User | Rank | Reason |
luckroy | 8 | Pot 3 |
aggiebruin27 | 11 | |
Charlemagne42 | 11 | 125.2 |
cinciforthewin | 12 | |
Pablo49 | 12 | 2192 |
PumpSmash | 13 | |
SearonTrejorek | 13 | 0.79359 |
the_neverdoctor | 13 | |
GeauxTri | 14 | |
kflinderman | 14 | |
retnuh101 | 14 | |
Sproded | 14 | |
12panther | 15 | |
BUSean | 15 | |
Longvols | 15 | |
MrTheSpork | 15 | |
redrumsoxLoL | 15 | |
spmartin1993 | 15 | |
TadKosciuszko | 15 | |
texas2089 | 15 | |
owl_man | 16 | |
stripes361 | 16 | |
Terminal_BAS | 16 | |
UNC_Samurai | 16 | |
ALStark69 | 17 | -1 |
BearsAreGreat1 | 17 | |
BlueSCar | 17 | |
coletheredditer | 17 | Keep giving your fans heart attacks, its better than losing |
conchobor | 17 | |
djowen68 | 17 | |
e8odie | 17 | |
EpicSchwinn | 17 | |
Jakesnake42 | 17 | 73.18 Last Week: #24 |
malowry0124 | 17 | |
PHubbs | 17 | |
Pikachu1989 | 17 | |
sasmith2015 | 17 | |
scronko | 17 | |
52hoova | 18 | |
arrowfan624 | 18 | |
ChaseTheFalcon | 18 | -1 |
CockADoodleBOOM | 18 | |
ehoefler | 18 | 82.27 | +6 |
Harpua99 | 18 | |
IAmAChemicalEngineer | 18 | |
MADBuc49 | 18 | -1 |
Noelthemexican | 18 | |
Noy_Telinu | 18 | No idea what to make of this team. But they beat Vandy, who beat Bama who beat Georgia who beat Texas. So... but also got creamed by A&M. Ummm... whatever, just beat Bama. |
pileatedloon | 18 | |
Red261 | 18 | |
ruwisc | 18 | |
TheNSAAgent777 | 18 | |
titansfan174 | 18 | |
TouchdownHeroes | 18 | |
velociraptorfarmer | 18 | |
YellowSkarmory | 18 | |
bretticus33 | 19 | |
BRNXB0MBERS | 19 | |
Conglossian | 19 | +2 |
cornholesurfer | 19 | |
Daigotsu | 19 | |
DarthYoda2594 | 19 | |
deadtofall12 | 19 | |
Doogitywoogity | 19 | That did not look good / I would like if Missouri / Would now play better |
Drexlore | 19 | |
ewolfy13 | 19 | Big comeback, but not sure they should’ve been down so big to a bad auburn team |
Feral_Squirrel | 19 | |
hythloday1 | 19 | |
JaxofAllTrades13 | 19 | |
Maladroit44 | 19 | |
MemeofMemeJTG999999 | 19 | (6-1) (down 1) W: 21-17 vs Auburn (2-5) Next Week: @ #20 Alabama (5-2) Projected Bowl: Gator vs Pittsburgh |
Mr_Brews | 19 | |
nemoran | 19 | |
olmsted | 19 | |
Pollaski | 19 | |
r0sco | 19 | |
RJEP22 | 19 | 245.764 pts |
romulusjsp | 19 | |
royrules22 | 19 | |
SCsprinter13 | 19 | |
sirgippy | 19 | |
skuhlke | 19 | |
srs_house | 19 | |
teddythe3rd | 19 | |
Texasagsman | 19 | |
TheZachster | 19 | |
tjstanley | 19 | |
vanburen1845 | 19 | |
washington_jefferson | 19 | |
Wescat | 19 | |
70stang | 20 | Mizzou is 6-1 with 3 P5 wins, 2 G5 wins including one away, 1 FCS win, and an away loss to last week's #18 TAMU. Mizzou has beaten no P5 teams on the road, which lands them at the bottom of this tier. |
Acm0028 | 20 | |
AlexanderComet | 20 | |
bannista7 | 20 | |
BenchRickyAguayo | 20 | |
BlueFalcon89 | 20 | |
boxbeat | 20 | |
captain_sasquatch | 20 | |
Casaiir | 20 | |
Cecil_Hardboner | 20 | |
ch1l1_ch33s3 | 20 | |
CharlemagneOfTheUSA | 20 | (+2) |
d_mcc_x | 20 | |
darkra01 | 20 | |
DrKennethJNoisewater | 20 | |
falconlover79 | 20 | |
fo13 | 20 | |
fredmerc111 | 20 | LW: 17 |
frone | 20 | |
GatorBolt | 20 | Gutsy win against Auburn, full props to Brady Cook. |
GoBlueScrewOSU7 | 20 | |
HHcougar | 20 | |
IceColdDrPepper_Here | 20 | |
JBonkies | 20 | (-2) |
jeedf | 20 | |
KirbyDumber88 | 20 | |
