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2020 Week 111 Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
AlphaH4wk 11
Laschoni 11
ShogunAshoka 12
ACCBiggz 13
dabul-master 13
jrichardh 13
olmsted 14
Apep86 15
BunnySelfDestruct 15
JaxofAllTrades13 15
corundum9 16
DafoeFoSho 16
PalmettoFace 17
tks231 17
cinciforthewin 18
one98d 18
owl-bears 18
TehAlpacalypse 18
LiptonCB 19
T-Thugs 19 Ragin Cajuns slipped a lot after losing to Coastal Carolina, but they still only have 1 loss and have a win over Iowa State (at Iowa State). If Coastal Carolina loses, that loss will look worse, but hard to fault them for losing to an undefeated team. 
ToeInDigDeep 19
Blazeth 20
djowen68 20
JustAManAndHisLaptop 20
ryseing 20
Sproded 20
Striker743 20 Up 3
ThePUNisher96 20
DarkLegend64 21 E Tier
nbingham196 21 This team still looked good in their loss and I don't think the Iowa State win was a fluke so they get to stay ranked for the time being
spsellers 21
TheJeemTeam 21 1/5 in Tier H: Only loss is to Coastal Carolina. Quality win over Iowa State. Combined it's enough to put them at the top of this Tier.
ttsci 21
VerySeriousBanana 21
CambodianDrywall 22
ExternalTangents 22
Harmbert_ 22
noahthearc 22
PHubbs 22
steelcitygator 22 I hate that they are still ranked but the Iowa State win is still good so that calms me a bit.
TaylorLeprechaun 22 -7
311polo 23
ChemicalOle 23
Dropbackandpunt 23
FellKnight 23
GilBrandt 23
Hobbes_121 23
orbania 23
peachios 23 close fought game against the Chanticleers, but we'll see how it goes with the rest the leagues showing up. probably not well
Pieisgood186 23
pileatedloon 23
puffadda 23
typicaliconoclast 23
Cecil_Hardboner 24
crimsonlaw 24
d_mcc_x 24
Ersatzself 24
retnuh101 24
CFBHurts 25
coogs35 25
DonnieNarco 25
Hackasizlak 25
jjjoebox 25
joebob431 25
malowry0124 25
royrules22 25
ScarletFever333 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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