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2024 Week 8 Nebraska Cornhuskers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Terminal_BAS 9
cyberchaox 10
luckroy 12 Pot 3
RegionalBias 13
Noy_Telinu 14
studio_sally 14
ch1l1_ch33s3 15
ColombianInIowa24 15 After some rest, the gauntlet is raised against #4 Indiana. Good luck against the might Windiana threat.
eSpiritCorpse 15 0.9121
HieloLuz 15 Points: 67.47 | Wins: 2 T4, 1 T5, 1 T6, 1 T7 | Losses: 1 T3 | 1 WB | 1 WP | 1 LB |
Charlemagne42 16 92
DavoinShower-handle 16
MarlinsGuy 16
70stang 17 Nebraska has 3 P5 wins, including a ranked home win over last week's #24 Colorado, as well as 1 G5 win, 1 FCS win, and 1 home loss to Illinois to be 5-1.
owl_man 17
Stoneador 17
Jakesnake42 18 69.92 Last Week: #17
NyquillusDillwad20 18
AlphaH4wk 19
corundum9 19
Extra_Excrement 19
fredmerc111 19 LW: 22
Hey_Its_Roomie 19
MemeLovingLoser 19
one98d 19
PlactusTX 19 (8) bye
ReallyCreative 19
SteemieRayVaughn 19
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 20
BlueSCar 20
Buckeyes2010 20
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 20 (+1)
dabul-master 20
deadtofall12 20
Klaassy23 20 (LW Change: -1)
MahjongDaily 20
nw____ 20
Pyroblockx 20
Red261 20
spmartin1993 20
SwissArmyScythe 20 +2
Techwid 20
trumpet_23 20
velociraptorfarmer 20
arrowfan624 21
ChaseTheFalcon 21 +4
Daigotsu 21
Drexlore 21
eclectic_tastes 21
IAmAChemicalEngineer 21
MADBuc49 21 Deservedness blocking 2-loss teams such as Ole Miss from being ranked in front of 0-loss Army
Muffinnnnnnn 21
placid_salad 21 LW: #19
realclean 21 +1
rocco2246 21
ScarletFever333 21
SCsprinter13 21
TDenverFan 21
ThaCarter 21
WarEagle9 21
Blooblod 22
CFBHurts 22
DarthYoda2594 22
DrKennethJNoisewater 22
fourpinz8 22
Helifino 22
icklebush 22
JaxofAllTrades13 22
KJdkaslknv 22 Lost to Illinois, who I have ranked above them.
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 22
MoneyManeVick 22
posiitively 22
TaylorLeprechaun 22 +1
theb52 22 36.167
ToeInDigDeep 22
Bank_Gothic 23
BenchRickyAguayo 23
Blazeth 23
D1N2Y 23
Due_Connection179 23 Last Week #25 / Bye Week
galacticdude7 23
GeauxTri 23
Inkblot9 23
jimbobbypaul 23
jthomas694 23 Previoulsly 23rd.
