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2024 Week 6 Missouri Tigers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
theb52 2 64.500
jrichardh 3
Noy_Telinu 3
aggiebruin27 4
jimbobbypaul 4
PlactusTX 4 (3) bye
SearonTrejorek 4 0.85702
velociraptorfarmer 4
YellowSkarmory 4 0.4403
ChickenTaco 5
cvsprinter1 5
cyberchaox 5
owlalwaysloveyew 5
Pablo49 5 2928
practicallybert 5
ruwisc 5
Stoneador 5
Wescat 5
BUSean 6
Corporal_Hicks 6
CptCheese 6
djowen68 6
halldaylong 6
kflinderman 6
manbeardawg 6
ReallyCreative 6
RegionalBias 6
TadKosciuszko 6
TheNSAAgent777 6
arrowfan624 7
bakonydraco 7 80.281
BearsAreGreat1 7
Cassiyus 7
CommodoreN7 7
D1N2Y 7
deadtofall12 7
G-Aardvark 7
GilBrandt 7
HarbingerOfFun 7
Hey_Its_Roomie 7
infinitempg 7 0.907 (-4)
jaybigs 7
Joester09 7
Klaassy23 7 (LW Change: 0)
MoneyManeVick 7
Pyroblockx 7
RegulatorRWF 7
Ruhrgebietheld 7
ryseing 7
sasmith2015 7
skuhlke 7
spmartin1993 7
strikersteve60 7
T-nawtical 7
T-Thugs 7 Missouri is undefeated with a win over Boston College (4-1). Big game next week vs Texas A&M.
teddythe3rd 7
ToeInDigDeep 7
UNC_Samurai 7
zenverak 7
12panther 8
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 8 Mizzou gets a needed bye week before heading to Kyle Field. Don’t let the Aggie cult do their hypnosis on you!!
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 8
ALStark69 8 +2
BamaPride95 8
BenchRickyAguayo 8
Blooblod 8
bretticus33 8 Bye week for Mizzou as they get ready for A&M
CambodianDrywall 8
Cars-and-Coffee 8
Charlemagne42 8 Adjustment: 9%
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 8 (+2)
ChaseTheFalcon 8 --
coletheredditer 8 Bye weeks make people forget about close wins the week prior
corundum9 8
creative_penguin 8
Daigotsu 8
darkra01 8
DarthYoda2594 8
dasani3x 8
Doogitywoogity 8 😴
Due_Connection179 8 Last Week #9 / Bye Week / I feel like a lot of people are going to be made at me for Mizzou jumping Georgia. My counterpoints would be that if Georgia plays the way they did against Kentucky and the first three quarters vs Alabama, then every team above them should beat them on a neutral field.
ewolfy13 8 Honestly after team 8, everyone kind of sucks
Extra_Excrement 8
fourpinz8 8
frumious88 8
galacticdude7 8
goblue10 8
grjohnst 8
grtgbln 8
hascogrande 8
jeedf 8
jjjoebox 8
Lex_Ludorum 8
Longvols 8
MahjongDaily 8
malowry0124 8
Megalomanizac 8
mellolizard 8
MemeofMemeJTG999999 8 (4-0) (up 3) Bye Next Week: @ #27 Texas A&M (4-1) Projected Bowl: Playoff R1 @ Georgia
MrTheSpork 8
Noelthemexican 8
OldCoaly 8
olmsted 8
one98d 8
Pikachu1989 8
posiitively 8
realclean 8 =
Red261 8
redrumsoxLoL 8
rocco2246 8
ScarletFever333 8
seaotter2 8
sirgippy 8
SpadeRyker 8
Staind075 8
stripes361 8
The-Gothic-Castle 8
TheZachster 8
thomasosu 8
tjstanley 8
TossedRightOut 8
UMeister 8
VerySeriousBanana 8
w8w8 8
Xtremeloco 8
52hoova 9
AlexanderComet 9
AlphaH4wk 9
Apep86 9
BallSoHerd 9
BananaBouquet 9
bannista7 9
bernkastel87 9
Bill3ffinMurray 9
BlueSCar 9
BosskOnASegway 9
boxbeat 9
Branzilla91 9
Buckeyes2010 9
Casaiir 9
cfbguy 9
Ch-i-ef 9 Texas A&M? Ranked on ranked matchup? Woof
ch1l1_ch33s3 9
ChemicalOle 9
conchobor 9
cornholesurfer 9
d_mcc_x 9
dan4223 9
DarkLegend64 9
diehardcubforever 9
DisraeliEers 9
dogwoodmaple 9
Drexlore 9
Dropbackandpunt 9
e8odie 9
EpicSchwinn 9
esoterik 9
fredmerc111 9 LW: 9
fshi 9
GatorBolt 9 Well a fellow competitor for the SEC at large race fell.
