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2024 Week 4 Memphis Tigers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
JustAManAndHisLaptop 12
spsellers 12
70stang 13 Memphis is 3-0 with 1 P5 win away, 1 G5 win, 1 FCS win, and a strength of played schedule of 40th
ColombianInIowa24 13 Beat the excuse of a team. May just make it in.
Inkblot9 13
BUSean 14
Maladroit44 14
srs_house 14
TimeBroken 14 Rank: #10
ToeInDigDeep 14
IAmAChemicalEngineer 15
bretticus33 17 Yes, Memphis is still my G5 CFP team. Yes, they’re 3-0. They drop because they’ve yet to beat a team with a win.
bwburke94 17
CockADoodleBOOM 17
Colton3690 17
Dropbackandpunt 17
ewolfy13 17 I stand by my opinion that Memphis is the best G5 team
JBonkies 17 (+2) Great win at a not so great Florida State. Going into their toughest game of the season and winning is still very impressive even if Florida State isn't what most people thought they would be.
Longvols 17
vanburen1845 17
wameron 17
CommodoreN7 18
digdat0 18
Hugefootballfan44 18 LW: NR
jrluhn 18
OKgolfer 18
posiitively 18
practicallybert 18
TheNSAAgent777 18
ya111101 18
Blazeth 19
cornholesurfer 19
nbingham196 19
nw____ 19 Who had Memphis ranked last week, btw? Not that I think FSU is any good.
olmsted 19
Rakarei 19
spasm01 19
BenchRickyAguayo 20
bernkastel87 20
BugsSuck 20
DrKennethJNoisewater 20
GatorBolt 20 Beating your old coach in a buy game? That's priceless alone. $1.3 million is the cherry on top.
jjjoebox 20
Joester09 20
oghawks18 20
Our-Gardian-Angel 20
PrimalCookie 20
stew_pac 20 -6
T-nawtical 20 +6
TaylorLeprechaun 20 NR
Texasagsman 20
12panther 21
Bill3ffinMurray 21
Branzilla91 21
buckeyes75 21
CptCheese 21
grjohnst 21
lillipup03 21
LiptonCB 21
ndbroski 21
PumpSmash 21
RobertNeyland 21
shadowwingnut 21
texas2089 21
Bank_Gothic 22
chaser676 22
Corgi_Koala 22
cota1212 22
creative_penguin 22
DavoinShower-handle 22
Hackasizlak 22
HarbingerOfFun 22
jeedf 22
plannedsickdays 22
Red261 22
romulusjsp 22 (NR)
SharkMovies 22
tjstanley 22
_fastball 23
BallSoHerd 23
boxbeat 23
Cecil_Hardboner 23
cfbguy 23
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 23
chweris 23
Harpua99 23
jmac_21 23
Knightro2011 23
magnumweiner 23
Mr_Brews 23
noodlethebear 23
one98d 23
Polarbear1914 23
Pollaski 23
ryseing 23
soonerfreak 23
spmartin1993 23
Sproded 23
The_Good_Constable 23
titansfan174 23
Tman450x 23
ALStark69 24 NR New to poll: 24 Memphis, 25 Illinois
bannista7 24
Buckeyes2010 24
Casaiir 24
CFBHurts 24
Corporal_Hicks 24
DampFrijoles 24
Drexlore 24
esoterik 24
GeauxTri 24
Hobbes_121 24
hythloday1 24
KirbyDumber88 24
MemeofMemeJTG999999 24 (3-0) (up 3) W: 20-12 @ Florida State (0-3) Next Week: @ Navy (2-0) Projected Bowl: Military vs NC State
PalmettoFace 24
ProbablyRickSantorum 24
RegulatorRWF 24
RheagarTargaryen 24
RollWarTideEagle 24
SCsprinter13 24
SwissArmyScythe 24 --
Terminal_BAS 24
thomasosu 24
tks231 24
TouchdownHeroes 24 LW: HM
UNC_Samurai 24
BabyBladder 25
bakonydraco 25 69.452
BosskOnASegway 25
Cassiyus 25
ChaseTheFalcon 25 NR
conchobor 25
frone 25
HelioOne 25
huskerfan4life520 25
IceColdDrPepper_Here 25
jaybigs 25
jthomas694 25
Lex_Ludorum 25
mellolizard 25
Muffinnnnnnn 25
nemoran 25
PHubbs 25
redrumsoxLoL 25
sasmith2015 25
ScarletFever333 25
scronko 25
SpadeRyker 25
tmothy07 25
WolverineDDS 25
Xtremeloco 25
Zloggt 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
cirtnecoileh 12
STL_12 12
SpeddyDawg 13
_Junk_Rat_ 14
boomersooner222 14
RealignmentJunkie 15
cheeks_mcgoo 17
inconvenientpoop 17
JackWK_Gaming 17
NastyWideOuts 17
RubbleHome 17
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 17 Great win against FSU. they might be absolutely dogshit this year, but that's still a VERY, VERY good win for their CFP resume. Definitely in the drivers seat for that autobid slot at this point. Though there is strong competition behind them. have to stay focused.
