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2015 Final Navy Midshipmen Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
dybuell 8
sideoutpar 11
TheTeamCubed 11
BallSoHerd 12
dabul-master 12
Dropbackandpunt 12
owl_man 12
Plneapple 12
T-Thugs 13
jeedf 14
Khavanon 14
Saxasaurus 14
spsellers 14
TheCid 14
Apep86 15
buckeyegold 15
ChicagoKoolAid 15
DarthYoda2594 15
flyingcrayons 15
hythloday1 15
LeinadSpoon 15
njm1314 15
TotalEconomist 15
vanburen1845 15
ExternalTangents 16
Mr_Metagross 16
MrDoctorSmartyPants 16
Rapsca 16
wackywiener 16
WarEagle9 16
Wurst_Law 16
Xtremeloco 16
52hoova 17
Acm0028 17
Andaldo 17
boonamobile 17
bties 17
cfbguy 17
DelphicLike 17
DoctorWhosOnFirst 17
HelioOne 17
icklebush 17
jklharris 17
noodlethebear 17
ryseing 17
SCRx 17
smills79 17
strikersteve60 17
tallg8tor 17
Techwid 17
thatwasntveryraven 17
Wescat 17
aguyfromthewest 18
bakonydraco 18
CambodianDrywall 18
Corporal_Hicks 18
CraftyConsumer 18
DeKaF 18
djowen68 18
Fcc4life 18
Harry_B_C_Dresden 18
Laschoni 18
MammothMan34 18
Mario_Speedwagon 18
nin478 18
orangeslash 18
Polarbear1914 18
Red261 18
scotsworth 18
seaotter2 18
Smidgens 18
Sophocles5 18
steinman17 18
TDenverFan 18
Texasagsman 18
TimeBroken 18
ucieaters33 18
Balrog_of_Morgoth 19
ChemicalOle 19
esoterik 19
Fifth_Down 19
flipadelphia17 19
GilBrandt 19
KingKliffsbury 19
laminak 19
myghtymouse 19
OskeewowwowIL 19
ProbablyRickSantorum 19
scronko 19
bfizzledizzle 20
BUSean 20
fitzmauricet 20
LEGEN--wait_for_it 20
PalmettoFace 20
CSU_Mike 21
DafoeFoSho 21
IAmAChemicalEngineer 21
monotonemr 21
nemoran 21
SpeedxKills 21
CFSparta92 22
polydorr 22
RobertNeyland 22
SmokingCricket 22
eclectic_tastes 23
galacticdude7 23
jrichardh 23
sirgippy 23
Darth_Sensitive 24

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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