GeauxTri 9
GenialGiant 9
GoBlueScrewOSU7 9
Hackasizlak 9
Helifino 9
HelioOne 9
HHcougar 9
Hobbes_121 9
icklebush 9
ikindalikelemons 9
Jakesnake42 9 77.99 Last Week: #9
jalexjsmithj 9
JBonkies 9 (-)
joebob431 9
JonesUCF34 9
JustAManAndHisLaptop 9
JustinMSU21 9
Keener1899 9
KirbyDumber88 9
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 9
lillipup03 9
MemeLovingLoser 9
monkeymatt1836 9
nbingham196 9
nburt13 9
nemoran 9
nin478 9
noodlethebear 9
Our-Gardian-Angel 9
outthawazoo 9
PHubbs 9
pileatedloon 9
plannedsickdays 9
Pollaski 9
PrimalCookie 9
ProbablyRickSantorum 9
PumpSmash 9
rain_parkour 9
Rakarei 9
retnuh101 9
RheagarTargaryen 9
RiffRamBahZoo 9
RollWarTideEagle 9
royrules22 9
scronko 9
shadowwingnut 9
SlaminSammons 9
soonerfreak 9
Sproded 9
spsellers 9
srs_house 9
stew_pac 9 -1
SwissArmyScythe 9 +1
TaylorLeprechaun 9 +2
tdeff19 9
TDenverFan 9
tdoger 9
Techwid 9
Terminal_BAS 9
Texasagsman 9
the_neverdoctor 9
titansfan174 9
tmothy07 9
vanburen1845 9
WarEagle9 9
washington_jefferson 9
wesman212 9
WillWorkForSugar 9
woakley 9
WolverineDDS 9
ya111101 9
Zloggt 9
A_Rolling_Baneling 10
CFBHurts 10
CockADoodleBOOM 10
DavoinShower-handle 10
eSpiritCorpse 10 0.9282
frone 10
IAmAChemicalEngineer 10
IceColdDrPepper_Here 10
JamoRedhead 10
Knightro2011 10
magnumweiner 10
Meany_Vizzini 10 17.3, -, -1.6
Player_1_has_Joined 10
Pure_Protein_Machine 10
SCsprinter13 10
Sometimeswelose 10
ThaCarter 10
The_Good_Constable 10
Tman450x 10
TopGoose 10
Acm0028 11
Bank_Gothic 11
BorisNumber1 11
chweris 11
dabul-master 11
Harpua99 11
kamiller2020 11
MarlinsGuy 11
noahthearc 11
OKgolfer 11
placid_salad 11 LW: #9
Polarbear1914 11
SteemieRayVaughn 11
Striker743 11 Down 2 - BYE week
TouchdownHeroes 11 LW: 11
trumpet_23 11
Cecil_Hardboner 12
Colton3690 12
goodnames679 12 I remain unconvinced by Mizzou, who don't have a good win and needed OT to beat Vandy.
