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2024 Week 8 Boise State Broncos Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Stoneador 2
CPiGuy2728 6
HieloLuz 6 Points: 97.6 | Wins: 1 T2, 1 T4, 2 T6, 1 T7 | Losses: 1 T1 | 1 WB | 1 WP | 1 LB |
PlactusTX 6 (4) W Hawaii
ikindalikelemons 7
Meany_Vizzini 7 21.7, +5, +4.9
ToeInDigDeep 7
Muffinnnnnnn 8
T-nawtical 8
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 9 (+1)
cyberchaox 9
deadtofall12 9
CFBHurts 10
Ch-i-ef 10 Ashton Deanty
digdat0 10
DrKennethJNoisewater 10
GenialGiant 10
Joester09 10
placid_salad 10 LW: #11
ScarletFever333 10
shadowwingnut 10
aggiebruin27 11
BananaBouquet 11
Bank_Gothic 11
BenchRickyAguayo 11
ChemicalOle 11
cvsprinter1 11
Hugefootballfan44 11 LW: 12
Klaassy23 11 (LW Change: 0)
srs_house 11
TadKosciuszko 11
tauzeta 11
visor841 11
wameron 11
Extra_Excrement 12
MemeLovingLoser 12
PHubbs 12
TossedRightOut 12
ColombianInIowa24 13 Jeanty continues to thrive even on bad days with a solid win in the end over Hawaii. Up next a Top 25 match-up against a rightfully mad UNLV.
dabul-master 13
G-Aardvark 13
ReallyCreative 13
ShogunAshoka 13
Sometimeswelose 13
tdeff19 13
TheNSAAgent777 13
thomasosu 13
WolverineDDS 13
BearsAreGreat1 14
BlueFalcon89 14
Cars-and-Coffee 14
cornholesurfer 14
cyclonepsycho 14
D1N2Y 14
Daigotsu 14
dasani3x 14
EpicSchwinn 14
esoterik 14
goodnames679 14
Harpua99 14
HelioOne 14
Hey_Its_Roomie 14
huskerfan4life520 14
hythloday1 14
IceColdDrPepper_Here 14
Inkblot9 14
jmac_21 14
joebob431 14
JustAManAndHisLaptop 14
KirbyDumber88 14
KJdkaslknv 14 Lost to Oregon, who I have ranked above them.
Lex_Ludorum 14
nemoran 14
nw____ 14
OldCoaly 14
outthawazoo 14
Pure_Protein_Machine 14
RollWarTideEagle 14
Staind075 14
Striker743 14 Up 1
TDenverFan 14
trumpet_23 14
vanburen1845 14
Xtremeloco 14
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 15
Acm0028 15
AudiieVerbum 15
bannista7 15
Blooblod 15
BorisNumber1 15
Casaiir 15
Chris-P-Creme 15
chweris 15
colton_97 15
dogwoodmaple 15
Drexlore 15
eclectic_tastes 15
fshi 15
GatorBolt 15
Hackasizlak 15
halldaylong 15
jimbobbypaul 15
JonesUCF34 15
lillipup03 15
LiptonCB 15
magnumweiner 15
manbeardawg 15
owl_man 15
owlalwaysloveyew 15
pileatedloon 15
redrumsoxLoL 15
RegulatorRWF 15
royrules22 15
scronko 15
TopGoose 15
ucieaters33 15
WarEagle9 15
Wescat 15
ya111101 15
Zloggt 15 Is Boise #15 worthy? Well...of course, they have a blueblood-style player...but beyond that...who knows? Maybe they need to go full ancap and do their best to hope that them freaking glowie teams don't catch up to all they can do is watch for now...
