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Player_1_has_Joined Ballot for 2024 Week 5

Ballot Type: Computer

Submitted: Sept. 23, 2024, 1:24 p.m.

Overall Rationale: At the beginning of the season my ballot begins as a strict power ranking and over the course of the year, resume becomes weighted more and more. As we are now about a third of the way into the season for most teams, the resume portion is starting to play a bigger role. Right now I feel like I am seeing it hurt more teams than it is helping at least in my top 25. For example, I don't think Ohio State is the number 9 team in the country. They are top 5 in my opinion (and by the power rating aspect of my model) but they haven't played any schools that are impressive from a resume standpoint. The other big outlier is UCF. My model is pretty high on them from a power rating and resume standpoint. It'll be interesting to see if I am ahead of the curve on them or if they are just an anomaly.

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