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2024 Final Indiana Hoosiers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 3
VerySeriousBanana 3
cvsprinter1 4
ExternalTangents 4 Net Rating: 25.38; O: 13.82, O Rank: 3; D: -11.57, D Rank: 9
ColombianInIowa24 5 Lost to... #1 and #2 only. Huh.
Corgi_Koala 5 Only lost to the title game participants. No marquee win but...
dabul-master 5
Fmeson 5
GenialGiant 5
Muffinnnnnnn 5
NotSoSuperNerd 5 2.310 (11-2)
Player_1_has_Joined 5
RiffRamBahZoo 5
Striker743 5
velociraptorfarmer 5
bakonydraco 6 84.483
CPiGuy2728 6
frone 6
hypercube42342 6
lillipup03 6
Noy_Telinu 6 Lost to the 2 teams in the national championship, best season in Indiana Football history
OldCoaly 6
seaotter2 6
vanburen1845 6
Blazeth 7
BosskOnASegway 7
Buckeyes2010 7
CFBHurts 7
coletheredditer 7 Notre Dame, Good, so close to 15-N1U, so close
eclectic_tastes 7
fo13 7
halldaylong 7
huskerfan4life520 7
jthomas694 7 Indiana lost two games - to the two national championship game participants. Michigan is a better team than was credited at the time they played
Lex_Ludorum 7
LiptonCB 7
Maladroit44 7
manbeardawg 7
nbingham196 7
nburt13 7
nemoran 7
Noelthemexican 7
Polarbear1914 7
Pollaski 7
RegionalBias 7 Only 2 losses are to the top two.
SCsprinter13 7
SearonTrejorek 7 0.80030
ShogunAshoka 7
Sometimeswelose 7
spmartin1993 7
The-Gothic-Castle 7
the_lost_carrot 7
udubdavid 7
ya111101 7
12panther 8
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 8
BallSoHerd 8
Bank_Gothic 8
blahblehblahwhoru 8
Blooblod 8
boxbeat 8
bwburke94 8 +13.2172386 (LW: #11)
cfbguy 8
DrKennethJNoisewater 8
Dropbackandpunt 8
EpicSchwinn 8
ewolfy13 8
Extra_Excrement 8
GatorBolt 8 Great year for the Hoosiers, and no amount of discourse from the at large spots' politicking will ever take that away.
goodnames679 8
Hackasizlak 8
Helifino 8
Inkblot9 8
MADBuc49 8 -3.
ndbroski 8
NyquillusDillwad20 8
Pyroblockx 8
RegulatorRWF 8
retnuh101 8
Ruhrgebietheld 8
ScarletFever333 8
SlaminSammons 8
srs_house 8
T-Thugs 8 Indiana finished 11-2 with a nice win over Michigan. Only losses were to Ohio State and ND.
the_neverdoctor 8
titansfan174 8
ToeInDigDeep 8
Zloggt 8 ELEVEN-WIN-INDIANA!! Alas, it was really an unfortunate end to what has been an absolute dream season in Bloomington...but still, what a year to remember for the Hoosiers! And hey, when your ONLY dropped games are to the national champion and the national runner-up...I think that presents quite a good argument/excuse for a quality loss lol
10catsinspace 9
A_Rolling_Baneling 9
ALStark69 9 0
BananaBouquet 9
BlueSCar 9
bretticus33 9 Perhaps the most disrespected team in the country. Indiana blew the doors off everyone they played except two teams, and it was the two teams that played for the national title. Yet, that didn’t stop the media from shitting all over Indiana and the selection process when they lost at Notre Dame by 10. It was the best season in Indiana’s history, but next season will bring a lot of questions. Their 2024 success was in large part because of Cignetti bringing in a lot of transfers running out of eligibility, but there’s gonna be some questions in 2025, including at QB.
