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2024 Week 8 Ole Miss Rebels Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
DataDrivenPirate 4
justsaynotoreddit 4 0.992
Fmeson 5
JeromesNiece 5
r0sco 5
ExternalTangents 6 Net Rating: 38; O: 17.64, O Rank: 16; D: -20.36, D Rank: 5
fo13 9
stripes361 9
galacticdude7 10
practicallybert 11
DampFrijoles 12
djowen68 12
ThaCarter 12
AudiieVerbum 13
hascogrande 13
hypercube42342 13
one98d 13
tdoger 13
TimeBroken 13 Rank: #17
MrTheSpork 14
Pikachu1989 14
10catsinspace 15
bakonydraco 15 84.857
Cecil_Hardboner 15
cinciforthewin 15
dasani3x 15
ewolfy13 15
sasmith2015 15
studio_sally 15
visor841 15
w8w8 15
AlphaH4wk 16
BananaBouquet 16
CPiGuy2728 16
dan4223 16
Darth_Ra 16
ehoefler 16 78.89 | -9
GenialGiant 16
huskerfan4life520 16
lillipup03 16
MemeLovingLoser 16
Player_1_has_Joined 16
sirgippy 16
TaylorLeprechaun 16 -11
VerySeriousBanana 16
bernkastel87 17
BlueSCar 17
creative_penguin 17
darkra01 17
GeauxTri 17
GilBrandt 17
Harpua99 17
jaybigs 17
jmac_21 17
Keener1899 17
Pollaski 17
posiitively 17
rain_parkour 17
redrumsoxLoL 17
RJEP22 17 223.726 pts
stew_pac 17 -9
the_lost_carrot 17
ucieaters33 17
Zloggt 17 Bit of a harsh drop? Perhaps...but maybe this is where the Rebs should be...especially after these underwhelming few weeks...
12panther 18
ALStark69 18 -11
bretticus33 18
CockADoodleBOOM 18
Conglossian 18 -11
cornholesurfer 18
d_mcc_x 18
deadtofall12 18
Hackasizlak 18
HelioOne 18
Inkblot9 18
malowry0124 18
manbeardawg 18
nemoran 18
Our-Gardian-Angel 18
PHubbs 18
pileatedloon 18
RollWarTideEagle 18
Terminal_BAS 18
TheZachster 18
TopGoose 18
vanburen1845 18
Wescat 18
woakley 18
Acm0028 19
bannista7 19
bties 19
BUSean 19
Cars-and-Coffee 19
Cassiyus 19
cyclonepsycho 19
Helifino 19
JamoRedhead 19
jrluhn 19
Longvols 19
No11223456 19
noodlethebear 19
oghawks18 19
OldCoaly 19
PalmettoFace 19
PrimalCookie 19
Pure_Protein_Machine 19
RegulatorRWF 19
scronko 19
shadowwingnut 19
strikersteve60 19
texas2089 19
The-Gothic-Castle 19
titansfan174 19
tjstanley 19
TossedRightOut 19
trumpet_23 19
WillWorkForSugar 19
WolverineDDS 19
Xtremeloco 19
_fastball 20
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 20
BenchRickyAguayo 20
colton_97 20
conchobor 20
DarkLegend64 20
dogwoodmaple 20
esoterik 20
Extra_Excrement 20
fadingthought 20
GatorBolt 20
Hugefootballfan44 20 LW: 8
IceColdDrPepper_Here 20
JustinMSU21 20
Knightro2011 20
magnumweiner 20
MarlinsGuy 20
outthawazoo 20
Rakarei 20
RheagarTargaryen 20
royrules22 20
SlaminSammons 20
tauzeta 20
TDenverFan 20
Texasagsman 20
BallSoHerd 21
BlueFalcon89 21
chweris 21
DarthYoda2594 21
diehardcubforever 21
EpicSchwinn 21
fredmerc111 21 LW: 8
Meany_Vizzini 21 12.7, -8, -4.1
mellolizard 21
MemeofMemeJTG999999 21 (5-2) (down 6) L: 26-29 (OT) @ #11 LSU (5-1) Next Week: Bye Projected Bowl: Texas vs Texas Tech
owlalwaysloveyew 21
Shootit_Rockets 21
SwissArmyScythe 21 -7
the_neverdoctor 21
BorisNumber1 22
Charlemagne42 22 66
G-Aardvark 22
goodnames679 22
nin478 22
placid_salad 22 LW: #14
seaotter2 22
SteemieRayVaughn 22
TheNSAAgent777 22
tmothy07 22
ya111101 22
e8odie 23
icklebush 23
KirbyDumber88 23
monkeymatt1836 23
NotSoSuperNerd 23 0.798 (8.6-3.4)
Polarbear1914 23
soonerfreak 23
WarEagle9 23
bwburke94 24
coletheredditer 24
eclectic_tastes 24
fshi 24
ikindalikelemons 24
JonesUCF34 24
jthomas694 24 Previously 11th.