10catsinspace 16
_fastball 16
Bill3ffinMurray 16
Blazeth 16
boxbeat 16
bties 16
Cecil_Hardboner 16
ch1l1_ch33s3 16
ChickenTaco 16
corundum9 16
creative_penguin 16
d_mcc_x 16
DampFrijoles 16
darkra01 16
e8odie 16
ewolfy13 16
fo13 16
fredmerc111 16 LW: 19
Helifino 16
icklebush 16
JamoRedhead 16
jaybigs 16
jrluhn 16
Knightro2011 16
nbingham196 16
noodlethebear 16
oghawks18 16
olmsted 16
Our-Gardian-Angel 16
PalmettoFace 16
PrimalCookie 16
Pyroblockx 16
rain_parkour 16
seaotter2 16
Shootit_Rockets 16
skuhlke 16
Sproded 16
SwissArmyScythe 16 +1
TimeBroken 16 Rank: #22
tks231 16
w8w8 16
woakley 16
AlexanderComet 17
AlphaH4wk 17
BallSoHerd 17
Cassiyus 17
coletheredditer 17
DarkLegend64 17
DarthYoda2594 17
Dropbackandpunt 17
fadingthought 17
fourpinz8 17
hascogrande 17
JBonkies 17 (-1)
jthomas694 17 Previously 19th. Their performance agaisnt Oregon looks better and better. Ashton Jeanty is the best player in the country. Can they win out and make the CFP? Probably
MahjongDaily 17
mellolizard 17
retnuh101 17
RheagarTargaryen 17
Ruhrgebietheld 17
ryseing 17
SCsprinter13 17
sirgippy 17
SlaminSammons 17
SteemieRayVaughn 17
tdoger 17
Techwid 17
Texasagsman 17
The-Gothic-Castle 17
tjstanley 17
VerySeriousBanana 17
arrowfan624 18
Buckeyes2010 18
ChaseTheFalcon 18 +4
cinciforthewin 18
Colton3690 18
CptCheese 18
Darth_Ra 18
djowen68 18
ExternalTangents 18 Net Rating: 30.33; O: 21.33, O Rank: 6; D: -9, D Rank: 59
grtgbln 18
HarbingerOfFun 18
HHcougar 18
infinitempg 18 0.836, +3
JustinMSU21 18
Longvols 18
MoneyManeVick 18
monkeymatt1836 18
noahthearc 18
Pollaski 18
Rakarei 18
rocco2246 18
soonerfreak 18
spsellers 18
TaylorLeprechaun 18 +1
theb52 18 39.500
titansfan174 18
tmothy07 18
WillWorkForSugar 18
A_Rolling_Baneling 19
ALStark69 19 +5
bernkastel87 19
bretticus33 19
CambodianDrywall 19
cfbguy 19
CockADoodleBOOM 19
CommodoreN7 19
conchobor 19
diehardcubforever 19
Due_Connection179 19 Last Week #17 at Hawaii / Won 28 - 7 / It looked very sketchy for Boise State up until the last 5 or so minutes of the 4th quarter. Maybe they partied a little bit in Hawaii the night before the game because the whole offense just looked slow for this game.
Hobbes_121 19
JaxofAllTrades13 19
jjjoebox 19
malowry0124 19
MrTheSpork 19
NyquillusDillwad20 19
Pikachu1989 19
Polarbear1914 19
posiitively 19
SpadeRyker 19
Terminal_BAS 19
ThaCarter 19
the_lost_carrot 19
TheZachster 19
YellowSkarmory 19
blahblehblahwhoru 20
bwburke94 20
grjohnst 20
jalexjsmithj 20
Keener1899 20
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 20
lookglen 20
MemeofMemeJTG999999 20 (5-1) (up 4) W: 28-7 @ Hawai’i (2-4) Next Week: Bye Projected Bowl: Playoff R1 @ Penn State
nin478 20
Noelthemexican 20
one98d 20
RegionalBias 20
RiffRamBahZoo 20
stripes361 20
texas2089 20
12panther 21
dan4223 21
DataDrivenPirate 21
eSpiritCorpse 21 0.8978
GilBrandt 21
Maladroit44 21
plannedsickdays 21
Player_1_has_Joined 21
r0sco 21
Red261 21
Doogitywoogity 22 And all 6 voices boomed as they announced through the universes, “BOISE STATE HAS A HEISMAN CALIBER RUNNING BACK” and quietly, “they will be ranked 22”
GeauxTri 22
MADBuc49 22 Would be the #12 playoff seed in this scenario, playing at #5 Ohio State in the first round
nburt13 22
realclean 22 -1
sasmith2015 22
studio_sally 22
BUSean 23
Conglossian 23 -1
Mr_Brews 23
ruwisc 23
strikersteve60 23
udubdavid 23
velociraptorfarmer 23
Charlemagne42 24 58.4
Fmeson 24
galacticdude7 24
hypercube42342 24
JeromesNiece 24
kflinderman 24
RJEP22 24 199.798 pts
stew_pac 24 +2
tallg8tor 24
DavoinShower-handle 25
IAmAChemicalEngineer 25
justsaynotoreddit 25 0.853

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
CallMeTheKing 2 111-1-21
carsonivey72 6
cfbpeoplespoll 6 210 points. Prev rank 8.
loganisfresh 6
bryophyta_insolitam 7 W 28-7 @ Hawai'i
ElyxUW 7
josh55134 8
1Subject 10
ActuallyJasonPrice 10
cirtnecoileh 10
corona779 10
EBuckhouse 10
HopefulReb76 10 If it wasn't for the closeish struggle game to an okay Hawai'i team they would have jumped Alabama and Georgia.
tisofold 10
WebfootTroll 10
cbusalex 11 W: #12 Washington St., #69 Ga. Southern, #121 Utah St., #125 Hawaii L: #1 Oregon
chillmagic420 11
FlashSpider-man 11
hoovereatscowpoop 11
RealignmentJunkie 11
sirvalkyerie 11
Spazzatack 11
throwaway_6786 11 Not the greatest win you'll ever see over a bad Hawai'i team, but they still won by three TDs and their loss to Oregon looks even better. That, plus the win over 5-1 Wazzu, pulls Boise State to #11 for now. They'll have a bye week before facing UNLV in Las Vegas in what will be a huge determinant in the race for the MWC Championship.
