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DarthYoda2594 Ballot for 2024 Week 5

Ballot Type: Human

Submitted: Sept. 22, 2024, 8:04 a.m.

Overall Rationale: Try to match efficiency metrics with quality of wins and losses. Basically an objective ranking, with an eye test tweak. A lot of middle-ranking teams lost to other ranked teams which didn't necessarily move them out. Bottom of the rankings and first few out mostly won, so not too much change at the bottom other than resequencing based on reevaluation of results of other wins/losses earlier in the season. New this week: BYU (22), Illinois (24). Dropped out: Kansas State (13 - bad loss, their win from last week might not be very good, couldn't be above the team that beat them), Nebraska (18 - fine loss in a very close game but same as K-state, can't be above who beat them when both teams have decent resumes). Next few out, in rough order: SMU, Texas A&M, Iowa, Pitt, Kansas State, Nebraska, Arkansas, South Carolina, Washington State, Navy

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