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2014 Week 3 Virginia Tech Hokies Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
bread_buddy 2
ToxicSteve13 2
pollo_bueno 3
gbuntin 5
topher3003 5
Cars-and-Coffee 6
LeinadSpoon 6
atchemey 7
dabul-master 7
anti_gravity88 8
DelphicLike 8
pash1k 8
uwbjb 8
esoterik 9
galacticdude7 9
Grimbo_Reaper 9
Saxasaurus 9
Darth_Sensitive 10
srs_house 10
T-Thugs 10
wazoheat 10
ApplejackOfMyEye 11
boxbeat 11
DarthYoda2594 11
Zerosa 11
geauxtothetop 12
grjohnst 12
RagingWombats 12
ThatBeardedCarGuy 12
Arronwy 13
Balrog_of_Morgoth 13
Branzilla91 13
cliffhanger407 13
DisraeliEers 13
flying-banana 13
flyingcrayons 13
HarbingerOfFun 13
rojojoftw 13
trzk 13
UNC_Samurai 13
ChickenTaco 14
GiveMeSomeRaptorNews 14
Jmbond 14
kevinonthemoon 14
Laschoni 14
nemoran 14
piccolo1228 14
Rapsca 14
santablazer 14
Smidgens 14
smills79 14
strikersteve60 14
thegoldenavatar 14
vanburen1845 14
watchpigsfly 14
alphamazing 15
bernkastel87 15
blackeagle613 15
CambodianDrywall 15
CantHousewifeaHo 15
cmdrcaboose2 15
felatiodeltoro 15
flipadelphia17 15
fshi 15
ilovecfb 15
Imregular 15
laminak 15
martel_the_hammer 15
orangeslash 15
pascha 15
slntkilla 15
spsellers 15
theCANCERbat 15
WhoaABlueCar 15
Xtremeloco 15
buckeyes75 16
CraftyConsumer 16
deadtofall12 16
DeKaF 16
DFWTooThrowed 16
DonnieNarco 16
DoomCrew 16
dsligh15 16
emueagles 16
ExternalTangents 16
kelling928 16
kflinderman 16
MammothMan34 16
Mario_Speedwagon 16
nin478 16
noodlethebear 16
OffspringOfTheMaize 16
polydorr 16
RomanCandle332 16
roneman815 16
Texasagsman 16
thatwasntveryraven 16
The_DHC 16
TheTurner 16
TopheryG8er 16
trumpet_23 16
yracuse_ 16
adamfalkofske 17
Antonton 17
aubieismyhomie 17
brobroma 17
cquinnc 17
d_mcc_x 17
DoctorWhosOnFirst 17
domderek 17
hawkspur1 17
iSlacker 17
jeedf 17
kelctex 17
Khavanon 17
laltrouomo 17
MrTheSpork 17
neovenator250 17
nikolajz1 17
nilhaus 17
r0sco 17
ryumast3r 17
scotsworth 17
SCsprinter13 17
sir_bradford 17
steinman17 17
stormstopper 17
turtle_flu 17
bties 18
Buckeyes2010 18
captainBlackUGA 18
ClintFuckingEastwood 18
dannylandulf 18
FatWhiteGuy49 18
IAmAChemicalEngineer 18
kylethemachine 18
littleson912 18
muscle_hamster 18
november5th 18
RobertNeyland 18
ryseing 18
saladbar 18
SantiagoRamon 18
StickerBrush 18
tallg8tor 18
theaccidentof85 18
vincemalumbono 18
WaffleIron278 18
aubgrad11 19
bharmon 19
buckeyegold 19
ChemicalOle 19
Daigotsu 19
djmoody90 19
HelioOne 19
Hummer77x 19
huskerfan4life520 19
krosber04 19
ksigcowboy 19
OskeewowwowIL 19
owl_man 19
PalmettoFace 19
pufan321 19
Red261 19
redbenn 19
ronpaul012 19
ThaCarter 19
TossedRightOut 19
WeenisWrinkle 19
bothra 20
Corporal_Hicks 20
GeneralGBO 20
jeffcrab 20
mellolizard 20
myghtymouse 20
No_Way_Pablo 20
owl-bears 20
Patrick324 20
ProbablyRickSantorum 20
jlh2b 21
LEGEN--wait_for_it 21
niperwiper 21
njm1314 21
nuxenolith 21
Polarbear1914 21
sirgippy 21
SmokingCricket 21
Techwid 21
TheCid 21
CountryRoads8 22
dupreesdiamond 22
MC_Grandesize 22
MxMj 22
pbjork 22
pmartin0079 22
pointer1vb 22
scronko 22
wackywiener 22
Acm0028 23
BUSean 23
Cecil_Hardboner 23
CFSparta92 23
icklebush 23
schaftenheimen 23
seanosaur 23
FellKnight 24
popmurtha 24
03040905 25
key_lime_pie 25
mildlypeeved 25
snwidget 25
taloncarde 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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