Hugefootballfan44 12 LW: 10
jthomas694 12
LiptonCB 12
No11223456 12
spasm01 12
TimeBroken 12 Rank: #17
digdat0 13
fo13 13
70stang 14 Mizzou is 4-0 with 2 P5 wins, 1 G5, and 1 FCS. They have not played an away game, which lands them at the bottom of this tier.
blahblehblahwhoru 14
Blazeth 14
eclectic_tastes 14
HieloLuz 14 Points: 49.29 | Wins: 1 T4, 1 T5, 1 T6, 1 T7 | 2 WP |
hypercube42342 14
Inkblot9 14
nw____ 14
NyquillusDillwad20 14
r0sco 14
ShogunAshoka 14
Shootit_Rockets 14
tallg8tor 14
the_lost_carrot 14
Feral_Squirrel 15
bwburke94 16
Darth_Ra 16
hythloday1 16
JaxofAllTrades13 16
udubdavid 16
JeromesNiece 17
MADBuc49 17
studio_sally 17
ColombianInIowa24 18 Bye week decay, plus Boston College's poor showing and Vandy's decay explains the drop. Up next the always overrated TAMU.
Fmeson 18
Conglossian 19 -8
Muffinnnnnnn 19
RobertNeyland 20
Corgi_Koala 23
NotSoSuperNerd 23 0.785 (8.7-3.3)
owl_man 23
RJEP22 23
ehoefler 24 75.49 | -15
lookglen 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
wittingtarsier 1
CallMeTheKing 4 50-0-83
0010MK 5
aredna 5
cartierboy25 5
cbusalex 5
Effective-Lead-6657 5 (-2)
journey1986 5
MajikSix 5
STL_12 5 Points: 11.083 LW: N/A
1Subject 6
boblovespi 6
CakeEaters 6
Serenityy8 6
soonertiger 6
TheReformedBadger 6
TheSleaze22 6
Arvandu 7
camus69x 7
dawgfan24348 7
dubscurry30 7
FlashSpider-man 7 Don't like having them so high after the Vandy game but they'll wreck us to earn the spot anyways.
FoRtNiteizBAD 7 Mizzou moves up two spots on their bye week.
grahamca 7 T1ˢᵗ W/L, T6ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 7ᵗʰ Team Strength, 16ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
HoustonHorns 7
Jay_Dubbbs 7
jonstark19 7 +3
jwrtf 7 +1
Living_Human 7
LoCh0_xX 7
mathmanhale 7
owl-bears 7
PattyKane16 7
penix4heisman 7
Rcfan0902 7 817.00
RedBarracuda25 7
spaceblev11 7
SpeddyDawg 7
tatteredgnome_23 7
Tight_Discipline_134 7
WRSpill 7 (10)
Yelich04 7 ^3
_Junk_Rat_ 8
BoukenGreen 8
BuckeyeForLife95 8
carsonivey72 8
chillmagic420 8
Chipsahoy523 8
ConstantPause1239 8
ESPbeN 8
Fantastic-Calendar-9 8 LW: 10
funt9rtle 8
geauxsaints777 8
GeyWeyner12 8
HideNZeke 8
JackWK_Gaming 8
jibberishdhyukl 8
KansasChaser2021 8
KCSportsFan7 8
Kirkwood641 8
leadbymight 8
Lefunnymaymays4lief 8
Luigiatl 8
ManiacalBlazer 8
Milflover69cbb 8 I hate yellow
NA_Faker 8
NastyWideOuts 8
newSomberMan 8
Noahsince2002 8
PeteyNice 8
pianoprofiteer 8
RealignmentJunkie 8
Sp1cyRice 8 (-4)
sroach91 8
supercon21 8
tbutrie1916 8
tcomn 8 Group C
thatoneguyD13 8 Tier 3. BC win still looks solid.
