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2012 Week 5 Nebraska Cornhuskers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
SPRX97 13
FellKnight 15
Penny_Henny 16
azwethinkweizm 17
Harry_B_C_Dresden 17
kturner24 17
redbenn 17
slntkilla 17
dothemath 18
MC_Grandesize 18
NatecUDF 18
Wescat 18
brtucker 19
cometparty 19
digdat0 19
gbuntin 19
Khavanon 19
ronpaul012 19
rossbk 19
TheRammaJamma 19
ac1colossus 20
burn_all_the_things 20
DHerpster 20
grjohnst 20
imsoupercereal 20
ixcuincle 20
jdhall010 20
jeedf 20
joejoe1717 20
jv27071 20
kylethemachine 20
nakedkpax 20
NeededLogic 20
nolez 20
ribread3 20
scronko 20
taloncarde 20
thatguy2014 20
trolledbytech 20
xavierwest 20
Branzilla91 21
buckeyewx 21
cfbguy 21
DelphicLike 21
DoomCrew 21
dybuell 21
Hestkuk 21
ItzATarp 21
laminak 21
luis1972 21
MustangDude69 21
neverdonebefore 21
nuxenolith 21
stewyg27 21
sychosomat 21
trav17 21
uwbjb 21
zomglolreddit 21
ahincks 22
asullivanmusic 22
bharmon 22
billybobskcor 22
blackeagle613 22
bobosaurs 22
bofa-on-the-sofa 22
Corporal_Hicks 22
demeteloaf 22
Derek2k3 22
felatiodeltoro 22
geauxtothetop 22
incandescence14 22
jva12696 22
marcellnation 22
MidwestDrummer 22
profhoogs 22
RagingWombats 22
s0nopritch 22
SailorBexar 22
SCsprinter13 22
toocoofoschool 22
TwoAngryFigs 22
wafflesnsyrup 22
WeenisWrinkle 22
Ad_Vance 23
amazedandconfused 23
apfpilot 23
cataphoresis 23
epicschwinn 23
indexspartan 23
kamkazemoose 23
khalorei 23
kip256 23
life_is_okay 23
mcraft07 23
mikejarrell 23
myghtymouse 23
plannedsickdays 23
Provid3nce 23
Rapsca 23
Red261 23
rooge77 23
turkishguy 23
WaffleIron278 23
Xtremeloco 23
a_haar 24
aewilliam 24
ajd3886 24
Apep86 24
dannylandulf 24
darth_turtle 24
DarthYoda2594 24
FinancialAdvisorKid 24
Kunt_Vonnegut 24
LiptonCB 24
mellolizard 24
mnyquist 24
november5th 24
One_Quick_Question 24
Techwid 24
ttsci 24
acquiescing 25
Anaharat 25
bobwoodshed 25
DuckDuckMooose 25
GhostdadUC 25
hurgh55 25
kflinderman 25
Kickit2Peterson7 25
Shitrus 25
studio_sally 25
thatonepianoguy 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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