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2024 Week 3 Arizona Wildcats Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
ColombianInIowa24 6 What does it see in them? Inertia.
BUSean 8
ToeInDigDeep 9
dan4223 10
practicallybert 10
Cassiyus 11
tks231 11
BananaBouquet 12
cornholesurfer 13
DrKennethJNoisewater 13
JamoRedhead 13
OldCoaly 13
seaotter2 13
Sometimeswelose 13
Acm0028 14
CFBHurts 14
Ch-i-ef 14 Where is the high flying offense? I was promised an elite, high scoring offense!!
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 14
lookglen 14
MoneyManeVick 14
nin478 14
bannista7 15
Blazeth 15
cyberchaox 15
HarbingerOfFun 15
ikindalikelemons 15
jaybigs 15
Joester09 15
owl_man 15
RegionalBias 15
SwissArmyScythe 15
washington_jefferson 15
woakley 15
_fastball 16
Blooblod 16
Daigotsu 16
Drexlore 16
galacticdude7 16
Helifino 16
jmac_21 16
JustinMSU21 16
KirbyDumber88 16
plannedsickdays 16
Pyroblockx 16
ruwisc 16
spmartin1993 16
stew_pac 16 +11
strikersteve60 16
TDenverFan 16
tdoger 16
the_neverdoctor 16
tmothy07 16
vanburen1845 16
WarEagle9 16
CambodianDrywall 17
captain_sasquatch 17
Cars-and-Coffee 17
Corgi_Koala 17
corundum9 17
diehardcubforever 17
DisraeliEers 17
Doogitywoogity 17 Pretty shaky, though I know Northern AZ likes to cause yall issues randomly
ewolfy13 17
fredmerc111 17 LW: 13
grjohnst 17
HelioOne 17
IAmAChemicalEngineer 17
IceColdDrPepper_Here 17
Longvols 17
Mr_Brews 17
owlalwaysloveyew 17
Pikachu1989 17
PumpSmash 17
Rakarei 17
RegulatorRWF 17
rocco2246 17
shadowwingnut 17
spsellers 17
srs_house 17
Terminal_BAS 17
Zloggt 17
Cecil_Hardboner 18
ch1l1_ch33s3 18
coletheredditer 18 K State game should be a good testing ground
CptCheese 18
D1N2Y 18
darkra01 18
Feral_Squirrel 18
fourpinz8 18
MemeLovingLoser 18 69.59
monkeymatt1836 18
MrTheSpork 18
nw____ 18 Admittedly didn’t want this one. Seems like they played with their food a bit, though.
outthawazoo 18
RollWarTideEagle 18
romulusjsp 18 (-)
sasmith2015 18
scronko 18
titansfan174 18
Tman450x 18 T.Mac for Heisman.
Xtremeloco 18
djowen68 19
frone 19
halldaylong 19
jeedf 19
jimbobbypaul 19
LiptonCB 19
MahjongDaily 19
MemeofMemeJTG999999 19 (2-0) (down 2) W: 22-10 vs Northern Arizona (1-1) Next Week: @ #15 Kansas State (2-0) Projected Bowl: Holiday vs Boston College
nburt13 19
nemoran 19
placid_salad 19 LW: #6
puffadda 19
Pure_Protein_Machine 19
SCsprinter13 19
T-nawtical 19 -7
tdeff19 19
TopGoose 19
TouchdownHeroes 19 LW: 16
w8w8 19
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 20
CommodoreN7 20
Extra_Excrement 20
GeauxTri 20
Harpua99 20
huskerfan4life520 20
icklebush 20
jrluhn 20
manbeardawg 20
PalmettoFace 20
tauzeta 20
VerySeriousBanana 20
ya111101 20
bties 21
Buckeyes2010 21
bwburke94 21
cyclonepsycho 21
Maladroit44 21
mellolizard 21
Pollaski 21
PrimalCookie 21 (+3) 2-0, but I just don't feel confident in this team at all. They were tied with UNM at half (before running away with it) last week, now they were tied with NAU at half this week and didn't run away with it nearly as much. They can't afford another performance like that at KSU next week
SlaminSammons 21
SpadeRyker 21
Techwid 21
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 22
bakonydraco 22 73.732
BosskOnASegway 22
Corporal_Hicks 22
DarthYoda2594 22 Could probably drop out, two bad weeks already, but that offense is still good enough to warrant a spot
jjjoebox 22
PHubbs 22
royrules22 22
TaylorLeprechaun 22 -1
bretticus33 23 Not a pretty game by Arizona. KSU will be telling.
dogwoodmaple 23
JustAManAndHisLaptop 23
magnumweiner 23
one98d 23
zenverak 23
BearsAreGreat1 24
colton_97 24
jthomas694 24
lillipup03 24
NyquillusDillwad20 24
Ruhrgebietheld 24
UNC_Samurai 24
deadtofall12 25
malowry0124 25
oghawks18 25
ReallyCreative 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
The_Stratman 6
camus69x 9
ChBass 11
HopefulReb76 11
leadbymight 11
TheSleaze22 11
WebfootTroll 11
eddietheintern 12 Fifita and TMac are awesome and this is definitely the non-Washington team I'm rooting for the most. Despite the new coaching staff the offense is gelling really well and Fifita is unironically a dark horse for the Heisman. They absolutely need to figure out the defense though. Very very good shot at being the second B12 team in the playoff as long as they only lose in the conference championship/to Utah
McIntyre2K7 12
Milflover69cbb 12 Please stop embarrassing me
Ok_Welcome_6684 12
throwaway_6786 12 Not the best look to trail against an FCS team at home in the 2nd half. They did manage to turn it around, but I'm sure at least a few Wildcat fans were having flashbacks to their 2021 loss to NAU. The good news is that Arizona has a chance to redeem themselves this week against K-State, where a win would surely put most (not all) of the concerns from this game in the rearview mirror.