MemeofMemeJTG999999 23 (5-1) (up 4) Bye Next Week: @ #15 Indiana (6-0) Projected Bowl: ReliaQuest vs Tennessee
OKgolfer 23
owlalwaysloveyew 23
PalmettoFace 23
retnuh101 23
RJEP22 23 200.843 pts
Ruhrgebietheld 23
ryseing 23
Sproded 23
stew_pac 23 -3
tallg8tor 23
Texasagsman 23
tks231 23
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 24
BearsAreGreat1 24
Bill3ffinMurray 24
BlueFalcon89 24
bretticus33 24
CambodianDrywall 24
Cecil_Hardboner 24
Chris-P-Creme 24
d_mcc_x 24
huskerfan4life520 24
JBonkies 24 (-)
JustAManAndHisLaptop 24
malowry0124 24
Mr_Brews 24
nburt13 24
olmsted 24
Polarbear1914 24
rain_parkour 24
RegulatorRWF 24
scronko 24
Sometimeswelose 24
srs_house 24
titansfan174 24
ya111101 24
_fastball 25
bernkastel87 25
Casaiir 25
ChemicalOle 25
CPiGuy2728 25
cvsprinter1 25
DarkLegend64 25
e8odie 25
GatorBolt 25
grjohnst 25
Knightro2011 25
Maladroit44 25
redrumsoxLoL 25
seaotter2 25
soonerfreak 25
TopGoose 25
TossedRightOut 25
ucieaters33 25
visor841 25
YellowSkarmory 25 first 5 out: Army, Tennessee, SMU, Louisville, UL-Monroe

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
bryophyta_insolitam 9 Bye
The_Stratman 14
CallMeTheKing 16 104-2-27
Sflabuckeye13 17
dawgfan24348 18
jibberishdhyukl 18
Rcfan0902 18 925.00
SomerandomIDFBfan 18
tcomn 18 Group E
BuckeyeForLife95 19
ManiacalBlazer 19
sconbon 19
Spazzatack 19
doctrhouse 20
DownshiftGD 20
Hastronaut 20
jackmc04 20 (+2) bye
Milflover69cbb 20
owl-bears 20
pianoprofiteer 20
samtaylor92 20
sirvalkyerie 20
TheSleaze22 20
0010MK 21
brucewaynewins 21
cbusalex 21 W: #42 Colorado, #43 Rutgers, #116 Purdue, #132 UTEP L: #17 Illinois
Dawg-Bite 21
FlashSpider-man 21
hurricaneatx 21 (5-1) - Quality wins: Colorado, Rutgers
JustAGuy7915 21
maxwell6233 21
Sauronslefteye 21 (+1) Winning the bye
Underground_Bread 21
Arvandu 22
chillmagic420 22
cirtnecoileh 22
dr_funk_13 22
hoovereatscowpoop 22
isrealball 22
jwrtf 22
kevinsdomain 22
mathmanhale 22
mr_longfellow_deeds 22
quantum_jedi 22
wittingtarsier 22
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 22 Bye week, nothing going on here.
big_thunder_man 23 5-1. (#41 in SOR). Winning has to count for something, but they really haven't played anyone. Yikes.
Burnsite 23
Lefunnymaymays4lief 23
LonghornInNebraska 23
Mynameisdiehard 23 Bye week. They move up a spot due to 2 teams dropping out and 1 jumping them. Sets up a big matchup with undefeated Indiana this week. They either solidify their spot or fall backwards into the pool of growing 2 loss teams.
notsaying123 23
ntny 23
PsychologicalFox8660 23
Somali-Pirate-Lvl100 23
WBLwiffleball 23
ziggysaysnada 23 +1
ALToidzz 24
Bereft13 24 Power: 23, SoR: 29; LW: 21
CakeEaters 24
corona779 24
daredassdude 24
divey043 24
dubscurry30 24
josh55134 24
loganisfresh 24
munchermode 24
NA_Faker 24
PeteyNice 24
Protoco2 24
PSUMediaPA 24
RealignmentJunkie 24
saquad69 24
SNjr 24
spaceblev11 24
TheBeekman8 24
Tornadohunter24 24 (Unranked/NEW)
twr96 24
yesiambear 24
ActuallyJasonPrice 25
Aggravating-Steak-69 25
BoilerUp28 25
bolts_win_again 25
BoukenGreen 25
Fantastic-Calendar-9 25
funt9rtle 25
geauxsaints777 25
grahamca 25 T12ᵗʰ W/L, T35ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 17ᵗʰ Team Strength, 42ⁿᵈ Quality of Wins
JackWK_Gaming 25
jonstark19 25 NR / Next 5: SMU, Iowa, Vanderbilt, Arkansas, Oklahoma
leadbymight 25
Living_Human 25 First 5 Out: Memphis, UNLV, ULL, Texas Tech, Vanderbilt
Mascorn 25
newSomberMan 25 Dropped: #15 Ole Miss, #16 Utah, #19 Oklahoma Considered: Army, Louisville, Texas Tech, Ole Miss
Piptit 25
ThompsonCreekTiger 25
WebfootTroll 25
Xy13 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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