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2024 Week 2 Maryland Terrapins Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
bakonydraco 12 73.553
RheagarTargaryen 12
udubdavid 12
Hey_Its_Roomie 13
Noelthemexican 14 tie ^
hypercube42342 15
tallg8tor 16
tks231 16
NotSoSuperNerd 17 0.577 (7.8-4.2)
Darth_Ra 18
HieloLuz 18 Points: 7 | Wins: 1 T6 |
RobertNeyland 19
placid_salad 20 LW: #26
fadingthought 21
MemeLovingLoser 21 68.35
wameron 22
A_Rolling_Baneling 23
ehoefler 23 90.86
HarbingerOfFun 23
plannedsickdays 23
70stang 24 1 G5 home win
noahthearc 24
PlactusTX 24 (—) W Connecticut | Dropped out: 4 Florida State, 12 Louisiana State, 20 Troy, 21 Tennessee, 23 Clemson, 24 North Carolina State, 25 Kansas
SlaminSammons 24
romulusjsp 25 (-6) It's week 1, I can still rank them if I want. DROPPED OUT: Florida State, NC State.

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
CakeEaters 3
Rcfan0902 8
BeyondLiesTheWub 13
STL_12 14
CallMeTheKing 16 1-0-132
CallingUagoatUgoat 20
ALToidzz 21
DaewooLanosMFerr 22
grahamca 22 T1ˢᵗ W/L, T27ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 27ᵗʰ Team Strength, 27ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
big_thunder_man 23
LongjumpingState9635 23 +NR
quantum_jedi 23 Expected Maryland to take a few steps back this year, but they crushed UCONN. The middle of the B1G is going to be a mess.
Yelich04 23 Not Previously Ranked By Me
Effective-Lead-6657 24
penix4heisman 24
The_Stratman 24
Menktenk 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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