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2024 Week 2 NC State Wolfpack Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
ewolfy13 13
ch1l1_ch33s3 14
Longvols 14
practicallybert 14
Dropbackandpunt 15
the_neverdoctor 16
vanburen1845 16
JBonkies 17
magnumweiner 17
Branzilla91 18
MoneyManeVick 18
Staind075 18
Striker743 18
jjjoebox 19
Pikachu1989 19
BallSoHerd 20
bannista7 20
Cassiyus 20
Corporal_Hicks 20
CptCheese 20
DrKennethJNoisewater 20
EpicSchwinn 20
nw____ 20
RegionalBias 20
titansfan174 20
w8w8 20
12panther 21
captain_sasquatch 21
colton_97 21
grjohnst 21
JustinMSU21 21
lillipup03 21
manbeardawg 21
mellolizard 21
Mr_Brews 21
rocco2246 21
SteemieRayVaughn 21
TheNSAAgent777 21
Xtremeloco 21
BananaBouquet 22
BUSean 22
CambodianDrywall 22
djowen68 22
IceColdDrPepper_Here 22
JamoRedhead 22
jthomas694 22
nburt13 22
RegulatorRWF 22
seaotter2 22
skuhlke 22
SpadeRyker 22
ya111101 22
Acm0028 23
Blooblod 23
bties 23
ColombianInIowa24 23 What the hell was that against WCU? Please drop.
dogwoodmaple 23
Feral_Squirrel 23
fourpinz8 23
Helifino 23
KirbyDumber88 23
scronko 23
washington_jefferson 23
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 24
ChaseTheFalcon 24
cyberchaox 24
Daigotsu 24
diehardcubforever 24
frone 24
HarbingerOfFun 24
HelioOne 24
icklebush 24
jaybigs 24
malowry0124 24
Megalomanizac 24
MemeofMemeJTG999999 24 (1-0) (down 1) W: 38-21 vs West Carolina (0-1) Next Week: vs #13 Tennessee (1-0) (in Charlotte) Projected Bowl: Sun vs Washington
OldCoaly 24
outthawazoo 24
owlalwaysloveyew 24
RheagarTargaryen 24
RollWarTideEagle 24
tauzeta 24
wesman212 24
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 25
BosskOnASegway 25
bretticus33 25 A win is a win, but that wasn’t an encouraging performance from NC State
Cecil_Hardboner 25
jrluhn 25 Next 5 in no order: Washington, Texas A&M, SMU, Georgia Tech, and Boise St.
ReallyCreative 25
spsellers 25
srs_house 25
T-nawtical 25 Vanderbilt, Nebraska, Iowa St., Louisville, LSU, Memphis, Texas A&M, Rutgers, Colorado, UNLV
VerySeriousBanana 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Minnesnowtaaa 14
Laschoni 15
spaceblev11 15
sammyt21 17
sconbon 17
youngs2309 17
666haha 18
ianmcmoney 18
Prof_Pie 18
slashbopzing 18
The_Stratman 18
ziggysaysnada 18
Fghjkdid911 19
jibberishdhyukl 19
ManiacalBlazer 19
PersianGuitarist 19
Protoco2 19
enneper4 20
FlashSpider-man 20
GreenAndYellow12 20 +3
josh55134 20
MajikSix 20
maxwell6233 20
samtaylor92 20
sroach91 20
ConstantPause1239 21
gavinw24 21
OSU_Shecter 21
sirvalkyerie 21
supercon21 21
trust_the_process__ 21
Wumbology724 21
Chipsahoy523 22
DillyDillySzn 22
GeyWeyner12 22
Jay_Dubbbs 22
Living_Human 22
mikecsiy 22
notsaying123 22
penix4heisman 22
PsychologicalFox8660 22
RealignmentJunkie 22
Scruggerboy 22
Thehomelessguy11 22
TheReformedBadger 22
tisofold 22
Tylex123 22
usernamegoeshere763 22
vindictivejazz 22
willbill182 22
alttabbins 23
ckubi 23
daa4th 23
EBuckhouse 23
HideNZeke 23
mauliknshah 23
Shion314 23
TheFalconGuy 23
tumadrelover 23
Underground_Bread 23
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 23 embarrassingly shaky, but a win is a win. If they play like this against Tennessee, it will be over by the end of the first quarter
ActuallyJasonPrice 24
Airweldon 24
AnAngryPanda1 24
bruhstevenson 24
Crelc3 24
dheck2016 24
dubscurry30 24
jwrtf 24
Mossed26 24
OCD3ds 24
OSUfan88 24
RubbleHome 24
ScooterLeShooter 24
tbutrie1916 24
thejus10 24
TheSleaze22 24
Arvandu 25
BoilerUp28 25
BoukenGreen 25
Burnsite 25
Dan20698 25
donbagert 25
dubkent 25
ilikepie145 25
kevinsdomain 25
NastyWideOuts 25
nebsA1 25
SignificanceFirm2398 25
SquadPoopy 25 NC State has always been that consistent good but never great team that just doesn't do enough to get true recognition year after year. Unfortunately I don't see that changing much this year, but NC State expecting 8 and 9 win seasons basically every year is still an accomplishment. Remember, it can always be worse.
tcomn 25 Group D
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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