KJdkaslknv | 20 | |
Le_Jerk_My_Circle | 20 | |
lillipup03 | 20 | |
MahjongDaily | 20 | |
nbingham196 | 20 | |
PalmettoFace | 20 | |
Player_1_has_Joined | 20 | |
practicallybert | 20 | |
Pure_Protein_Machine | 20 | |
SpadeRyker | 20 | |
stew_pac | 20 | - |
TDenverFan | 20 | |
the_lost_carrot | 20 | |
TimeBroken | 20 | Rank: #21 |
ucieaters33 | 20 | |
WillWorkForSugar | 20 | |
woakley | 20 | |
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ | 21 | |
BorisNumber1 | 21 | |
bwburke94 | 21 | |
CambodianDrywall | 21 | |
Cars-and-Coffee | 21 | |
Cassiyus | 21 | |
ChickenTaco | 21 | |
Chris-P-Creme | 21 | |
chweris | 21 | |
cvsprinter1 | 21 | |
cyberchaox | 21 | I actually wasn't originally going to give the Aggies as much credit as I did, until I remembered that they were the ones to give Mizzou their lone loss. And it wasn't even close. |
DavoinShower-handle | 21 | |
diehardcubforever | 21 | |
Extra_Excrement | 21 | |
galacticdude7 | 21 | |
goodnames679 | 21 | |
HarbingerOfFun | 21 | |
Helifino | 21 | |
Hugefootballfan44 | 21 | LW: 23 |
JamoRedhead | 21 | after a great start they feel due for another loss, and it will likely come this weekend |
Keener1899 | 21 | |
Lex_Ludorum | 21 | |
Megalomanizac | 21 | |
nin478 | 21 | |
OldCoaly | 21 | |
posiitively | 21 | |
PrimalCookie | 21 | Key Wins: Vanderbilt 30-27, Boston College 27-21 Losses: @ #13 Texas A&M 10-41 We're at the part of the rankings where the resumes really aren't that great anymore. Mizzou was blown out by A&M and their best win is in OT at home vs Vandy, but Vandy's actually not bad this year so I guess that counts for something. |
rain_parkour | 21 | |
RobertNeyland | 21 | |
spasm01 | 21 | |
Staind075 | 21 | |
SwissArmyScythe | 21 | +1 |
tauzeta | 21 | |
ThaCarter | 21 | |
The-Gothic-Castle | 21 | |
UMeister | 21 | |
WolverineDDS | 21 | |
A_Rolling_Baneling | 22 | |
AllHawkeyesGoToHell | 22 | |
Bill3ffinMurray | 22 | |
BosskOnASegway | 22 | |
cfbguy | 22 | |
ChemicalOle | 22 | |
Colton3690 | 22 | |
colton_97 | 22 | |
COLU_BUS | 22 | |
corundum9 | 22 | |
creative_penguin | 22 | |
dasani3x | 22 | |
esoterik | 22 | |
grjohnst | 22 | |
grtgbln | 22 | |
icklebush | 22 | |
JeromesNiece | 22 | |
jjjoebox | 22 | |
owlalwaysloveyew | 22 | |
RollWarTideEagle | 22 | |
ryseing | 22 | |
ShogunAshoka | 22 | |
soonerfreak | 22 | |
SteemieRayVaughn | 22 | |
strikersteve60 | 22 | |
tdeff19 | 22 | |
Techwid | 22 | |
The_Good_Constable | 22 | |
w8w8 | 22 | |
ya111101 | 22 | |
Zloggt | 22 | |
10catsinspace | 23 | |
AlphaH4wk | 23 | |
BabyBladder | 23 | |
BallSoHerd | 23 | |
Blooblod | 23 | |
Branzilla91 | 23 | |
Buckeyes2010 | 23 | |
Corporal_Hicks | 23 | |
CptCheese | 23 | |
dabul-master | 23 | |
dan4223 | 23 | |
digdat0 | 23 | |
Dropbackandpunt | 23 | |
Due_Connection179 | 23 | Last Week NR vs Auburn // Won 21 - 17 // I kind of hate myself for putting Missouri back into the top 25 but here are my reasons. First, the only 1-loss power team I have under them is Duke (who might have the worst power schedule out there right now). Second, they do have a head-to-head win over Vanderbilt, and if you ever have read one of my polls before, I preach head-to-head needs value when the teams have the same records. This does set up a "who sucks less" game this week vs Alabama though, so at least we have that. |
