despite having a loss. It is a difference of less than a point.

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