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2024 Week 4 Missouri Tigers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
cyberchaox 2
Hey_Its_Roomie 2
ShogunAshoka 2
TadKosciuszko 2
infinitempg 3 0.881
jimbobbypaul 3
Joester09 3
Mr_Brews 3
placid_salad 3 LW #6
wameron 3
arrowfan624 4
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 4
HieloLuz 4 Points: 38.33 | Wins: 2 T5, 1 T7 | 1 WP |
joebob431 4
MrTheSpork 4
Noy_Telinu 4
OKgolfer 4
olmsted 4
Rakarei 4
ruwisc 4
Sophocles5 4
aggiebruin27 5
BUSean 5
Cassiyus 5
ChickenTaco 5
D1N2Y 5
DisraeliEers 5
Due_Connection179 5 Last Week #5 vs #16 Boston College // Won 27 - 21 // I think people will not give Missouri the right amount of credit for this win. Boston College has shown up every week this season, and Mizzou held them off for a nice win at home.
G-Aardvark 5
jjjoebox 5
jrichardh 5
Knightro2011 5
one98d 5
redrumsoxLoL 5
RegulatorRWF 5
rocco2246 5
romulusjsp 5 (+1)
Ruhrgebietheld 5
shadowwingnut 5
srs_house 5
Wescat 5
Zloggt 5
bretticus33 6 Missouri finally played a team with a pulse and won, so they move up over Ole Miss and Penn State due to having a better win than those two. Wasn’t the cleanest win for Mizzou though.
captain_sasquatch 6
Ch-i-ef 6 The dynasty of Vanderbilt has fallen. Were they looking ahead to you, Missouri? Upset alert??
CommodoreN7 6
CptCheese 6
Dropbackandpunt 6
fourpinz8 6
IAmAChemicalEngineer 6
Inkblot9 6
JamoRedhead 6
jaybigs 6
lillipup03 6
MADBuc49 6 Like the others, a crapshoot at this point in difference; would be #8 seed in 12-team playoff
manbeardawg 6
owlalwaysloveyew 6
posiitively 6
Red261 6
RegionalBias 6
RheagarTargaryen 6
ScarletFever333 6
seaotter2 6
SearonTrejorek 6 0.81241
Sproded 6
Staind075 6
Striker743 6 Up 3
strikersteve60 6
T-nawtical 6 +2
UNC_Samurai 6
w8w8 6
ya111101 6
zenverak 6
12panther 7
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 7
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 7
ALStark69 7 0
BallSoHerd 7
BananaBouquet 7
BearsAreGreat1 7
boxbeat 7
bties 7
buckeyes75 7
BugsSuck 7
cfbguy 7
ChaseTheFalcon 7 --
conchobor 7
Corgi_Koala 7
cornholesurfer 7
cvsprinter1 7
DampFrijoles 7
dan4223 7
darkra01 7
DavoinShower-handle 7
diehardcubforever 7
djowen68 7
dogwoodmaple 7
fredmerc111 7 LW: 5
frone 7
galacticdude7 7
GeauxTri 7
GoBlueScrewOSU7 7
grjohnst 7
grtgbln 7
HarbingerOfFun 7
Hobbes_121 7
ikindalikelemons 7
jeedf 7
jmac_21 7
jrluhn 7
jthomas694 7
kflinderman 7
KirbyDumber88 7
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 7
LiptonCB 7
Longvols 7
Maladroit44 7
mellolizard 7
MemeofMemeJTG999999 7 (3-0) (up 1) W: 27-21 vs #22 Boston College (2-1) Next Week: vs Vanderbilt (2-1) Projected Bowl: Playoff R1 @ Tennessee
nbingham196 7
nemoran 7
Noelthemexican 7
Our-Gardian-Angel 7
PalmettoFace 7
PHubbs 7
practicallybert 7
ProbablyRickSantorum 7
realclean 7 +1
ReallyCreative 7
ryseing 7
sasmith2015 7
SharkMovies 7
SteemieRayVaughn 7
TheNSAAgent777 7
TossedRightOut 7
vanburen1845 7
WarEagle9 7
Xtremeloco 7
_fastball 8
AudiieVerbum 8
BabyBladder 8
Bank_Gothic 8
bannista7 8
BosskOnASegway 8
CambodianDrywall 8
Casaiir 8
Cecil_Hardboner 8
chaser676 8
chweris 8
CockADoodleBOOM 8
ColombianInIowa24 8 Hurt a little by rough battle with BC.
creative_penguin 8
dabul-master 8
DarkLegend64 8
DarthYoda2594 8 I wish I could put them higher just don't see a spot in front of the other teams. Impressed with basically all of their performances so far, and their pass game threat is still lurking to have a huge breakout game.
dasani3x 8
Doogitywoogity 8 I love it when central time zone team beats east coast Eagles team
Drexlore 8
EpicSchwinn 8
ewolfy13 8 Ok I may be coming around to mizzou being good
GatorBolt 8 Well, turned out their OOC was tougher than expected. Still they survived what may turn out to be a solid BC team.