frumious88 | 23 | |
GenialGiant | 23 | |
hascogrande | 23 | |
Hey_Its_Roomie | 23 | |
ikindalikelemons | 23 | |
jrluhn | 23 | |
JustAManAndHisLaptop | 23 | |
JustinMSU21 | 23 | |
Klaassy23 | 23 | (LW Change: +1) |
manbeardawg | 23 | |
No11223456 | 23 | |
Our-Gardian-Angel | 23 | |
puffadda | 23 | |
ReallyCreative | 23 | |
RheagarTargaryen | 23 | |
rocco2246 | 23 | |
ScarletFever333 | 23 | |
Striker743 | 23 | NR |
T-nawtical | 23 | |
T-Thugs | 23 | Missouri is 6-1. Got blown out by Texas A&M. Best win is over Vanderbilt (5-2). Also defeated Boston College (4-3) |
tallg8tor | 23 | |
thomasosu | 23 | |
Tman450x | 23 | |
TossedRightOut | 23 | |
_fastball | 24 | |
bakonydraco | 24 | 77.629 |
BananaBouquet | 24 | |
bernkastel87 | 24 | |
blahblehblahwhoru | 24 | |
Blazeth | 24 | |
Ch-i-ef | 24 | Missouri and Bama. Who wants it less?! |
cyclonepsycho | 24 | |
DarkLegend64 | 24 | |
Darth_Ra | 24 | |
eclectic_tastes | 24 | |
GilBrandt | 24 | |
HelioOne | 24 | |
Hobbes_121 | 24 | |
infinitempg | 24 | 0.816, +1 |
jaybigs | 24 | |
jimbobbypaul | 24 | |
JonesUCF34 | 24 | |
jthomas694 | 24 | |
MarlinsGuy | 24 | |
MoneyManeVick | 24 | |
noahthearc | 24 | |
outthawazoo | 24 | |
plannedsickdays | 24 | |
realclean | 24 | Previously Unranked |
RegulatorRWF | 24 | |
Ruhrgebietheld | 24 | |
seaotter2 | 24 | |
shadowwingnut | 24 | |
tmothy07 | 24 | |
TopGoose | 24 | |
udubdavid | 24 | |
WarEagle9 | 24 | |
Xtremeloco | 24 | |
DisraeliEers | 25 | |
fshi | 25 | |
Inkblot9 | 25 | |
jalexjsmithj | 25 | |
mellolizard | 25 | |
MemeLovingLoser | 25 | |
monkeymatt1836 | 25 | |
NotSoSuperNerd | 25 | 0.732 (8.3-3.7) |
NyquillusDillwad20 | 25 | |
OKgolfer | 25 | |
Pyroblockx | 25 | |
spsellers | 25 | |
TaylorLeprechaun | 25 | NR |
User | Rank | Reason |
energydan | 8 | |
journey1986 | 9 | |
Rcfan0902 | 11 | 1145.77 |
yesiambear | 11 | |
JustAGuy7915 | 13 | |
samtaylor92 | 13 | |
BuckeyeForLife95 | 14 | |
charmingcharles2896 | 14 | |
patriots230 | 14 | |
Jay682002 | 15 | |
WRSpill | 15 | (15) |
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx | 15 | I was so high on this team going into the year, now I have no idea what their deal is. Could be anywhere from #20-5 and I'd probably agree with you. |
Bushken | 16 | 61.05 |
donbagert | 16 | |
jwrtf | 16 | |
MajikSix | 16 | |
quantum_jedi | 16 | (+0) Whew, required a 4th quarter comeback to beat Auburn. Expect a wild ride next week against Alabama as both teams need this win to stay alive for an SEC title and playoff spot. |
RedBarracuda25 | 16 | Auburn? Really? That's the team it took you to the last drive to beat? Freeze's Auburn? |
Shion314 | 16 | |
TheSleaze22 | 16 | |
1Subject | 17 | |
CaptainGordan | 17 | |
dubkent | 17 | |
geordieColt88 | 17 | |
GeyWeyner12 | 17 | |
josh55134 | 17 | |
ntny | 17 | |
silfarion10 | 17 | |
spencej98 | 17 | |
ThompsonCreekTiger | 17 | |
trust_the_process__ | 17 | |
WebfootTroll | 17 | |
ziggysaysnada | 17 | +1 |
BeyondLiesTheWub | 18 | +1 |
BoukenGreen | 18 | |
brucewaynewins | 18 | |
CallMeTheKing | 18 | |
chillmagic420 | 18 | |
Chipsahoy523 | 18 | |
DaewooLanosMFerr | 18 | |
g_trechel | 18 | |
mountain_troop86 | 18 | I know, Brady Cook didn't play most of the game and you needed heroics but Auburn is awful |