ruwisc 24
tdeff19 24
boxbeat 25
kflinderman 25
Lex_Ludorum 25
Noelthemexican 25
ReallyCreative 25
retnuh101 25
Sometimeswelose 25
Staind075 25
thomasosu 25
udubdavid 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
spencej98 5
JoshuaMan024 8 239.09
ALToidzz 9
BeyondLiesTheWub 10 -1, similar to OSU reasoning. Model puts them above LSU and I realize they just lost head-to-head, but it went to OT at Death Valley so maybe that says something?
drewscottt 11 -5
journey1986 11
leadbymight 12
mthompson2320 12 LW: 5
SortaDecent 12
carsonivey72 13
aredna 14
BuckeyeForLife95 14
CakeEaters 14
grahamca 14 T38ᵗʰ W/L, T12ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 4ᵗʰ Team Strength, 2ⁿᵈ Quality of Wins
jackmc04 14 (-5) lane to florida #soon
Josh_historybuff 14 26-29 vs LSU (OT)
Noahsince2002 14
PattyKane16 14
PsychologicalFox8660 14
Rcfan0902 14 984.07
TheReformedBadger 14
twr96 14
willbill182 14
_Junk_Rat_ 15
brucewaynewins 15
DownshiftGD 15
gonshpreds1 15
JJones927 15
kcvtdc 15
maxwell6233 15
mfraga66 15
_JustinTheGreat_ 16
Aidanj927 16
Bereft13 16 Power: 13, SoR: 24; LW: 8
BG-WestyC 16
brihimia 16
gavinw24 16
geauxsaints777 16
Milflover69cbb 16 They just aren’t winning close games and as a kiffin supporter it’s probably his fault
mport97 16
Omegaus492 16
sly2bfox 16
SNjr 16
spaceblev11 16
thehornedlamb 16
yesiambear 16
ab317 17
ActuallyJasonPrice 17
Burnsite 17
CriterionCrypt 17
dawgfan24348 17
donbagert 17
dterp13 17
jwrtf 17
notsaying123 17
PersianGuitarist 17
quantum_jedi 17
RadiationRichard 17 LW - 10
Somali-Pirate-Lvl100 17
True_Ad5324 17 Need to go 10-2 for any playoff hope
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 17 Why on earth were they favorites going into Death Valley at night? This season kinda disappointing based off the expectations going into the year. Only real thing that could "redeem" the year would be a win against Georgia, but that surely won't happen
70277027 18
asbestosman2 18
BoilerUp28 18
MainPeanut25 18 -7
Mascorn 18
mill1634 18
msonar623 18
TheBeekman8 18
tisofold 18
Wumbology724 18
AdministrativeAnt683 19
Airweldon 19
dubkent 19
dukemetoo 19
Fghjkdid911 19
ianmcmoney 19
jibberishdhyukl 19
Living_Human 19
Luigiatl 19
munchermode 19
PeteyNice 19
PSUMediaPA 19
Salmon-Dude 19
sroach91 19
trust_the_process__ 19
Underground_Bread 19
bigred91224 20
DaewooLanosMFerr 20
dubscurry30 20
EBuckhouse 20
jonstark19 20 -9
JustAGuy7915 20
MajikSix 20
soonertiger 20
wittingtarsier 20
bruhstevenson 21
Chipsahoy523 21
ckubi 21
isrealball 21
ManiacalBlazer 21
Piptit 21
RipRaycom 21
sconbon 21
SomerandomIDFBfan 21
TheQuakinator 21
TheSleaze22 21
UTTuba16 21
WBLwiffleball 21
blaisek 22
bostonboy08 22
BoukenGreen 22
Dawg-Bite 22
divey043 22
ElyxUW 22
hurricaneatx 22 (5-2) - Quality wins: N/A
Jay_Dubbbs 22
KansasChaser2021 22
Mossed26 22
saquad69 22
Tylex123 22
Arvandu 23
drneilpretenamen 23
Hastronaut 23 Ole Miss loses a close one to LSU. They remain ranked for now.
pianoprofiteer 23
Shion314 23
ConstantPause1239 24
FoRtNiteizBAD 24
HopefulReb76 24 OC, RB coach, and OL coach should be fired. Dart needs to learn full reads instead of a single read. You will not win games doing QB designed runs up the middle or running up the middle on 3rd and long. Criminal use some amazing talent being wasted like Bentley, Preiskorn, and Watkins. Team could lose so many more games if this undisciplined poorly coached offense can not get it together. Also Canady..... talk to Amos learn to cover
mountain_troop86 24
mr_longfellow_deeds 24
RedBarracuda25 24 Lane Kiffin is never beating the James Franklin allegations
throwaway_6786 24 Two super-close losses so far for the Rebels, who take a huge drop (accelerated by Kentucky losing to Vanderbilt) after losing again to LSU. Ole Miss has looked dominant in their wins, which is the only reason why they're still ranked at all. They'll have a bye week to regroup before hosting a reeling Oklahoma, then a road trip to Fayetteville, and then a showdown against Georgia. Ole Miss is still in the SEC race, but they'll have to be perfect from here on out to have a chance, barring insane chaos.
Tight_Discipline_134 24
chillmagic420 25
Crelc3 25
dr_funk_13 25
fellohuman77 25
kevinsdomain 25
Lefunnymaymays4lief 25
NA_Faker 25
nebsA1 25
scsd4222 25
SignificanceFirm2398 25
sirvalkyerie 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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