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2016 Final West Virginia Mountaineers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Cars-and-Coffee 12
deadtofall12 12
TheFlyingBoat 12
52hoova 13
BabyBladder 13
galacticdude7 14
jayhawx19 14
Acm0028 15
alsonamedbort87 15
bluegrassborn 15
DavoinShower-handle 15
DelphicLike 15
gbuntin 15
grjohnst 15
kdbvols 15
thatwasntveryraven 15
BorisNumber1 16
ChickenTaco 16
emueagles 16
GeneralGBO 16
gms212 16
halldaylong 16
meatfrappe 16
Mr_Storm 16
orangeslash 16
Pikachu1989 16
PromoPimp 16
SCRx 16
tallg8tor 16
warm_warmer_disco 16
bakonydraco 17
CraftyConsumer 17
Disregardskarma 17
Fifth_Down 17
kamikazeguy 17
LeinadSpoon 17
longhorn2015 17
mickeyquicknumbers 17 Good wins:9-4 Kansas St.Losses:9-4 Miami10-3 Oklahoma St.11-2 Oklahoma
monkeymatt1836 17
noodlethebear 17
OskeewowwowIL 17
pascha 17
ryumast3r 17
scotsworth 17
TDenverFan 17
ToLongDR 17
trumpet_23 17
Tvwatcherr 17
alextoyalex 18
Apep86 18
BoboIsDead 18
boonamobile 18
bties 18
CambodianDrywall 18
ChemicalOle 18
chweris 18
Corporal_Hicks 18
corundum9 18
dabul-master 18
diastereomer 18
dupreesdiamond 18
epmatsw 18
esoterik 18
funtubs 18
G-manP 18
IAmAChemicalEngineer 18
jzorbino 18
KingKliffsbury 18
Luriker 18
mellolizard 18 preseason: NR
MrDoctorSmartyPants 18
Mythic514 18
NeauxRegrets 18
plannedsickdays 18
RagingWombats 18
RiffRamBahZoo 18
ryseing 18
SCsprinter13 18
Smidgens 18
snwidget 18
solo_22 18
steinman17 18
Techwid 18
ThaCarter 18
The_DHC 18
THECrew42 18
ttsci 18
was_saying_boo_urns 18
WeenisWrinkle 18
Xtremeloco 18
Zerosa 18
03040905 19
A-Stu-Ute 19
aguyfromthewest 19
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 19
Andaldo 19
aubieismyhomie 19
bernkastel87 19
BrutonGaster77 19
buckeyes75 19
captain_sasquatch 19
djmoody90 19
Emperor_of_Orange 19
fadingthought 19
flyingcrayons 19
fshi 19
gohuskies 19
gsuhooligan 19
icklebush 19
JonesUCF34 19
kdcoltred 19
Keener1899 19
MammothMan34 19
mynameisjona 19
nuxenolith 19
PureCFR 19
SantiagoRamon 19
Saxasaurus 19
seaotter2 19
SPRX97 19
Texasagsman 19
theb52 19
TheCid 19
TheReformedBadger 19
TopheryG8er 19
twosheepforanore 19
WarEagle9 19
AaronRodgers16 20
boxbeat 20
Colton3690 20
hokies220 20
JCiLee 20
Laschoni 20
monotonemr 20
puffadda 20
retnuh101 20
sideoutpar 20
Sophocles5 20
spsellers 20
strikersteve60 20
T-Thugs 20 Finished with a loss, but they only had 3 losses this year and two of them (the Oklahomas) are looking like pretty tough teams.
vanburen1845 20
CFSparta92 21
CockADoodleBOOM 21
coreyfra 21
d_mcc_x 21
huskerfan4life520 21
nickknx865 21
Quentanamo_Bay 21
RobertNeyland 21
runujhkj 21
ruwisc 21
SmokingCricket 21
spasm01 21
turtle_flu 21
CSU_Mike 22
DarthYoda2594 22
ExternalTangents 22
GilBrandt 22
GiveMeSomeRaptorNews 22
kelling928 22
MrTheSpork 22
Polarbear1914 22
ProbablyRickSantorum 22
qacha 22
antiherowes 23
BallSoHerd 23
bread_buddy 23
brobroma 23
HarbingerOfFun 23
kelctex 23
LEGEN--wait_for_it 23
nemoran 23
owl_man 23
pbjork 23
the5thpixel 23
ucieaters33 23
Khavanon 24 69.201
UNC_Samurai 24
Cecil_Hardboner 25
digdat0 25
G-Aardvark 25
jlh2b 25
laminak 25
sirgippy 25
Wescat 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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