Cassiyus 9
Cecil_Hardboner 9
ChaseTheFalcon 9
chweris 9
Colton3690 9
CommodoreN7 9
Corporal_Hicks 9
DampFrijoles 9
dan4223 9
diehardcubforever 9
Doogitywoogity 9
ehoefler 9 71.13 | +1
fourpinz8 9
fredmerc111 9
frumious88 9
GilBrandt 9
GoBlueScrewOSU7 9
grtgbln 9
HelioOne 9
HieloLuz 9
Hugefootballfan44 9 LW: 9
IAmAChemicalEngineer 9
IceColdDrPepper_Here 9
ikindalikelemons 9
JBonkies 9
JeromesNiece 9
jjjoebox 9 Preseason N/R
joebob431 9
jrichardh 9
Klaassy23 9
Knightro2011 9
MahjongDaily 9
malowry0124 9
monkeymatt1836 9
nin478 9
noodlethebear 9
olmsted 9
one98d 9
Our-Gardian-Angel 9
outthawazoo 9
owl_man 9
Pure_Protein_Machine 9
Rakarei 9
ReallyCreative 9
rocco2246 9
royrules22 9
stew_pac 9 -
strikersteve60 9
stripes361 9
T-nawtical 9
TaylorLeprechaun 9 -2
Terminal_BAS 9
TimeBroken 9
tks231 9
TouchdownHeroes 9
UNC_Samurai 9
WarEagle9 9
Xtremeloco 9
52hoova 10
aggiebruin27 10
Apep86 10
bannista7 10
BorisNumber1 10
BUSean 10
CambodianDrywall 10
captain_sasquatch 10
Cars-and-Coffee 10
Charlemagne42 10 227
ChemicalOle 10
conchobor 10
cornholesurfer 10
CptCheese 10
creative_penguin 10
Daigotsu 10
DarkLegend64 10
digdat0 10
esoterik 10
eSpiritCorpse 10 0.9082
fadingthought 10
galacticdude7 10
GeauxTri 10
Hobbes_121 10
Jakesnake42 10 71.52 (tie-better record) Last Week: #11
Keener1899 10
KirbyDumber88 10
KJdkaslknv 10
MemeLovingLoser 10
OKgolfer 10
Pablo49 10 2344
PHubbs 10
Pikachu1989 10
PlactusTX 10 (9) L 4 Notre Dame
puffadda 10
r0sco 10
redrumsoxLoL 10
scronko 10
Staind075 10
SteemieRayVaughn 10
tdeff19 10
TDenverFan 10
texas2089 10
theb52 10 42.462
TheNSAAgent777 10
tjstanley 10
_fastball 11
Acm0028 11
BearsAreGreat1 11
djowen68 11
JaxofAllTrades13 11
MemeofMemeJTG999999 11 (11-2) (down 2) L: 17-27 @ #3 Notre Dame (12-1) (Playoff R1)
placid_salad 11 LW: #11
RheagarTargaryen 11
shadowwingnut 11
sirgippy 11
w8w8 11
deadtofall12 12
SpadeRyker 12
SwissArmyScythe 12 -4
tallg8tor 12
skuhlke 13
visor841 13
HarbingerOfFun 14
kflinderman 14
TadKosciuszko 15
infinitempg 16 0.685, -5
JustAManAndHisLaptop 16
DisraeliEers 17
Hey_Its_Roomie 20

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
CallMeTheKing 4 127-6-0
stealingchairs 5 only losses were to #1 and #2, though not quite as competitive as #4
wittingtarsier 5
chillmagic420 6
FrontRunner51 6 Fun fact: Indiana kept it closer vs. Notre Dame than Georgia did, even playing at ND.
