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ryumast3r Ballot for 2022 Week 13

Ballot Type: Computer

Submitted: Nov. 22, 2022, 1:55 a.m.

Overall Rationale: How it works: This is the Biorhythmic Ratings Over Holistic Methodology (BROHM) rankings originally created by /u/factorialite and modified and used with their permission. The way BROHM works is that each team is assigned points based on the following: P5 teams 150 points to start; G5 teams 100 points; FCS Playoff (last year) teams 75 points; and all other FCS teams 50 points. For each game, a team contributes half of its points into the game pool (so if a P5 team starts against another P5 team they each contribute 75 points). Then, they take out points based on their Pythagorean share in that game (PointsFOR^2/(PointsFOR^2+PointsAGAINST^2)). This way, it's possible for a "bad" team to play a "good" team close and ultimately win points despite losing the game. Alternatively, it is possible for a "good" team to win a game and ultimately lose points to a "bad" team by not beating them by enough. Lastly, to help prevent as major swings every week while also filtering generally "good" teams to the top, this ranking is run through several times. I found this helps stabilize the rankings week-to-week, however it doesn't prevent the model from coming up with extremely "hot" takes (which add to the fun, imo).

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