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Player_1_has_Joined Ballot for 2023 Week 9

Ballot Type: Computer

Submitted: Oct. 22, 2023, 12:12 p.m.

Overall Rationale: My computer ballot is designed in an attempt to predict how the CFP committee will make its selections. It begins the season as a strict power rating and over the course of season weights resume more and more. We are a point in the season where resume has begun to overtake power rating in terms of how teams are ranked on the ballot. This week I don't feel like there are any massive standouts but I will talk about a few schools. Texas A&M fell off my ballot for the first time after hanging on for many weeks. This is also the first week to see 2 G5 schools make an appearance. Neither JMU or Air Force is power rated higher than 37 but with resumes both in the top 20 they have managed to secure their place. Georgia at 8 is not too surprising to me. They seem to have bounced around the top 10 and without a real big signature win, I don't see them climbing into the top 4 spots without beating Tennessee in November or losses among the schools above them. Their schedule just hasn't been impressive enough through their first 7 games.

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