Piptit | 18 | |
pvadali | 18 | Only one loss on the year, and that to a Texas A&M team that is good. |
Serenityy8 | 18 | |
spaceblev11 | 18 | |
tms42206 | 18 | |
Yelich04 | 18 | ^1 |
ab317 | 19 | |
AMETSFAN | 19 | |
BG-WestyC | 19 | |
BoilerUp28 | 19 | |
boomersooner222 | 19 | |
brihimia | 19 | |
bruhstevenson | 19 | |
camus69x | 19 | |
Dawg-Bite | 19 | |
DillyDillySzn | 19 | |
forkedravioli | 19 | |
funt9rtle | 19 | |
GavRunsTheTrap | 19 | |
grahamca | 19 | T11ᵗʰ W/L, T12ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 18ᵗʰ Team Strength, 36ᵗʰ Quality of Wins |
Hastronaut | 19 | Missouri moves back a few, they have not looked impressive |
hurricaneatx | 19 | |
iamaustincince | 19 | |
JJones927 | 19 | |
Luigiatl | 19 | |
ManiacalBlazer | 19 | |
Mascorn | 19 | |
mill1634 | 19 | |
OkAppointment5691 | 19 | |
Protoco2 | 19 | |
sirvalkyerie | 19 | |
WBLwiffleball | 19 | |
willbill182 | 19 | |
Arvandu | 20 | |
cbusalex | 20 | [[[W: #43 Vanderbilt, #47 Boston College, #70 Buffalo, #109 Auburn, #122 Massachusetts]]] [[[L: #18 Texas A&M]]] |
CriterionCrypt | 20 | |
dterp13 | 20 | |
dukemetoo | 20 | |
Fhaksfha794 | 20 | |
gavinw24 | 20 | |
GenuineBoss | 20 | |
HideNZeke | 20 | |
ihatepineapples | 20 | |
JackWK_Gaming | 20 | |
Jay_Dubbbs | 20 | |
JordanDean04 | 20 | |
Kirkwood641 | 20 | |
maxwell6233 | 20 | |
mr_longfellow_deeds | 20 | |
notsaying123 | 20 | |
owl-bears | 20 | |
RecordingSure5405 | 20 | |
sroach91 | 20 | |
thehornedlamb | 20 | |
TolkienFan71 | 20 | |
TommyWiseau22 | 20 | |
unused13 | 20 | |
zmp1924 | 20 | Loss to Texas A&M |
70277027 | 21 | |
_Junk_Rat_ | 21 | |
AdministrativeAnt683 | 21 | |
Airweldon | 21 | |
broyo209 | 21 | Not a particularly impressive win over Auburn. Next up: Bama |
CallingUagoatUgoat | 21 | 0 Tier 1 or Tier 2 wins. 1 Tier 2 loss (Texas A&M). Best win - SP+ #29 Auburn. |
corona779 | 21 | |
dee3Poh | 21 | |
drneilpretenamen | 21 | |
dubscurry30 | 21 | |
Effective-Lead-6657 | 21 | (-6) |
ElyxUW | 21 | |
Fghjkdid911 | 21 | |
FrontRunner51 | 21 | |
HHunko13 | 21 | |
ianmcmoney | 21 | |
isrealball | 21 | |
jibberishdhyukl | 21 | |
jonstark19 | 21 | 0 |
Mynameisdiehard | 21 | Put them above Bama this week due to the fact they only have 1 loss compared to Bama's 2. They play this week though so everything will sort itself out here. |
Omegaus492 | 21 | |
redleg86 | 21 | |
samspopguy | 21 | |
Sflabuckeye13 | 21 | |
soonertiger | 21 | |
stealingchairs | 21 | |
TheReformedBadger | 21 | |
Tornadohunter24 | 21 | (-) |
Tortillero96 | 21 | |
Windoge_Master | 21 | |
0010MK | 22 | |
ALToidzz | 22 | |
aredna | 22 | |
balconesescarpment | 22 | Scuffled out of the gate Saturday. Needs to put it together. |
bigred91224 | 22 | |
carsonivey72 | 22 | |
cirtnecoileh | 22 | |
Dan20698 | 22 | |
DeerPrison | 22 | |
dheck2016 | 22 | |
DownshiftGD | 22 | |
IBCBJ | 22 | |
jackmc04 | 22 | (-5) dc that they won. the resume is just not good and they don't look good. |
JazzYotesRSL | 22 | |
Josh_historybuff | 22 | 21-17 vs Auburn |
kevinsdomain | 22 | |
Lefunnymaymays4lief | 22 | |
Living_Human | 22 | |
LoCh0_xX | 22 | |
newSomberMan | 22 | |
PattyKane16 | 22 | |
PeteyNice | 22 | |
PsychologicalFox8660 | 22 | |
saquad69 | 22 | |
tbutrie1916 | 22 | |
tcomn | 22 | |
The_Good_General | 22 | |
