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2012 Week 3 Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
burgler 3
dabul-master 13
shwilson24 19
hondaaccord 20
Kickit2Peterson7 20
dannylandulf 21
walterwizzight 21
Jakegarr 22
mildlypeeved 22
152515 23
Arronwy 23
Bum_bacon 23
Nixon_Corral 23
One_Quick_Question 23
RagingWombats 23
TheCid 23
abdalfarn 24
Apep86 24
darth_turtle 24
jlh2b 24
SmokingCricket 24
thatonepianoguy 24
thrav 24
Ad_Vance 25
apfpilot 25
bissimo 25
bobosaurs 25
Bobtheweedbunny 25
brtucker 25
buttlordZ 25
cfbguy 25
epicschwinn 25
gbuntin 25
incandescence14 25
kflinderman 25
mellolizard 25
Mhurley187 25
modestcuntdestroyer 25
NeededLogic 25
Red261 25
Squishy33 25
StinsonBeach 25
trickdiesel 25
WuTangConnor 25
zomglolreddit 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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