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2019 Week 13 Virginia Tech Hokies Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
DavoinShower-handle 11
ThaCarter 16
orboth 18
ryumast3r 18
Striker743 18 NR - Blowout win shows this is a different team than the one from earlier in the season
T-Thugs 18
ThePUNisher96 18
Cars-and-Coffee 20
andrewthestudent 21
bgr308 21
hawkspur1 21
HelioOne 21
TDenverFan 21
theeguy 21
WeenisWrinkle 21
Xtremeloco 21
admiraltarkin 22
crimsonlaw 22
pileatedloon 22
Rakarei 22
AaronRodgers16 23
bobsled_time 23
captain_sasquatch 23
ChemicalOle 23
Chris-P-Creme 23
cinciforthewin 23
DarthYoda2594 23
GilBrandt 23
HarbingerOfFun 23
hascogrande 23
itsabearcannon 23
LEGEN--wait_for_it 23
luckroy 23
Miami_da_U 23
runujhkj 23
seaotter2 23
alextoyalex 24
Andtheyrustledsoftly 24
BabyBladder 24
Bill3ffinMurray 24
Brostradamus_ 24
CertifiedSheep 24
CFSparta92 24
cmdrcaboose2 24
Corporal_Hicks 24
dan4223 24
darkra01 24
DeceptiveSpeed 24
Extra_Excrement 24
GeauxAllDay 24
GenialGiant 24 A second ACC team in the rankings is huge news.
iliketoupvotepuns 24
joebob431 24
Johnnycockseed 24
jshokie1 24
kelling928 24
MammothMan34 24
mellolizard 24
mjacksongt 24
mnmmatt 24
MoneyManeVick 24
monkeymatt1836 24
MrTheSpork 24
nburt13 24
noodlethebear 24
OskeewowwowIL 24
PalmettoFace 24
pascha 24
remwin 24
RiffRamBahZoo 24
rmp0005 24
ryseing 24
SCRx 24
SPRX97 24
T-nawtical 24
tallg8tor 24
taloncarde 24
TaylorLeprechaun 24 NR
Techwid 24
teddythe3rd 24
thexraptor 24
tjstanley 24
TossedRightOut 24
Trogdor42069 24
xelphin 24
zacheiny 24
52hoova 25
AGSattack 25
blahblehblahwhoru 25
Blazeth 25 Next 5 out: Virginia, Texas A&M, Air Force, Pittsburgh, Navy
boxbeat 25
brobroma 25
bties 25
BUSean 25
CambodianDrywall 25
Cassiyus 25 A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. 
cfbguy 25
chrisb19 25
CountryRoads8 25
d_mcc_x 25
DafoeFoSho 25
Daigotsu 25
dasani3x 25
deadtofall12 25
emueagles 25
FellKnight 25
Feral_Squirrel 25
GatorAndrew 25
gbuntin 25
Helifino 25
icklebush 25
Jakesnake42 25 VT gets the final spot here as they hold a win over Wake Forest and maybe just a touch of homerism. Who would've thought VT would be ranked after that Duke disaster. I watched that entire game from Lane. This team now is so different.Last Week: NR#21 Texas, #22 Navy, #24 Louisiana Tech drop out of the poll.
jeedf 25
jlh2b 25
jputna 25
kelctex 25
laminak 25
lk6 25
Longvols 25
myghtymouse 25
nemoran 25
Omegaus492 25
Papalew32 25
PumpSmash 25
RegulatorRWF 25
ScarletFever333 25
scotsworth 25
tdeff19 25
Ticklebump 25
tmothy07 25
ttsci 25
tylerbc 25
vanburen1845 25
Zerosa 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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