GenialGiant 8
Hackasizlak 8
hascogrande 8
IceColdDrPepper_Here 8
icklebush 8
JustAManAndHisLaptop 8
JustinMSU21 8
Klaassy23 8 (LW Change: +1)
magnumweiner 8
MahjongDaily 8
malowry0124 8
MemeLovingLoser 8
ndbroski 8
nin478 8
noodlethebear 8
nw____ 8 Tricky BC! Almost had them. I think it might say more about BC than Mizzou, though.
outthawazoo 8
owl_man 8
pileatedloon 8
Pollaski 8
PumpSmash 8
Pure_Protein_Machine 8
rain_parkour 8
RollWarTideEagle 8
scronko 8
soonerfreak 8
SpadeRyker 8
spmartin1993 8
SwissArmyScythe 8 -1
TaylorLeprechaun 8 -1
TDenverFan 8
Terminal_BAS 8
texas2089 8
Texasagsman 8
The-Gothic-Castle 8
Tman450x 8
ToeInDigDeep 8
trumpet_23 8
velociraptorfarmer 8
VerySeriousBanana 8
washington_jefferson 8
woakley 8
AlexanderComet 9
bakonydraco 9 80.388
Bill3ffinMurray 9
Blazeth 9
BorisNumber1 9
Buckeyes2010 9
CFBHurts 9
cinciforthewin 9
colton_97 9
Conglossian 9 +1
Corporal_Hicks 9
cota1212 9
e8odie 9
eclectic_tastes 9
halldaylong 9
Helifino 9
huskerfan4life520 9
JonesUCF34 9
Lex_Ludorum 9
Meany_Vizzini 9 20.1, +1, +1.6
MoneyManeVick 9
monkeymatt1836 9
Pikachu1989 9
puffadda 9
royrules22 9
skuhlke 9
spsellers 9
T-Thugs 9 Missouri is 3-0 with a nice win over Boston College (2-1)
tks231 9
WolverineDDS 9
Acm0028 10
AlphaH4wk 10
BamaPride95 10
Blooblod 10
Branzilla91 10
ChemicalOle 10
coletheredditer 10 Beat a ranked team, ignore that first half
esoterik 10
eSpiritCorpse 10 0.9385
fshi 10
HHcougar 10
Hugefootballfan44 10 LW: 9
Jakesnake42 10 77.46 Last Week: NR
JBonkies 10 (+1) Good to see Burden get going this week in the first game that was a test for Missouri.
lookglen 10
noahthearc 10
PrimalCookie 10
Pyroblockx 10
r0sco 10
RiffRamBahZoo 10
SlaminSammons 10
stew_pac 10 -3
tallg8tor 10
tdoger 10
thomasosu 10
TimeBroken 10 Rank: #12
tjstanley 10
TopGoose 10
WillWorkForSugar 10
A_Rolling_Baneling 11
BenchRickyAguayo 11
bernkastel87 11
blahblehblahwhoru 11
bwburke94 11
deadtofall12 11
DrKennethJNoisewater 11
Feral_Squirrel 11
Fmeson 11
Harpua99 11
HelioOne 11
hypercube42342 11
No11223456 11
Player_1_has_Joined 11
RJEP22 11 (3-0) 123.124 pts
SCsprinter13 11
The_Good_Constable 11
TouchdownHeroes 11 LW: 11
ucieaters33 11
10catsinspace 12
52hoova 12
Charlemagne42 12 Adjustment: 12.7%
Daigotsu 12
ExternalTangents 12
JeromesNiece 12
Muffinnnnnnn 12
oghawks18 12
PlactusTX 12 (13) W Boston College
plannedsickdays 12
Polarbear1914 12
retnuh101 12
ThaCarter 12
tmothy07 12
corundum9 13
digdat0 13
Sometimeswelose 13
titansfan174 13
visor841 13
ch1l1_ch33s3 14
MarlinsGuy 14
NotSoSuperNerd 14 0.785 (9.0-3.0)
Shootit_Rockets 14
the_lost_carrot 14
Darth_Ra 15
goodnames679 15
hythloday1 15
NyquillusDillwad20 15
ehoefler 16 81.03 | NEW +24
Stoneador 16 ['Buffalo', 'Boston College', 'Massachusetts', 'Florida State']
luckroy 17
theb52 17 39.167
Colton3690 18
CPiGuy2728 18
justsaynotoreddit 18 0.866
RobertNeyland 18
JaxofAllTrades13 19
jalexjsmithj 20
spasm01 20
Apep86 22
studio_sally 23
70stang 25 TIER 7 - 3-0 Teams with 1 P5 win, 1 G5 win, and 1 FCS win There are 3 teams in this tier, which is comprised of teams who have beaten 1 P5, 1 G5, and 1 FCS all at home. Mizzou takes the top spot due to strength of played schedule. Mizzou is 3-0 with 1 P5 win, 1 G5 win, 1 FCS win, and a strength of played schedule of 30th. RECEIVING VOTES: Illinois - 3-0 with 1 P5 win, 1 G5 win, and 1 FCS win, strength of played schedule of 63rd Nebrasks - 3-0 with 1 P5 win, 1 G5 win, and 1 FCS win, strength of played schedule of 97th

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
grahamca 1 T1ˢᵗ W/L, T1ˢᵗ Predicted Wins, 2ⁿᵈ Team Strength, 1ˢᵗ Quality of Wins
wittingtarsier 1
133112 2 Beat BC in a close game, but one of the few games played this week by a highly ranked team against a good opponent this weekend, and sadly for myself, they probably had one of the best opponents, with BC far better right now than UW.