Arvandu 13
cheeks_mcgoo 13
dterp13 13
FlashSpider-man 13
Got_That_WeeFee 13
Piptit 13
Underground_Bread 13
Chipsahoy523 14
dawgfan24348 14
ElyxUW 14
gavinw24 14
munchermode 14
penix4heisman 14
RedBarracuda25 14 Not... the most convincing win ever but it's a win? The wildcats are still trying to find their identity but a whole new team but this is gonna be a tight B12 this year so I hope they find it fat
Salmon-Dude 14
Scruggerboy 14
slatibartifast3 14
thehornedlamb 14
willbill182 14
AdministrativeAnt683 15
Astone1996 15
Burnsite 15
carsonivey72 15
jonstark19 15 +3
jwrtf 15
Laschoni 15
ManiacalBlazer 15
Maxdarkfire 15
mill1634 15
OSU_Shecter 15
schneeplehoppen 15
sconbon 15
silfarion10 15
tatteredgnome_23 15
Xy13 15
Aggravating-Steak-69 16
Aidanj927 16
brihimia 16
bruhstevenson 16
Cdsnz23 16
geauxsaints777 16
ianmcmoney 16
jackmc04 16 (-)
JackWK_Gaming 16
KansasChaser2021 16
mathmanhale 16
RealignmentJunkie 16
ScooterLeShooter 16
Shion314 16
slashbopzing 16
SpursUpSoundsGudToMe 16
TheBeekman8 16 Had a tough time early with Northern Arizona but got the dub
TheGlassRemains 16
Thehomelessguy11 16
TheReformedBadger 16
Tylex123 16
UTTuba16 16
vindictivejazz 16 Is Arizona good? Maybe? I think so. Will know more after this week
alttabbins 17
bostonboy08 17
BoukenGreen 17
ConstantPause1239 17
Fantastic-Calendar-9 17 LW: 18
greysatire 17
kevinsdomain 17
mcdsmaster8824 17
NA_Faker 17
ntny 17 Haven't really been tested but has two wins
OCD3ds 17
OSUfan88 17
PSUMediaPA 17
RubbleHome 17
samtaylor92 17
Sflabuckeye13 17
thejus10 17
True_Ad5324 17
Wumbology724 17
ActuallyJasonPrice 18
BertGallagher 18
BoilerUp28 18
civfan5843 18
ClandestineFox 18
dubscurry30 18
FoRtNiteizBAD 18
gonshpreds1 18
Jay_Dubbbs 18
JJones927 18
Kirkwood641 18
LoCh0_xX 18
Luigiatl 18
sammyt21 18
supercon21 18
tbutrie1916 18
TKFT_ExTr3m3 18 Meh, didn't know where to put them. Don't get to watch them and they seem good but low quality opponents
usernamegoeshere763 18
ziggysaysnada 18
brucewaynewins 19
Butternades 19
chillmagic420 19
cookie__monster___ 19
DaewooLanosMFerr 19
donbagert 19
hoovereatscowpoop 19 Tier - Decent but not great
hurricaneatx 19 (2-0) -
Living_Human 19
Mossed26 19
mountain_troop86 19 Uh oh
nebsA1 19
Noahsince2002 19
Omegaus492 19
PsychologicalFox8660 19
quantum_jedi 19 Sloppy game against NAU. Next two games will be tough for the Wildcats.
sirvalkyerie 19 Bit of a scare for a minute against the in-state FCS rivals. But they did get it done by two scores in the end. Fifita looks the part.
smtgcleverhere 19
The_Candler 19
TheQuakinator 19
trust_the_process__ 19
Airweldon 20
AnAngryPanda1 20
bolts_win_again 20
dheck2016 20
Minnesnowtaaa 20
MuhMuhManRay 20
spaceblev11 20
TheFalconGuy 20
theopression 20
Tight_Discipline_134 20
divey043 21
GavRunsTheTrap 21
HideNZeke 21
journey1986 21
MainPeanut25 21 Frauds
Mynameisdiehard 21
Serenityy8 21
soonertiger 21
WBLwiffleball 21
_JustinTheGreat_ 22
Fghjkdid911 22
Josh_historybuff 22 22-10 vs Northern Arizona
Mayonezee 22
notsaying123 22
SNjr 22
WRSpill 22 (21)
DownshiftGD 23
drneilpretenamen 23
MajikSix 23
saquad69 23
spicywarlock73 23
charmingcharles2896 24 Uninspiring, but it's a win.
daa4th 24
enneper4 24
SaguaroCactus19 24
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 24 I do NOT think this will last, I really don't want to reward them for being in a close game with an FCS school, but there's really nobody else that has the star talent they do, that is also undefeated right now. Nobody else can really go here.
daredassdude 25
JordanDean04 25
josh55134 25
Sebene 25
twr96 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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