TheBeekman8 8 Did not play
thejus10 8
tms42206 8
Tornadohunter24 8
True_Ad5324 8
Underground_Bread 8
WebfootTroll 8
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 8 Bye week, nothing doing here
666haha 9
70277027 9
ab317 9
ActuallyJasonPrice 9
AdministrativeAnt683 9
Airweldon 9
AnAngryPanda1 9
BG-WestyC 9
BoilerUp28 9
bolts_win_again 9
brihimia 9
brucewaynewins 9
bruhstevenson 9
charmingcharles2896 9
cirtnecoileh 9
ckubi 9
cookie__monster___ 9
CriterionCrypt 9
DaewooLanosMFerr 9
DillyDillySzn 9
divey043 9
doctrhouse 9
donbagert 9
DownshiftGD 9
dr_funk_13 9
dubkent 9
dukemetoo 9
ElyxUW 9
FsuNolezz 9
gonshpreds1 9
Hastronaut 9
hurricaneatx 9
jakepadres23 9
JJones927 9
JordanDean04 9 (--) Mizzou gets a bye week to recover from *checks notes* Vanderbilt, but stays stagnant as Oregon and Penn State jump them following impressive wins.
Josh_historybuff 9 Bye Week
JustAGuy7915 9
kcvtdc 9
LonghornInNebraska 9
Mascorn 9
maxwell6233 9
mcdsmaster8824 9
munchermode 9
nebsA1 9
ntny 9
Omegaus492 9
Piptit 9
PSUMediaPA 9
PsychologicalFox8660 9
RipRaycom 9
Salmon-Dude 9
samtaylor92 9
ScraaaaaaaambledEggs 9
Sflabuckeye13 9
sirvalkyerie 9
Somali-Pirate-Lvl100 9
SomerandomIDFBfan 9
SortaDecent 9
SquadPoopy 9
thehornedlamb 9
TheQuakinator 9
throwaway_6786 9 A bye week for the Tigers. The BC win looks a little sketchy, but they didn't have Castellanos, so I'm not sure how to look at that game now. Mizzou is standing on shaky ground, especially after the Vanderbilt escape, but for now, they rise to #9 due to chaos around them.
TKFT_ExTr3m3 9
trust_the_process__ 9
Tylex123 9
UTTuba16 9
WBLwiffleball 9
willbill182 9
Wumbology724 9
Aidanj927 10
Crelc3 10
drneilpretenamen 10
dterp13 10
forkedravioli 10
gavinw24 10
GenuineBoss 10
johnjones55 10
JoshuaMan024 10 236.33
kevinsdomain 10
Menktenk 10
mfraga66 10
Middle_Wheel_5959 10
mill1634 10
mountain_troop86 10
msonar623 10 18
OG_Felwinter 10
quadnips 10
SaguaroCactus19 10
sconbon 10
Spazzatack 10
twr96 10
Windoge_Master 10
yesiambear 10
ziggysaysnada 10
Aggravating-Steak-69 11
Bereft13 11 Power: 14, SoR: 11; LW: 11
Burnsite 11
ChBass 11
chief_sitass 11
josh55134 11
MainPeanut25 11 -1
MuhMuhManRay 11
saquad69 11
scsd4222 11
spencej98 11
usernamegoeshere763 11
133112 12 Same as above.
ALToidzz 12
loganisfresh 12
mr_longfellow_deeds 12
quantum_jedi 12 (-4) Idle. Move down with other teams getting good wins.
daredassdude 13
isrealball 13
Midnight-Mustang 13
sly2bfox 13
BeyondLiesTheWub 14 +4
boomersooner222 14
Laschoni 14
notsaying123 15
big_thunder_man 16 BYE. One of the least impressive SEC schedules of the decade, I mean year.
HopefulReb76 16 A&M looks a little more put together than they had this season. That near loss to Vandy hurt a little more as I watched some of the film.
mthompson2320 16 LW: 11
eddietheintern 17
Utah0001 17
ianmcmoney 18
drewscottt 20 -6
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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