aredna 2
Rcfan0902 2 584.38
Beneficial_Present29 3
ChBass 3
MajikSix 3
cirtnecoileh 4
FoRtNiteizBAD 4
HideNZeke 4
JackWK_Gaming 4
journey1986 4
WebfootTroll 4
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 4 BC is a good team this year, Bill O'Brien seems to have them in a good place. not going to drop them because I didn't drop UGA (also i dont want to mess up my rankings cause i'm already done with them. we'll get to it next week if it comes to it)
msonar623 5
Sebene 5
Shion314 5
Spazzatack 5
SpeddyDawg 5
tms42206 5
0010MK 6
ab317 6
alttabbins 6
BG-WestyC 6
ckubi 6
dawgfan24348 6
dheck2016 6
DillyDillySzn 6
donbagert 6 Importarnt win.
dterp13 6
dubscurry30 6
eddietheintern 6
ESPbeN 6
Fghjkdid911 6
Jay_Dubbbs 6
kevinsdomain 6
leadbymight 6
Living_Human 6
MainPeanut25 6 Solid win
munchermode 6
PerfectZeroKnowledge 6
PeteyNice 6
PsychologicalFox8660 6
quantum_jedi 6 Faced with their first real test of the year, the Tigers came away with a win against a surprisingly good BC team.
RealignmentJunkie 6
SomerandomIDFBfan 6
supercon21 6
Tornadohunter24 6
Tylex123 6
WBLwiffleball 6
willbill182 6
-Gnostic28 7
70277027 7
7_evyn 7
_TGT7 7 -1
AnAngryPanda1 7
bolts_win_again 7
BoukenGreen 7
BuckeyeForLife95 7
camus69x 7
ConstantPause1239 7
cookie__monster___ 7
coolguyrealcool 7
Crelc3 7
CriterionCrypt 7
DeerPrison 7
dubkent 7
ElyxUW 7
geauxsaints777 7
greysatire 7
irishGOP413 7
JordanDean04 7 (+1) Jumps Miami after picking up a ranked win against a P4 opponent.
Josh_historybuff 7 27-21 vs Boston College
jwrtf 7 -1
Kirkwood641 7
luciusetrur 7 LW: 6 Change : -1
Luigiatl 7
Midnight-Mustang 7
mill1634 7
mswise506 7 Beat the teams they should have by hugged margins + a ranked win puts them over penn state/Ole miss/TN
MuhMuhManRay 7
NastyWideOuts 7
OCD3ds 7
Omegaus492 7
penix4heisman 7
pianoprofiteer 7
PSUMediaPA 7
Salmon-Dude 7
sammyt21 7
Sauronslefteye 7
Scruggerboy 7
sirvalkyerie 7
slatibartifast3 7
spaceblev11 7
sroach91 7
tbutrie1916 7
The_Candler 7
thefarsideinside 7
thejus10 7
TheReformedBadger 7
True_Ad5324 7 Great comeback win
trust_the_process__ 7
usernamegoeshere763 7
UTTuba16 7
WRSpill 7 (8)
Yelich04 7 ^3
ziggysaysnada 7
Aidanj927 8
ALToidzz 8
Arvandu 8
bigred91224 8
BoilerUp28 8
corona779 8
dukemetoo 8
Effective-Lead-6657 8
FlashSpider-man 8
FsuNolezz 8
GoxxoG 8
HoustonHorns 8 Missouri has looked good so far. A win over a solid BC squad is more impressive to me than a win over Florida. Although the appeared fraudulent, they battled back and made plays when it counted. They have the talent of a top 10 team, and a win over a solid BC squad. I don't think they have looked as impressive as the teams ahead of them, nor do I think the BC win is as impressive.