grahamca 6 T6ᵗʰ W/L, T6ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 7ᵗʰ Team Strength, 8ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
ianmcmoney 6
mr_longfellow_deeds 6
owl-bears 6
Roscoe_Filburn 6
Spazzatack 6
ThompsonCreekTiger 6
0010MK 7
Arvandu 7
brucewaynewins 7
ChBass 7
cookie__monster___ 7
daredassdude 7 11-2 team with losses to #1 and #2. My Top 6 is on a different tier from Indiana
DillyDillySzn 7
fm22fnam 7 -4 Ugly loss to Notre Dame, ended up being closer than others though
josh55134 7
Laschoni 7
Lefunnymaymays4lief 7
loganisfresh 7
LonghornInNebraska 7
maknasty09 7
ManiacalBlazer 7
mthompson2320 7 LW: 7
PattyKane16 7
Protoco2 7
quantum_jedi 7 (+0) Arguably the greatest season in Indiana football history. While things didn't go the way the Hoosiers would have hoped against Notre Dame, they showed that they deserved to play for a Championship. Very interested to see how the Hoosiers perform next season.
RealignmentJunkie 7
samspopguy 7
SignificanceFirm2398 7
ActuallyJasonPrice 8
bolts_win_again 8
Burnsite 8
Crelc3 8
dr_funk_13 8
GeyWeyner12 8
Jay_Dubbbs 8
Jeff_Banks_Monkey 8
JJones927 8
kcvtdc 8
kevinsdomain 8
manbeqrpig 8
Mossed26 8
MotherQuocer 8
Norleras 8
PsychologicalFox8660 8
Real_TSwany 8
Redbogey98 8
requiemsux 8
SaveTheCombees10 8
Sflabuckeye13 8
silfarion10 8
SNjr 8
SpeddyDawg 8
TheBeekman8 8
thehornedlamb 8
TheSleaze22 8
Tornadohunter24 8 [11-2, 8-1] (+1)
666PeaceKeepaGirl 9
bigred91224 9
BoilerUp28 9
BYUPollvoter 9
Chipsahoy523 9
ConstantPause1239 9
dterp13 9
Fghjkdid911 9
FoRtNiteizBAD 9
g_trechel 9 Only losses to #1 and #2, 1 ranked win
GloryReaper_ 9
Holyachilles04 9
hurricaneatx 9
JackWK_Gaming 9
jibberishdhyukl 9
jonstark19 9 -1
Josh_historybuff 9 17-27 vs Notre Dame
journey1986 9
JRam01 9
leadbymight 9
Logamer1012 9
Luigiatl 9
MainPeanut25 9 Their two losses showed their worth
mcdsmaster8824 9
mstr_yda 9
NA_Faker 9
Nath0leon 9
ndbfsu22 9
OG_Felwinter 9
PersianGuitarist 9
Piptit 9
PSUMediaPA 9
RipRaycom 9
RJTrey 9
saquad69 9
scsd4222 9
shouldajustsaid_yeah 9
soonertiger 9
Tippyshortmouth 9
TolkienFan71 9
tvjbowe571 9 first round loser
Versigot 9
willbill182 9
Yelich04 9 -
1Subject 10
Burns2211 10
divey043 10
donbagert 10
DownshiftGD 10
dubscurry30 10
GuyOTN 10
isrealball 10
jwrtf 10
KansasChaser2021 10
logace444444444 10
Omegaus492 10
Redditor597-13 10
sirvalkyerie 10
spaceblev11 10
SpectralHydra 10
spencej98 10
sroach91 10
SufferingfOrLife 10
TheReformedBadger 10
TommyWiseau22 10
True_Ad5324 10
WebfootTroll 10
ziggysaysnada 10
BombayGeeseHunter 11
dawgfan24348 11
fellohuman77 11
FlashSpider-man 11
Mission_Big_2145 11
mountain_troop86 11
newSomberMan 11
Noahsince2002 11
scrambolambo 11
Shion314 11
WBLwiffleball 11
Bereft13 12 Power: 13, SoR: 12; LW: 10
geordieColt88 12
inconvenientpoop 12
Rcfan0902 12 2624.54
asbestosman2 13
solarsnail6 13 1505
SomerandomIDFBfan 13
buzzingoffthetuffy 14
JamesDontPlayNoGames 14
STL_12 14 LW: 9
GenuineBoss 15
Resolve-Opening 15
Bushken 16 59.30
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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