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2014 Week 4 Nebraska Cornhuskers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Zerosa 9
captainBlackUGA 10
Cars-and-Coffee 10
Grimbo_Reaper 11
remwin 11
Jakegarr 12
mildlypeeved 13
milesgmsu 13
nin478 13
Saxasaurus 13
scotsworth 13
srs_house 13
ThaCarter 13
atchemey 14
DoctorAlzheimers 14
DoomCrew 15
FellKnight 15
GeneralGBO 15
LiptonCB 15
pointer1vb 15
Rapsca 15
152515 16
grjohnst 16
huskerfan4life520 16
iSlacker 16
SmokingCricket 16
UNC_Samurai 16
ChemicalOle 17
flying-banana 17
indexspartan 17
njm1314 17
owl-bears 17
rojojoftw 17
Smidgens 17
watchpigsfly 17
CambodianDrywall 18
Daigotsu 18
emueagles 18
flipadelphia17 18
MammothMan34 18
Polarbear1914 18
SCsprinter13 18
smills79 18
wackywiener 18
cmdrcaboose2 19
CraftyConsumer 19
drewbudd 19
ProbablyRickSantorum 19
seanosaur 19
ttsci 19
Antonton 20
CantHousewifeaHo 20
CFSparta92 20
Darth_Sensitive 20
GiveMeSomeRaptorNews 20
Harry_B_C_Dresden 20
kelctex 20
laltrouomo 20
november5th 20
owl_man 20
popmurtha 20
qacha 20
redmachined 20
sir_bradford 20
wazoheat 20
Wiskie 20
Xtremeloco 20
yt1300 20
Apep86 21
bernkastel87 21
Bilibond 21
bties 21
felatiodeltoro 21
jeedf 21
myghtymouse 21
Patrick324 21
piccolo1228 21
theaccidentof85 21
trumpet_23 21
trzk 21
turtle_flu 21
Acm0028 22
andhelostthem 22
bharmon 22
bothra 22
Cecil_Hardboner 22
d_mcc_x 22
HarbingerOfFun 22
krosber04 22
ksigcowboy 22
marcellnation 22
muscle_hamster 22
nemoran 22
nicknam4 22
nuxenolith 22
PalmettoFace 22
saladbar 22
SantiagoRamon 22
thatwasntveryraven 22
beardown1983 23
boonamobile 23
Branzilla91 23
Buckeyes2010 23
cfbguy 23
cliffhanger407 23
drewzybby 23
MrTheSpork 23
plannedsickdays 23
rebelnutt18 23
sirgippy 23
T-Thugs 23
WaffleIron278 23
WeenisWrinkle 23
aubgrad11 24
buckeyes75 24
digdat0 24
dybuell 24
esoterik 24
flyingcrayons 24
fshi 24
IAmAChemicalEngineer 24
icklebush 24
martel_the_hammer 24
MxMj 24
nilhaus 24
noodlethebear 24
orangeslash 24
pascha 24
pmartin0079 24
RagingWombats 24
RobertNeyland 24
runujhkj 24
santablazer 24
theCANCERbat 24
Balrog_of_Morgoth 25
ChickenTaco 25
ClintFuckingEastwood 25
cquinnc 25
DeKaF 25
DFWTooThrowed 25
DonnieNarco 25
holliniv 25
Imregular 25
jlh2b 25
kflinderman 25
laminak 25
MrDoctorSmartyPants 25
nikolajz1 25
peterrabbit2010 25
polydorr 25
pufan321 25
r0sco 25
strikersteve60 25
taloncarde 25
TheCid 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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