jibberishdhyukl 8
JJones927 8
JustAGuy7915 8
KansasChaser2021 8
ManiacalBlazer 8
Mascorn 8 Played not good against Boston college barely winning the game
mfraga66 8
mr_longfellow_deeds 8
Mynameisdiehard 8 Next 3 + Mizzou are very tight group to me. Quality win over a T25 hover team in BC give Mizzou the edge to be the top of this group.
Piptit 8
RedBarracuda25 8 Good shit tigahs, This team might have the same juice as last year
redrhino777 8
ScooterLeShooter 8
scottyjetpax 8
silfarion10 8
SNjr 8
Somali-Pirate-Lvl100 8
spencej98 8
spicywarlock73 8
TheQuakinator 8
TheSleaze22 8
Underground_Bread 8
_Junk_Rat_ 9
_JustinTheGreat_ 9
Airweldon 9
Bereft13 9 Power: 10, SoR: 9; LW: 12
brihimia 9
brucewaynewins 9
bruhstevenson 9 Win over a (at the time) ranked team in BC. Wasn’t the most impressive showing, but gets the job done over a quality opponent (-)
Burnsite 9
chillmagic420 9
Chipsahoy523 9
daredassdude 9
doctrhouse 9
DownshiftGD 9
dr_funk_13 9
forkedravioli 9
gavinw24 9
GeyWeyner12 9
hurricaneatx 9 (3-0) -
isrealball 9
jonstark19 9 0
josh55134 9
KCSportsFan7 9
kcspot 9
mathmanhale 9
Menktenk 9
Middle_Wheel_5959 9
mikecsiy 9
Noahsince2002 9
PattyKane16 9
PowerWalkingInThe90s 9
RubbleHome 9
Serenityy8 9
Sflabuckeye13 9
simplygabi 9
tcomn 9 Group B
TheBeekman8 9
TheGlassRemains 9
throwaway_6786 9 A good win over Boston College, though it was sketchy for a while after going down 14-3. Mizzou has a pretty light schedule from now until their late October trip to Tuscaloosa, so I would imagine Missouri should have little issue going 7-0 before then.
yesiambear 9 If you want to be in the top 10, you have to win games like that.
BeyondLiesTheWub 10 -2
carsonivey72 10
cnpeters 10 84.04 Points. Best Win vs #40 Boston College (65.93)
DaewooLanosMFerr 10
Dan20698 10
drneilpretenamen 10
EBuckhouse 10
JoshuaMan024 10 237.81
loganisfresh 10 Didn't play great but got the win against a good Boston College team.
maxwell6233 10
Mayonezee 10
Minnesnowtaaa 10
SaguaroCactus19 10
saquad69 10
STL_12 10
twr96 10
vindictivejazz 10
cbusalex 11
Fantastic-Calendar-9 11 LW: 11
Hastronaut 11
HopefulReb76 11 Mizzou struggled for the first half of their game last weekend against a Boston College team that might be better than I had thought after two consecutive shutouts for the tigers.
inconvenientpoop 11
kcvtdc 11
LonghornInNebraska 11
mcdsmaster8824 11
Milflover69cbb 11 Bc hung in there and that’s not good for mizzou that should’ve been an easy “ranked” win
mountain_troop86 11 Tough test and maybe playing no one's was an issue and got punched in the mouth by BC
mthompson2320 11 LW: 10
OG_Felwinter 11
owl-bears 11
RadiationRichard 11 LW - 23
samtaylor92 11
StripedSteel 11
swdanley17 11
tatteredgnome_23 11
TheFalconGuy 11
civfan5843 12
enneper4 12
Got_That_WeeFee 12
notsaying123 12
patriots230 12
RipRaycom 12
sconbon 12
soonertiger 12
thatoneguyD13 12 Tier 3. Solid win over good BC team
thehornedlamb 12
FigletPiglet 13 -1
OSU_Shecter 13
scsd4222 13
Sp1cyRice 13
youngs2309 13
CallMeTheKing 14 4-0-129
cheeks_mcgoo 14
chief_sitass 14
ianmcmoney 14
Protoco2 14
SaveTheCombees10 14
hoovereatscowpoop 15
Xy13 17
cfbpeoplespoll 20 65 pts. Prev. 46
Jacob_Sumner 20
boomersooner222 21
1Subject 23
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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