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2022 Week 13 South Alabama Jaguars Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
trumpet_23 13
luckroy 15 Pot 6
placid_salad 15
IceColdDrPepper_Here 16 38; 118
fo13 17
relax_on_the_mat 17
Hey_Its_Roomie 18
nbingham196 18
Noy_Telinu 18
spasm01 18
tks231 18
A_Rolling_Baneling 19
ucfskuba 19
olmsted 21
TimeBroken 21
DisraeliEers 22
ikindalikelemons 22
kdcoltred 22
njm1314 22
velociraptorfarmer 22 .672
Maladroit44 23
Nathanael-Greene 23 Bowl Projection: New Orleans Bowl (vs Western Kentucky)
ACCBiggz 24
CptCheese 24
Dropbackandpunt 24
DylanCarlson3 24 LW: Unranked
GenialGiant 24
jjjoebox 24
ScarletFever333 24
ToeInDigDeep 24
12panther 25
Blooblod 25
ChargerFan2121 25
dan4223 25
infinitempg 25 0.640
thexraptor 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
twitter_paulbd 9 (2021)
Xarathustria 13 70.61
D1N2Y 14 NR
Ruhrgebietheld 14
MADBuc49 17 South Alabama will be Arkansas State fans this weekend
RealignmentJunkie 18
stew_pac 18 +4
RootBeerBloat 19
TadKosciuszko 19
ColombianInIowa24 20 Another meh win, but such is life.
the_neverdoctor 20
tomdawg0022 20
JesusOfSurbaria 22
JetoGrov 22 Look, I like the SBC; and there's nothing wrong with that. It's a damn good conference, and this team has only lost to Troy (hearteyes) and UCLA.
skuhlke 22
TheSunsNotYellow 22 8.049
Muffinnnnnnn 23
Devintheroaster 24
coletheredditer 25
drewscottt 25
Loopylime 25
siggyrambler 25
SkiFlashing 25
The_Good_Constable 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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