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Charlemagne42 Ballot for 2018 Week 9

Ballot Type: Computer

Submitted: Oct. 21, 2018, 1:08 p.m.

Overall Rationale: See last week's ballot for a detailed explanation. TL;DR: Play good teams and win your games by a lot. _______________________________ Major update this week: I added a MoV component. Right now it only considers total MoV against FBS teams. One interesting side effect is that since MoV can be negative, a few of the worst teams' scores have fallen below the FCS placeholder. These include 11 G5 teams and Oregon State. The benefit of adding a MoV component is that now, I can account for the difference between blowing out a team and notching a last-second field goal to go ahead by 1. The downside is that it takes longer for me to update the model every week, and now I have to try to balance it mid-season. ___________________________________ I'd like to make clear the distinction between a hybrid ballot and a computer ballot with model tweaking/balancing. Earlier in the season, when I was in hybrid mode, I tweaked each team's final score individually, independent of any other teams. Now, in computer mode, any balancing tweaks I make affect all teams evenly.

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