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2012 Week 3 Arkansas Razorbacks Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
billybobskcor 15
buckeyewx 15
Orikfricai 15
dacracot 16
DHerpster 16
skankedout 16
iusethistosavelinks 17
kojak2091 17
nuxenolith 17
DuckDuckMooose 18
RomanCandle332 18
bugsy33 19
jcbeam 19
jeedf 19
RudolphRed 19
imsoupercereal 20
jallen3 20
jkeena88 20
night4runner 20
OhSoMexicellent 20
aewilliam 21
donvito7335 21
dybuell 21
felatiodeltoro 21
kohltrain917 21
mcraft07 21
plannedsickdays 21
plurge 21
ThaCarter 21
the_chandler 21
ctblues24 22
Dawgclaw 22
hardaysknight 22
Munger88 22
PapaMauMau 22
piccolo1228 22
aaaangiemarie 23
Bobtheweedbunny 23
cataphoresis 23
kylethemachine 23
marcellnation 23
modestcuntdestroyer 23
warox13 23
delsol5117 24
digdat0 24
FAderp91 24
indexspartan 24
kturner24 24
One_Quick_Question 24
theonetheonly55 24
TossedRightOut 24
Wescat 24
wick36 24
dahvdahv 25
geauxtothetop 25
jdoublee5000 25
jv27071 25
life_is_okay 25
moose512 25
sev09 25
trauma_alert 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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