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2012 Preseason West Virginia Mountaineers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
jwstark 3
boxbeat 4
iPhoneGerudo 4
Apep86 5
burgler 5
BUSean 5
efilon 5
Harry_B_C_Dresden 5
kohltrain917 5
mellolizard 5
Needhamizer 5
Nixon_Corral 5
pbjork 5
theCANCERbat 5
THEgrape 5
Bobtheweedbunny 6
buttlordZ 6
dannylandulf 6
discobreakin 6
Hestkuk 6
kflinderman 6
Nostroloppoccus 6
redbenn 6
spsellers 6
thatguy2014 6
theaustinkid 6
trickdiesel 6
vtgorilla 6
wafflesnsyrup 6
whjofan93 6
WuTangConnor 6
Zeitskeet 6
bobwoodshed 7
cliffhanger407 7
dannypkeeper 7
delsol5117 7
donvito7335 7
dothemath 7
EagleBurn 7
eHawleywood 7
ElMatadorBorracho 7
I_Want_to_Film_This 7
ikariwarrior 7
ItzATarp 7
jallen3 7
jormson 7
jv27071 7
night4runner 7
sahilamin 7
sychosomat 7
tflordmalakt 7
TheCid 7
wellski 7
87broseidon 8
ahincks 8
Arronwy 8
B0yWonder 8
cowme 8
dacracot 8
DHerpster 8
geauxtothetop 8
HeWhoLurksALot 8
IAmLyingRightNow 8
iusethistosavelinks 8
jdoublee5000 8
jrhaberman 8
kturner24 8
luis1972 8
mcclapyourhands 8
nuxenolith 8
PalmettoFace 8
peterrabbit2010 8
RealMikeDiesel 8
senorthunder 8
Techwid 8
theonetheonly55 8
toocoofoschool 8
abdalfarn 9
Acm0028 9
Blindward 9
bobosaurs 9
cblaines 9
chaaarles 9
Dawgclaw 9
demeteloaf 9
DoomCrew 9
FAderp91 9
FataOne 9
GhostdadUC 9
gms212 9
jam3p 9
jbolling 9
jeffgoodt 9
khalorei 9
mildlypeeved 9
oest 9
plannedsickdays 9
SailorBexar 9
sep86 9
sev09 9
Shitrus 9
shwilson24 9
simpletrouserbeacon 9
slntkilla 9
SmokingCricket 9
Steamster 9
stewyg27 9
ThaCarter 9
TheBrocean 9
thrav 9
Upgrayedd08 9
walterwizzight 9
wambotron 9
Addyct 10
ApplejackOfMyEye 10
asullivanmusic 10
azwethinkweizm 10
bharmon 10
bissimo 10
cfbguy 10
cougar618 10
CowOfSteel 10
dabul-master 10
DarthYoda2594 10
Derek2k3 10
ExternalTangents 10
FinancialAdvisorKid 10
foretopsail 10
fshi 10
hurgh55 10
jeedf 10
jkeena88 10
kama_river 10
kojak2091 10
Lkr721993 10
NeededLogic 10
november5th 10
nyrfan317 10
ohnosono 10
Ozymandias_13 10
patlanips11 10
Penny_Henny 10
pl02pl 10
profhoogs 10
RomanCandle332 10
rooge77 10
ScorpionsSpear 10
scronko 10
shoopderp 10
snappyj 10
SnrNC 10
Squishy33 10
Sstewa2 10
Texasagsman 10
UNC_Samurai 10
warox13 10
Wescat 10
why_so_sirius 10
Xtremeloco 10
zomglolreddit 10
aaaangiemarie 11
abcruz52 11
amazedandconfused 11
andthatswhyyoudont 11
bigbays 11
bofa-on-the-sofa 11
bulldawghomer 11
cometparty 11
cquinnc 11
ctblues24 11
darkknight4686 11
Darth_Sensitive 11
Emit_Remmus_ 11
felatiodeltoro 11
gmnitsua 11
grjohnst 11
hehateme29 11
indexspartan 11
ixcuincle 11
Kickit2Peterson7 11
marcellnation 11
MidwestDrummer 11
monkberrymoondelight 11
moose512 11
motbob 11
nakedkpax 11
nolez 11
Orikfricai 11
piccolo1228 11
Polarbear1914 11
Provid3nce 11
Red261 11
red_firetruck 11
s0nopritch 11
shryne 11
ss33o23 11
studio_sally 11
thatwasntveryraven 11
152515 12
acquiescing 12
aewilliam 12
apfpilot 12
buckeyewx 12
bugsy33 12
Corporal_Hicks 12
Cozyheartache 12
dvdov 12
FellKnight 12
huskerfan4life520 12
hyp3rfastrxn 12
imsoupercereal 12
jva12696 12
keeleyaurora 12
Kunt_Vonnegut 12
life_is_okay 12
Man1ak 12
meristematic 12
mikejarrell 12
mikelj 12
njm1314 12
patsyanks06 12
skankedout 12
snwidget 12
tallg8tor 12
trauma_alert 12
ttsci 12
TwoAngryFigs 12
wick36 12
Anaharat 13
andhelostthem 13
billybobskcor 13
blackeagle613 13
Bum_bacon 13
cataphoresis 13
cons 13
dances_with_ibprofen 13
fatmaninalittlesuit 13
finallycreatedaname 13
gbuntin 13
hardaysknight 13
jdhall010 13
KHartos 13
madviking 13
MC_Grandesize 13
mcraft07 13
MustangDude69 13
Nelson_Mandela_Jr 13
pascha 13
rossbk 13
RSR390 13
RudolphRed 13
SPRX97 13
stat-quo 13
tcurox112 13
therealdudditz 13
TrailerTrashBandit 13
trolledbytech 13
wcalvert 13
WeenisWrinkle 13
a_haar 14
gaybachelor 14
itstractor 14
Jakegarr 14
tehjarvis 14
UpsideButNotDown 14
brayzers 15
CC440 15
ChickenTaco 15
DisgruntledElf 15
GNicholson25 15
hondaaccord 15
Rapsca 15
ribread3 15
taloncarde 15
Phantom_Absolute 16
ronpaul012 16
Weagle 16
jlh2b 17
mmmtoastmmm 17
OhGeorgia 17
sirgippy 17
jcornelius84 19
uwbjb 19
Khavanon 20
laminak 20
lsm23 20
xavierwest 22
kip256 23
RagingWombats 23

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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