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2024 Week 5 Boston College Eagles Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
G-Aardvark 13
Striker743 13 Down 4 - Missouri looked worse, still beat a good Michigan State team
bwburke94 14
ColombianInIowa24 14 The only 1-loss team in the top. Solid showing against MSU and still impressive showing against Mizzou. Up next WKU.
ehoefler 15 75.07 | NEW +14
SpadeRyker 15
PlactusTX 17 (—) W Michigan State
rocco2246 17
BUSean 18
ExternalTangents 18 Net Rating: 31; O: 19.25, O Rank: 11; D: -11.75, D Rank: 45
kamiller2020 18
DataDrivenPirate 19
galacticdude7 19
JustAManAndHisLaptop 19
Klaassy23 19 (LW Change: +1)
MoneyManeVick 19
tallg8tor 19
ChaseTheFalcon 20 NR
hythloday1 20
tmothy07 20
10catsinspace 21
AlexanderComet 21
CPiGuy2728 21
cvsprinter1 21
cyberchaox 21
RheagarTargaryen 21
TheZachster 21
blahblehblahwhoru 22
DarkLegend64 22
Helifino 22
OldCoaly 22
PHubbs 22
royrules22 22
ScarletFever333 22
skuhlke 22
T-nawtical 22
udubdavid 22
ya111101 22
Blazeth 23
CFBHurts 23
D1N2Y 23
Due_Connection179 23 Last Week #19 vs Michigan State // Won 23 - 19 // Won this game with some Red Bandanna Luck, but their last 6 quarters of football have been concerning after their nice start to their season.
GatorBolt 23 Good win against an improved Michigan State. While I could put 4-0 P5 teams here, they shouldn't be punished for their one loss being on the road in a close game and I do think they have a chance for a solid year this year.
GenialGiant 23
jalexjsmithj 23
SCsprinter13 23
seaotter2 23
ShogunAshoka 23
vanburen1845 23
Wescat 23
BabyBladder 24
Cars-and-Coffee 24
Charlemagne42 24 Adjustment: 1.9%
coletheredditer 24 Mizzou is good, I swear
Doogitywoogity 24
HarbingerOfFun 24
olmsted 24
redrumsoxLoL 24 BC's sole loss comes as a close loss to Missouri and has two P4 victories as well so keep an eye on the Eagles here
romulusjsp 24 (NR)
TaylorLeprechaun 24 +1
AudiieVerbum 25
Bill3ffinMurray 25
corundum9 25
cota1212 25
dasani3x 25
Hackasizlak 25
jjjoebox 25
MemeofMemeJTG999999 25 (3-1) (up 4) W: 23-19 vs Michigan State (3-1) Next Week: vs Western Kentucky (3-1) Projected Bowl: Gator vs Arkansas Next 5: 26. Pittsburgh (4-0) (was unranked) 27. Texas A&M (3-1) (down 1) 28. Nebraska (3-1) (down 9) 29. Kansas State (3-1) (down 17) 20. James Madison (3-0) (was unranked) Fell out of T30: 1. Northern Illinois (2-1) (was 21) 2. Memphis (3-1) (was 24) 3. Syracuse (2-1) (was 25) 4. Washington State (4-0) (was 30) Biggest Riser: BYU (UR->18) Biggest Faller: Kansas State (12->29)
RegulatorRWF 25
Sproded 25
TadKosciuszko 25
UMeister 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
CallMeTheKing 8 21-1-111
Jacob_Sumner 8
camus69x 15
daredassdude 15
johnjones55 15
grahamca 17 T27ᵗʰ W/L, T16ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 17ᵗʰ Team Strength, 13ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
Wumbology724 17
CallingUagoatUgoat 18 1 SP+ T-10 loss (Missouri).
DeerPrison 18
1Subject 19
JustAGuy7915 19
Underground_Bread 19
cfbpeoplespoll 20 80 pts. Prev rank 39.
Devintheroaster 20
GeyWeyner12 20
leadbymight 20
jibberishdhyukl 21
jwrtf 21
mountain_troop86 21
spaceblev11 21
throwaway_6786 21 A dicey win overall, but it's still a good sign that the Eagles bounced back and won a close game after dropping a close one to Mizzou. We'll see just how good MSU is as the season wears on, but BC has a month before Louisville comes to Chestnut Hill.
ConstantPause1239 22
DaewooLanosMFerr 22
FsuNolezz 22
PattyKane16 22
sirvalkyerie 22
True_Ad5324 22
hurricaneatx 23 (3-1) -
Laschoni 23
Yelich04 23 NR
BoilerUp28 24
gavinw24 24
LoCh0_xX 24
MajikSix 24
schneeplehoppen 24
thatoneguyD13 24 Tier 4.
70277027 25
carsonivey72 25
cbusalex 25
NA_Faker 25
owl-bears 25
Sp1cyRice 25 (+32)
tisofold 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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