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2020 Week θ´ Purdue Boilermakers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
jrichardh 7
DonnieNarco 9
T-Thugs 10 Purdue moved to 2-0 this weekend. Next week they play Wisconsin (if Wisconsin plays). Could be the end of the Purdue hype train or bump them up pretty high in my rankings. 
BunnySelfDestruct 11
Jakesnake42 11 Last Week: 9
CFBHurts 15
DafoeFoSho 15
DrKennethJNoisewater 15
DeceptiveSpeed 16
orbania 17
srs_house 17
tmothy07 17
Apep86 18
Fmeson 18
ToeInDigDeep 19
corundum9 20
fireinvestigator113 20
steelcitygator 20
ttsci 20
Cecil_Hardboner 21
ScarletFever333 21
ShamusJohnson13 21
Blooblod 22
dabul-master 22
goblue10 22
monkeymatt1836 22
olmsted 22
retnuh101 22
spsellers 22
BosskOnASegway 23
Miami_da_U 23
pileatedloon 23
arrowfan624 24
eclectic_tastes 24
jmbourn45 24
joebob431 24
Pieisgood186 24
tks231 24
coogs35 25
DampFrijoles 25
dan4223 25
MoneyManeVick 25
stesser 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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