dawgfan24348 12
dukemetoo 12
notsaying123 12
PersianGuitarist 12
Salmon-Dude 12
The_Stratman 12
WRSpill 12 (12)
Yelich04 12 -
camus69x 13
ChBass 13
DeerPrison 13
kevinsdomain 13
MainPeanut25 13 +1, off day for Jeanty but good nonetheless
Protoco2 13
tatteredgnome_23 13
TheQuakinator 13
wittingtarsier 13
AdministrativeAnt683 14
Arvandu 14
bostonboy08 14
ckubi 14
Crelc3 14
dr_funk_13 14
fellohuman77 14
Fghjkdid911 14
FoRtNiteizBAD 14
isrealball 14
mthompson2320 14 LW: 12
Mynameisdiehard 14 Had some first half struggles against Hawaii but pulled away in the 4th as good teams should. Couple that with Oregon's win against OSU and BSUs 3 point loss to Oregon is looking like it was an early sign of how good this team really is. Look for this team to move up in future weeks.
samtaylor92 14
Shion314 14
sroach91 14
0010MK 15
ab317 15
Airweldon 15
Chipsahoy523 15
ConstantPause1239 15
CriterionCrypt 15
ianmcmoney 15
jibberishdhyukl 15
Josh_historybuff 15 28-7 vs Hawaii
JoshuaMan024 15 225.2
journey1986 15
Luigiatl 15
MajikSix 15
Mascorn 15
mathmanhale 15
mountain_troop86 15 Weird game against Hawaii. Jeanty 7 YPC is a bad game for them...wild
mport97 15
msonar623 15
munchermode 15
NA_Faker 15
PattyKane16 15
saquad69 15
sly2bfox 15
Somali-Pirate-Lvl100 15
SortaDecent 15
Sp1cyRice 15 (-1)
Underground_Bread 15
WBLwiffleball 15
Wumbology724 15
133112 16 Boise State made that game a little too close, but they've still got an impressive resume, with a ranked win and only losing to #1.
bolts_win_again 16
DaewooLanosMFerr 16
daredassdude 16
divey043 16
funt9rtle 16
hurricaneatx 16 (5-1) - Quality wins: Washington State
Jay_Dubbbs 16
JJones927 16
Lefunnymaymays4lief 16
Piptit 16
PSUMediaPA 16
scsd4222 16
SignificanceFirm2398 16
TheBeekman8 16
True_Ad5324 16 Have the heisman
twr96 16
Tylex123 16
willbill182 16
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 16 Ashton Jeanty should be by far the favorite for the Heisman. 1200 yards in 6 games is insane.
ziggysaysnada 16 +2
_Junk_Rat_ 17
ALToidzz 17
BoilerUp28 17
brihimia 17
Dawg-Bite 17
drneilpretenamen 17
ESPbeN 17
Fantastic-Calendar-9 17
geauxsaints777 17
gonshpreds1 17
HideNZeke 17
JackWK_Gaming 17
mfraga66 17
Milflover69cbb 17 A modest 217
Mossed26 17
nebsA1 17
newSomberMan 17
pianoprofiteer 17
RipRaycom 17
SaveTheCombees10 17
soonertiger 17
tcomn 17 Group E
ThompsonCreekTiger 17
Tight_Discipline_134 17
_JustinTheGreat_ 18
Aidanj927 18
BeyondLiesTheWub 18 +6
bruhstevenson 18
DownshiftGD 18
dterp13 18
Hastronaut 18
jackmc04 18 (+1) eh, didnt impress
jonstark19 18 +1
KansasChaser2021 18
LonghornInNebraska 18
Noahsince2002 18
ntny 18
PsychologicalFox8660 18
Sauronslefteye 18 (-1) Correcting based on how the season has progressed
Sflabuckeye13 18
spaceblev11 18
thatoneguyD13 18 Tier 4.
Tornadohunter24 18 (+1)
trust_the_process__ 18
Xy13 18
yesiambear 18
70277027 19
big_thunder_man 19 5-1. Should have beaten Oregon. Why did I drop them after beating Hawaii? Because I watched chunks of it, and Hawaii (??) slowed down Jeanty. Still my Heisman favorite, but honestly, 15 fourth quarter points made this a much better game than it actually was.
bigred91224 19
blaisek 19
CakeEaters 19
dubscurry30 19
JustAGuy7915 19
kcvtdc 19
maxwell6233 19
mr_longfellow_deeds 19
Omegaus492 19
Bereft13 20 Power: 18, SoR: 25; LW: 18
BG-WestyC 20
Effective-Lead-6657 20 (-1)
gavinw24 20
mill1634 20
sconbon 20
SNjr 20
SomerandomIDFBfan 20
TheReformedBadger 20
UTTuba16 20
Burnsite 21
donbagert 21
drewscottt 21 NEW
Living_Human 21
thehornedlamb 21
BuckeyeForLife95 22
enneper4 22
leadbymight 22
PeteyNice 22
RadiationRichard 22 LW - 24
Rcfan0902 22 879.16
Serenityy8 22
Aggravating-Steak-69 23
asbestosman2 23
grahamca 23 T12ᵗʰ W/L, T12ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 38ᵗʰ Team Strength, 25ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
spencej98 23
TheSleaze22 23
aredna 24
brucewaynewins 24
dubkent 24
jwrtf 24
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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