Tylex123 | 22 | |
wittingtarsier | 22 | |
androonfl | 23 | so so bad |
Bereft13 | 23 | Power: 27, SoR: 28; LW: 21 |
Blazemaster77 | 23 | Their best win might be Vandy at this point. Beat them on the road- gotta be higher than them. This doesn't mean I like you |
buccaneerboy22 | 23 | |
Burnsite | 23 | |
Electronic_Nail | 23 | The drubbing by Texas A&M and barely escaping Auburn is an awful look and has made me sour on the Tigers |
enneper4 | 23 | |
Fantastic-Calendar-9 | 23 | LW: NR |
MPotato23 | 23 | |
munchermode | 23 | |
pianoprofiteer | 23 | |
RadiationRichard | 23 | LW - 23 |
requiemsux | 23 | |
slashbopzing | 23 | |
Sp1cyRice | 23 | (-4) |
StFuzzySlippers | 23 | |
thatoneguyD13 | 23 | Tier 4. |
twr96 | 23 | |
Aggravating-Steak-69 | 24 | |
Aidanj927 | 24 | |
ChBass | 24 | The model doesn't count ugly wins any less. Hoping Brady Cook stays healthy. |
daredassdude | 24 | |
doctrhouse | 24 | |
FoRtNiteizBAD | 24 | |
geauxsaints777 | 24 | |
Greyson04 | 24 | |
JoshuaMan024 | 24 | 209.95 |
KansasChaser2021 | 24 | |
kcvtdc | 24 | |
mcdsmaster8824 | 24 | |
Milflover69cbb | 24 | |
mthompson2320 | 24 | LW: 23 |
No_Particular_746 | 24 | (6-1) Loss to Texas A&M. |
pl02pl | 24 | |
Repulsive_Rub6443 | 24 | |
SaguaroCactus19 | 24 | |
scsd4222 | 24 | |
SignificanceFirm2398 | 24 | |
SNjr | 24 | |
SortaDecent | 24 | |
SpursUpSoundsGudToMe | 24 | |
SufferingfOrLife | 24 | |
True_Ad5324 | 24 | |
usernamegoeshere763 | 24 | |
Austin_LSU_Fan22 | 25 | |
cookie__monster___ | 25 | |
EBuckhouse | 25 | |
FlashSpider-man | 25 | In Mizzou's conference wins, they have won by a total of 7 points, vs the likes of Vandy, and Auburn. Nearly losing to Auburn hurt. With that being said, a lot of that can be chalked up to the Cook injury, as they scored 15 unanswered after his return. Still, just two plays go differently and Mizzou wins easily. So maybe they should be above Bama. But being blown out by TAMU isn't good. TAMU is good, yes, but not that good. But it's better than Duke, who have only beaten two of the worst teams in their conference, both in close games. |
FsuNolezz | 25 | |
LonghornInNebraska | 25 | |
MainPeanut25 | 25 | Iowa State just doesn’t look like a top team despite being undefeated, no notes for Texas A&M, no notes for Ole Miss, no notes for SMU, Army and Navy is shaping up to be awesome and possibly with a pre-quel of sorts, Washington State has one loss to Boise with a great quarterback, Pitt is a victim of the bye, and Missouri is probably on their way out |
mikecsiy | 25 | |
PSUMediaPA | 25 | |
RipRaycom | 25 | |
Stags304 | 25 | |
throwaway_6786 | 25 | Not great. I get that they didn't have Brady Cook out there for a while in this game, but when you're at home against a 2-4 Auburn, it shouldn't come down to a do-or-die 4th down conversion. They're still 6-1 with a narrow 2OT win over 5-2 Vanderbilt, but it's been a little dicey for Mizzou of late (and that BC win has aged poorly, which isn't helping). I considered Memphis, Ole Miss, Vanderbilt, Texas Tech, Duke, UNLV, Cincinnati, Liberty, Nebraska, ULM, and a few others, but none of them were quite good enough. |
tisofold | 25 | Someone has to be ranked #25, and everyone at the top of the "receiving votes" column lost. But this team isn't actually good. |