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2021 Week 5 San Diego State Aztecs Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
ToeInDigDeep 9
njm1314 13
ACCBiggz 14
GilBrandt 14
311polo 15
Frognosticator 16
orbania 16
spasm01 16
tallg8tor 16
relax_on_the_mat 17
ScarletFever333 17
blahblehblahwhoru 18
cfbguy 18
Daigotsu 18
ninetimesoutaten 18
noahthearc 18
theReluctantHipster 18
Apep86 19
BallSoHerd 19
DisraeliEers 19
Noy_Telinu 19
owl-bears 19
RiffRamBahZoo 19
boxman151515 20
CockADoodleBOOM 20
dabul-master 20
fo13 20
plannedsickdays 20
Shrektastic28 20
ttsci 20
YellowSkarmory 20
DafoeFoSho 21
Foxmcbowser42 21
infinitempg 21
Inkblot9 21
ryseing 21
SantiagoRamon 21
SPRX97 21
bretticus33 22 SDSU is sneaky good to the point where I doubt many will have them ranked.  Comfortable win over Towson and an upcoming bye, but Brady Hoke is doing a great job with the Aztecs yet again.
crimsonlaw 22
frumious88 22
Hackasizlak 22
jrichardh 22
KommanderKeen-a42 22
nbingham196 22
nburt13 22
ucfskuba 22
Wescat 22
Xtremeloco 22
A-Stu-Ute 23
Colton3690 23
digdat0 23
galacticdude7 23
grjohnst 23
kflinderman 23
LeinadSpoon 23
Sproded 23
Staind075 23
ThaCarter 23
tks231 23
wameron 23
113milesprower 24
cms186 24
corundum9 24
esoterik 24
Greflingorax 24
Hobbes_121 24
ItsZizk 24
Jakesnake42 24 SDSU working their way into the back-end of the Top 25 with a solid start to the season.Last Week: NR
JonesUCF34 24
Lex_Ludorum 24
moistats_ 24
RagingWombats 24
Sometimeswelose 24
srs_house 24
tabelz 24
bakonydraco 25 73.46
Bill3ffinMurray 25
darkra01 25
dasani3x 25
djowen68 25
emueagles 25
fadingthought 25
falconlover79 25
Harmbert_ 25
hythloday1 25
JCiLee 25
jlh2b 25
PHubbs 25
steelcitygator 25
T-nawtical 25 UTSA, Kentucky, Clemson, Texas A&M, LSU, West Virginia, Mississippi St, Wake Forest, Arizona St, Rutgers
TDenverFan 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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