chillmagic420 18
CriterionCrypt 18
Mayonezee 18
munchermode 18
scsd4222 18
Arvandu 19
MajikSix 19
mathmanhale 19
RadiationRichard 19 LW - NR
spicywarlock73 19
BeyondLiesTheWub 20 no change
CallingUagoatUgoat 20 T-14.
cnpeters 20 79.55 Points. Best Win vs #107 Florida State (21.14)
forkedravioli 20
Josh_historybuff 20 20-12 vs Florida State
patriots230 20
ziggysaysnada 20
Bereft13 21 Power: 24, SoR: 11; LW: NR (28)
drneilpretenamen 21
dubscurry30 21
luciusetrur 21 LW: 22 Change: +1
mthompson2320 21 LW: 28
Protoco2 21
Beneficial_Present29 22
dr_funk_13 22
dterp13 22
ESPbeN 22
Jacob_Sumner 22
KCSportsFan7 22
tcomn 22 Group E
Tornadohunter24 22
WebfootTroll 22
WRSpill 22 (25)
youngs2309 22
ab317 23
BuckeyeForLife95 23
DaewooLanosMFerr 23
ElyxUW 23
Living_Human 23
mcdsmaster8824 23
Middle_Wheel_5959 23
PerfectZeroKnowledge 23
Piptit 23
SaveTheCombees10 23
Sflabuckeye13 23
tatteredgnome_23 23
trust_the_process__ 23
willbill182 23
7_evyn 24
alttabbins 24
Burnsite 24
carsonivey72 24
Chipsahoy523 24
dawgfan24348 24
HopefulReb76 24 Memphis looks like a great team. There were some things that needed to be cleaned up this past weekend but, I think they should be in contention for the G5 autobid. (HATE: thinking about that now)
jibberishdhyukl 24
MuhMuhManRay 24
notsaying123 24
SaguaroCactus19 24
Salmon-Dude 24
saquad69 24
sconbon 24
simplygabi 24
soonertiger 24
WBLwiffleball 24
70277027 25
BG-WestyC 25
BoilerUp28 25
CakeEaters 25
EBuckhouse 25
FoRtNiteizBAD 25
GeyWeyner12 25
Got_That_WeeFee 25
JJones927 25
Luigiatl 25 Florida State is becoming a less impressive win by the minute, but Memphis’s good play against their previous opponents help them squeak in.
maxwell6233 25
mfraga66 25
mikecsiy 25
PeteyNice 25
PSUMediaPA 25
sammyt21 25
Scruggerboy 25
Serenityy8 25
StripedSteel 25
tbutrie1916 25
thejus10 25
TheSleaze22 25
tms42206 25
True_Ad5324 25 Not impressed with fsu win bc it’s fsu but still GO5 contender
Yelich04 25 NR
yesiambear 25 Beat Troy 38-17,
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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